Executive Summary M-RETS will track renewable generation located within the state and provincial boundaries of Canada and The United States of America. Any generator located outside of the geographic footprint of M-RETS owned by a participating utility, or a project with a contract with a participating utility to deliver energy into the M-RETS footprint may participate in M-RETS. Any other generator may request to participate at an adjusted fee schedule to account for the recovery of start-up costs of the tracking system, and such a request is subject to approval by the M-RETS Board. Renewable generation is defined as energy generated by a facility that is considered renewable as defined by any area of the countries listed above. The M-RETS Administrator will issue one electronic M-RETS Certificate for each MWh of renewable energy that is generated by registered generators. To ensure that double-counting does not occur, generators participating in M-RETS must report 100% of their generation output in M-RETS. Participation in M-RETS is voluntary. Any party, including non-generators, such as traders, marketers, and end-use customers may establish an account in the system. There is one basic type of organization for all M-RETS users. The basic organization contains two different accounts: An Active Account A Retirement Account
M-RETS Certificates are originally deposited into the Active Organization associated with the revenue meter established at the time of generator registration. users can then transfer M-RETS Certificates to the other accounts and other users. M-RETS users will be able to perform various functions and transactions within each active account.
All data in M-RETS will be verified. M-RETS will not determine eligibility for compliance or voluntary programs. Each individual state will be responsible for determining whether or not a particular generating unit qualifies for a state program. However, the State Commissions may use the information collected and verified by M-RETS to conduct this determination.
M-RETS will issue reports on activity within the system. There are five types of public reports:
M-RETS Generators M-RETS Organizations Certificate Statistics by: • Fuel Type • Fuel Source • Program Eligibility • Ownership Type • Capacity
Public reports will be accessible to anyone via the public page on the M-RETS website.
Introduction – Development of these Operating Procedures M-RETS staff were all involved with the creation and editing of these Operating Procedures. At the time of creation, M-RETS staff consisted of: Benjamin Gerber, Executive Director Tanya Gajewska, Chief Administrative Officer Rosie Hoyem, Program Manager Sean Darling, Technical Program Coordinator
Geographic Scope M-RETS will track renewable generation located within North America. Any generator located outside of the geographic footprint of M-RETS owned by a participating utility, or a generator with a contract with a participating utility to deliver energy into the M-RETS footprint may participate in M-RETS. Any generator outside of North America may request to participate, and such a request is subject to approval by the M-RETS Board. Renewable generation is defined as energy generated by a facility that is considered renewable as defined by any state/province within North America. State definitions of renewable energy are found in Appendix. In addition, M-RETS will consider tracking non-renewable generation from any of these states, but additional fees will apply commensurate with the additional costs to the system for tracking the non-renewable generation.
Participation in M-RETS Participation in M-RETS is voluntary, though some states or provinces may require participation in M-RETS for purposes of regulatory program compliance. Any party that registers with M-RETS and pays applicable fees may establish an Organization in the system.
BY 'M-RETS Admin' ON '2019-02-15T16:39:33' NOTE: 'updated to include ToU'] Confidentiality Except where permission has been explicitly granted, all user information will be held strictly confidential. user information will only be released in aggregate through the reporting process. ...something about identity verification when discussing info on the phone.
More information about confidentiality can be found in our Terms of Use, section 11 here: https://help.mrets.org/platform-documents/terms-of-use
Establishing an M-RETS Organization Any person or entity that wants to participate in M-RETS must establish an M-RETS Organization. There is no limit to the number of separate Organizations a company or individual may establish. Registrants will provide basic Organization registration information, such as user name, address, contact info etc. to the M-RETS Administrator through a secure web-page on the M-RETS website. The registrant will also be required to supply payment for any Organization registration fees. An Organization in M-RETS will remain active until terminated. Termination can be initiated by the user by notifying the M-RETS Administrator.
M-RETS will check all Organization registration or modified existing Organization entries for completeness. Mandatory fields that are not completed by the registrant will be flagged to the submitter through an error message.
BY 'M-RETS Admin' ON '2019-02-15T16:41:03' NOTE: 'Updated to properly describe the first subscription fee.'] The subscriber shall pay an annual Subscription Fee, during the first week of the month after registration. A renewal fee will be due in the month of registration of each subsequent calendar year. The Subscription Fee will be based upon the type of organization subscribed.
Micro-Generator Project Subscription: $50/year 1. i.This type of organization can register a total of up to 100 kW in nameplate capacity of renewable generators and have certificates issued to it for its [ANNOTATION:
BY 'M-RETS Admin' ON '2019-02-08T21:37:09' NOTE: 'RH: We should replace all references to "projects" with "generators". That change should be complete in the system within a couple of weeks.' NOTE: '' NOTE: 'And we should update these account type subscriptions here and on the mrets.org web page.'] generators. A Micro-Generator Project can hold, transfer (only outgoing transfers), withdraw and retire certificates. A Micro-Generator Project cannot receive transfers from other parties. 2. Small Generator Project Subscription: $125/year
- This type of organization can register a total of up to 1.5 MW in nameplate capacity of renewable generators and have certificates issued to it for its generators. A Small Generator Project can hold, transfer (only outgoing transfers), withdraw and retire certificates. A Small Generator Project cannot receive transfers from other parties.
- Project Subscription: $550/year
- This type of organization can register renewable generators and have certificates issued to it for its generators. A Project can hold, transfer (only outgoing transfers), withdraw, and retire certificates. This type of organization cannot receive transfers from other parties.
- General Subscription: $2,200/year
- This type of organization can hold, transfer (outgoing and incoming), and retire credits as well as register and maintain generators and have credits issued to it for its generators. This organization type is the only type that can retire certificates for compliance with any of the State RPS programs utilizing MRETS.
- Retail Purchaser Subscription: $1,100/year
- This type of organization is for retail purchasers of credits. A Retail Purchaser can hold, accept incoming transfers, and retire credits. They can also register and maintain generators that are under 1MW in capacity and have credits issued in their organization. Retail Purchasers cannot make outgoing transfers.
- Qualified Reporting Entity (QRE): No Fee
- Qualified Reporting Entity is (1) the control area operator, interconnecting utility, scheduling coordinator, or an independent third-party meter reader and is not affiliated with the owner of the generator for which the entity is reporting; or (2) the control area operator or interconnecting utility and that is affiliated with the generator owner, but having sufficient segregation of duties such that the person performing the Qualified Reporting Entity duties does not have access to transfer or retire Certificates created for that generator. A Qualified Reporting Entity must enter into an agreement with the M-RETS Administrator describing the terms and conditions under which the Qualified Reporting Entity agrees to conduct business with M-RETS and must report data in accordance with the standards set forth in these Operating Procedures. Every generator registered in M-RETS must have a QRE.
- Program Administrator/Government Regulator: No Fee
- State regulators, including but not limited to public utility commission and public service commission staff and voluntary market program administrators (e.g. Green-e) may be granted a Program Administrator/Government regulator account. To find out if you qualify for such an account please contact the M-RETS System Administrator at [email protected].
- Setup of Organization
- Users are created under the organization info. See link: https://help.mrets.org/within-the-system/billing/adding-a-new-user-to-an-organization
BY 'M-RETS Admin' ON '2019-02-08T22:02:03' NOTE: 'Reference TOU.'] M-RETS does not allow the sharing of user accounts. Every person that logs into the system is required to have their own login credentials. The M-RETS System will be able to track the specific activities of each user through the unique user ID and password. 3. User Permissions 1. 1.
BY 'M-RETS Admin' ON '2019-02-08T22:17:45' NOTE: 'RH: We should probably update this section to include a bit more nuance about the different account types and the applicable permissions. For example, QREs and Regulators do not have any permissions for Transactions as it is not relevant to their activity in the system.'] Every user that is created in the M-RETS has the following customizable user permissions. The users have the ability to be set as Manage, Read Only, or No Access. These settings can only be changed by a user with Manage permissions for the Organization or the M-RETS Administrator. 2. Organization
- Manage - User can view and edit details of the Organization
- Read Only - User can view the details of the Organization
- No Access - User cannot view nor edit the details of the Organization
- Transactions
- Manage - User can view and accept Transactions
- Read Only - User can view Transactions
- No Access - User cannot view nor accept Transactions
- Generators
- Manage - User can view and create/edit Generators
- Read Only - User can view Generators
- No Access - User cannot view nor create/edit Generators
- Billing
- Manage - User can view and edit Billing details of the Organization
- Read Only - User can view the Billing details of the Organization
- No Access - User cannot view or edit the Billing details of the Organization
- Manage - User can view and edit details of the Organization
- Read Only - User can view the details of the Organization
- No Access - User cannot view or edit the details of the Organization
- Generations
- Manage - User can view and upload Generations
- Read Only - User can view uploaded Generations
- No Access - User cannot view nor upload Generations
BY 'M-RETS Admin' ON '2019-02-08T22:28:34' NOTE: 'RH: I think it'd be appropriate to outline the different types of notifications in the system and the scenarios they would be sent here.'] Notification Settings
- By default, email notifications are disabled. Users are encouraged to enable email notifications in their settings.
- https://help.mrets.org/within-the-system/billing/email-notifications
BY 'M-RETS Admin' ON '2019-02-08T22:35:29' NOTE: 'RH: Lets perhaps say something about an organization's responsibility to keep the user list updated. It is their responsibility to be sure users that have left an organization or no longer require access are deactivated and that new point people given access.'] Deactivating Users
- Users can be deactivated at an Organization's M-RETS Administrators' discretion. b.
BY 'M-RETS Admin' ON '2019-02-08T22:18:26' NOTE: 'RH: We should add another section where we describe the different account statuses and the rules around those (active, closed, archived).'] Accounts
- M-RETS supports two types of Accounts; Active Accounts and Retirement Accounts. The Accounts offer an easy way to organize your certificates. certificates can be transferred to specific accounts manually or automatically upon upload. c.
BY 'M-RETS Admin' ON '2019-02-08T22:05:32' NOTE: 'RH: Ditto here on the use of "project". Also, we should reference the Glossary in the old OPs for some decent definitions that don't reuse the word you are trying to define in the definition... heh. Lots of good stuff there. For example: Generator: An electric generating facility consisting of one or more generating units with the same essential generation characteristics and whose output is measured with a single certified meter.'] Generators
- Generators are generators in M-RETS. General General Information Unit Name Facility Name WI RRC Unit ID WI RRC Program Registration Date EIA Number Reporting and Issuance Reporting Entity Reporting Unit ID Issuance Account Location County State/Province Country Latitude/Longitude Owner General Ownership Information Primary Facility Owner Single-Owner Facility? Additional Owner(s) Owner Contact Information Company Name Address City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Phone Website Mailing Address Mailing City Mailing State/Province Mailing Zip/Postal Code Mailing Country Publish contact information? Ownership Type and Registration Rights Ownership Type(s) Electric Service Provider Federal Marketer/Power Administrator Investor-Owned Utility Irrigation District Municipal Utility Privately Owned Distributed Generation Rural Electric Cooperative Tribal Organization Facility Operator Information Job Title Name Mailing Address Mailing Address Line 2 City Mailing State/Province Mailing Zip/Postal Code Mailing Country Is the owner a WI electricity retailer? Assignment of Registration Rights Court/Regulator Assignment of Rights Engineering Class and Fuel Type Single or multi-fuel facility? Fuel Type & Fuel Source(s) Is generation reporting unit-specific? Generation Unit Classification Generation Reporting Classification Control Area Operator Interconnected Utility Generation Technology Engineering Commenced Operation Date Nameplate Capacity (MW) in A/C Capacity Factor Maximum Annual Energy Biomass Net Generation BTU/kWh Repower Date(s) METERING INFORMATION Aggregate Metering Aggregating Unit Count Primary Generator Revenue Meter ID Meter Manufacturer Meter Type Last Meter Certification WI INFORMATION Approved to report 3-year hydro average? Hydro 3-year average Approved as a WI displacement facility? Program Eligibility (See Appendix for detail)
- Documents
- See Acceptable Documentation in Section
- Generators need to be updated/reviewed once a year during the month of January to ensure correct information. It is the user's requirement to confirm the information of the generators. Generation
- Generation is uploaded through the M-RETS and must be in a .csv file format.
- For small generators (1 to 150 kW), you have up to one year from the generation end date to upload generations. For large generators (>150 kW), you have 62 days from the generation end date to upload generations. Any generation outside of these ranges must be approved by an M-RETS staff member.
- More on Acceptable format (https://help.mrets.org/within-the-system/generation/generation-upload-data-format)
Registration of a Generator
All Generator Owners must first establish an organization subscription and then register the generating unit(s) within M-RETS. As part of the Generator Registration Agreement, the user must attest that this unit is not registered in any other registry. Generating Units that are jointly owned must privately appoint a single party to act as the user.
To register the generating unit(s), the owner of the generating unit or the Responsible Party must submit to the M-RETS Administrator all of the following:
- A completed on-line generator registration form containing information related to the characteristics of the generation unit and associated meter,
- If applicable: A completed Schedule A from the M-RETS Terms of Use outlining the Generator Owner's Designation of Responsible Party
- Any documentation requested by the M-RETS Administrator to verify the registration information
It is helpful for generators to include a generator interconnection agreement that helps support the registration information. Providing a generators EIA Entity ID which is an official, unique identification numbers assigned by EIA can expedite the approval process. The EIA Entity ID is required for all generators over 1 MW in the United States and can be found here. 4. If this is a generator will use MISO as the reporting entity, please fill out and upload this form in the project documents.It is important that you correctly list the MISO node on the form. The generator registration process will include both mandatory and optional data entry and all data in M-RETS will be verified by the M-RETS Administrator.
Annual Update see section:
In addition to the annual update, users must notify M-RETS of the following that have the effect of changing static data tracked by M-RETS:
- A change in fuel type at a generating unit, and the date on which the change occurred, within 30 calendar days from when the change is implemented.
- A change in generating unit ownership, and the date on which the change occurred, within 30 calendar days after the sale closes. A change in ownership must be confirmed by a letter signed by both the seller and the buyer of the generating unit and provided to the M-RETS Administrator. Agreements between M-RETS and users shall state that M-RETS will not be liable for depositing Certificates into an account that no longer represents a generating unit if the incorrect deposit occurs as a result of a lack of notification by the buyer and seller of the generating unit.
- A change to generator eligibility for any programs or certification tracked by M-RETS. This must be communicated by the state, province or independent certifier, and confirmed by the user, within 30 calendar days after the change occurs.
- A change to any of the "essential generating characteristics".
Generators can be removed from M-RETS for cause, including willful misrepresentation of static data. The M-RETS dispute resolution process (see Terms of Use) can be used to address such situations, and M-RETS will accept no liability for generator misrepresentations. M-RETS reserves the right to take appropriate action in consultation with the M-RETS Board to respond to willful misrepresentation of static data, including but not limited to withholding issuing Certificates, freezing an account associated with a particular generating unit, or withholding participation in M-RETS for generation units that have willfully misrepresented static data.
NOTE: Registration with M-RETS does not imply or confer acceptance into or eligibility for any state's Renewable Portfolio Standard program.
Multiple Units on a Single Meter Generating units are registered on a revenue-meter basis. In the case where there is more than one generating unit associated with a single revenue meter, the Generator Owner or Responsible Party can register more than one generating units under one registration if, and only if, all of the generating units have the same essential generation characteristics. If the generating units associated with a single revenue meter do not have the exact same essential generation characteristics, the Generator Owner or Responsible Party has two choices—they can either install a new revenue meter(s) such that all generating units associated with a single meter have the same generation characteristics, or they can designate a percentage allocation on an MWh output basis for each different generation unit(s) associated with the revenue meter. Example: If there are two generating units (a biomass direct combustion generation unit and a biomass gasification unit and technology type is considered an essential characteristic) associated with one revenue meter, the registrant would indicate that X% of the output as measured at the meter comes from the direct combustion unit and Y% comes from the gasification unit [ANNOTATION:
BY 'M-RETS Admin' ON '2019-02-08T19:52:32' NOTE: 'Updated'] Annual Review of Generators
During the month of January, M-RETS will require annual review of all active generators. Users will be emailed as well as prompted within the system to complete the review. M-RETS requires that organizations review and accept all project data by January 31st. Failure to complete the annual review for each project in your organization by January 31st will result in the loss of access to your organization until the data is reviewed and confirmed for all generators. Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) Creation of Certificates
- For small generators (1 to 150 kW), you have up to one year from the generation end date to upload generation. For large generators (>150 kW), you have 62 days from the generation end date to upload generations. Any generation outside of these ranges must be approved by an M-RETS staff member.
- All generation data received by M-RETS will undergo an automatic data validity check to ensure that erroneous and technically infeasible data is not entered into M-RETS.
- M-RETs Certificates are issued in whole numbers only. A Certificate created and tracked within M-RETS will represent all of the renewable attributes from one MWh of renewable generation. M-RETS Certificates are "Whole Certificates," meaning that none of the renewable attributes may be split off from the Certificate while it is in circulation in the M-RETS system. Once a M-RETS Certificate is created, no changes can be made to that Certificate.
- M-RETS does not define the life time or expiration date for Certificates. States and provinces may do so outside of M-RETS to meet their own requirements. M-RETS will issue Certificates no more frequently than once per month per generating unit.
- The M-RETS Administrator will issue one electronic Certificate for each MWh of energy that is generated by those generation units that are registered with M-RETS. Certificates will be issued based on the number of whole MWhs on the Generation Activity Log on the day of Certificate creation.
- Certificates imported from a compatible tracking system must meet equivalent standards to M-RETS. M-RETS will issue an M-RETS serial number for Certificates imported from compatible tracking systems.
- As soon as the generation data is received, it will undergo a data validity check. If no feasibility errors are found, the certificates will be issued to the active certificates. Depending on user settings, the system will notify the user via email that generation has been posted. The generation posting will be marked "Issued" on the Generation Activity Log. Data Fields Carried on Each Certificate
- Serial Number(s)
- Account
- ID
- Project Fuel Type
- Vintage Date
- Location
- Quantity
- Eligibilities [ANNOTATION:
BY 'M-RETS Admin' ON '2019-02-08T20:02:45' NOTE: 'Updated'] Changes to Issuances (Rollbacks and Prior Period Adjustments)
- The user must notify the M-RETS Administrator if they believe the generation data amount recorded on the Generation Activity Log is inaccurate for any reason. This is known as registering a dispute. Adjustments that are made after the data are reported to M-RETS and Certificates are issued are known as Rollbacks or Prior Period Adjustments. All users will be made aware that there may be debits and credits in the current period as prior period settlement quality data are finalized.
- If the dispute is within the acceptable upload range, a Rollback is issued. Once the Rollback is complete, the certificates may be re-uploaded.
- Prior period adjustments must be reported to the M-RETS Administrator by the reporting entity. The M-RETS Administrator will post the prior period adjustment to the generation activity log associated with the generating unit. This will have the effect of applying a credit or debit to the generation amount reported in the current month. Consequently, the adjustment will be realized when M-RETS Certificates are next issued. If new Certificates are created, the month of creation of the Certificates shall be the same as all other Certificates created that month, however the Certificates will also indicate the month the prior period generation actually occurred.
- If the Rollback is requested outside of the acceptable upload range, evidence of data inaccuracy may be required. This may include, but is not limited to:
- Screenshot(s) of internal readings
- Official readouts of generation
- The M-RETS Administrator will not accept adjustments for generation reported which occurred more than two years prior to the current month. Transactions Transferring Certificates between Organizations
- M-RETS users may transfer active Certificates to other M-RETS accounts at any time. After the request to transfer has been confirmed, the requestor will be notified by email.
- After the transfer has been initiated, the certificates will be changed to a 'Pending' state. This will have the effect of "freezing" the certificates so that they cannot be moved to another to account or to another organization.
- After the transfer has been initiated, the recipient will be notified in their 'Pending Transactions' section of the system. Once the recipient has confirmed the transfer, both the recipient and requestor will be notified by email.
- The transferring user may cancel any transfer before such transfer has been confirmed by the recipient by withdrawing the transfer in a designated screen on the website. M-RETS will notify the recipient that the transfer was canceled. Imports of Certificates
- Certificates may only be imported into M-RETS from a Compatible Certificate Tracking System and, similarly, exported to a Compatible Certificate Tracking System. M-RETS supports open and transparent markets. Through the use of our API, M-RETS supports allowing imports and exports between all REC tracking systems in North America, including allowing for the import/export of imported/exported RECs. If your current system does not have import/export with M-RETS, please contact them and ask them to establish a connection. A Compatible Certificate Tracking System is a generation tracking system that has an operating agreement with the M-RETS Administrator regarding the transfer of Certificates between tracking systems. Technical protocols have been developed to allow for imports and exports between the M-RETS Administrator and the administrators of the other tracking system.
- Certificates may be imported into M-RETS by a process of conversion. Conversion entails retiring the Certificate from the exporting tracking system and creation of a corresponding M-RETS Certificate. When the new M-RETS Certificate is issued, all data fields will remain with the imported Certificate, and the Certificate serial number will be structured in a way to identify it as a Certificate that originated in a Compatible Tracking System.
- To import Certificates into M-RETS, the M-RETS user must arrange for the transfer of Certificates from the counterparty privately. In general, as with all transfers, the party in possession of the Certificates must initiate the transfer. Therefore, the transferor will notify their system administrator of the desire to export Certificate from their system into M-RETS, along with the information about the transferee, such as name and M-RETS account number. The administrator of the transferor's tracking system will then communicate with the M-RETS Administrator of the Certificate pending Certificate conversion. The M-RETS Administrator will then notify the M-RETS user of the transfer, and ask them to accept or reject the transfer. If the user accepts the transfer, the conversion of Certificates will ensue. Such a conversion will involve the export of the Certificate from the exporting system, and the issuance of a new Certificate by M-RETS. The converted Certificate will designate the system of origin and M-RETS will maintain a record of the serial number that was assigned in the exporting system. Through a coding system, the M-RETS serial number will identify the Certificate as imported and the tracking system of origin.
- If the user rejects the import, the M-RETS Administrator will notify the administrator of the other system, and no Certificate conversion will take place. Export of Certificates
- Certificates can only be exported out of M-RETS to a Compatible Certificate Tracking System. Any other removal of Certificates from M-RETS will be managed through the retirement process. For Certificates that are being imported/exported, the problem of double-counting will be handled through the cooperative agreements between the two tracking systems.
- To export Certificates from M-RETS to a Compatible Tracking System, the M-RETS user must select the batch of certificates to export from an active account and initiate a transfer using the Export Transfer option. The user must identify the following information: Compatible Tracking System Name of the party to which you are transferring System ID of the party receiving the transfer (if available)
iii.After initiation, the designated Certificate an "export pending" status to ensure that the Certificates cannot be inadvertently transferred or sold. The M-RETS Administrator will communicate with the Administrator of the Compatible System and arrange for the transfer of Certificates. If the transfer is accepted by the Compatible System, the Certificates will be moved from the [ANNOTATION:
BY 'M-RETS Admin' ON '2019-02-08T22:23:21' NOTE: 'RH: This makes it sound like organizations have "export accounts". Reword to describe process of transferring exported RECs to a system export account controlled by the System Admin, which permanently removes Certificates from circulation.'] user's active account to its export account by the M-RETS Administrator. The status of the Certificates will be changed from "export pending" to "exported." 4. Re-Import of Exported Certificates
- Certificates may be re-imported in M-RETS. To the extent any data fields were lost when the Certificate was originally exported, these fields will be repopulated with the original data when the Certificate is re-imported. Before this function is implemented, it should be re-evaluated for its cost-effectiveness and for the consistency with the operations of other Certificate tracking systems.
- Automatic Recurring Transfers
Users may request automatic recurring transfers of certificates from any account to the following:
- One internal account
- Multiple internal accounts
- An external organization within M-RETS
- A Compatible Certificate Tracking System (Export)
Such a transfer (an Automatic Recurring Transfer) will occur in M-RETS in the same fashion as all other Certificate transfers.
Each Automatic Recurring Transfer has one transferee. A user may set up multiple Automatic Recurring Transfers.
Each Automatic Recurring Transfer will be set up based on percentage of Certificates or a maximum number of certificates. If less Certificates are issued than the maximum number specified, the total number of Certificates issued will transfer.
In the registration of Automatic Recurring Transfer, the transferor must indicate:
- Generator
- Generator Fuel
- Vintage Dates
- Destination (Account, Multiple Accounts, External Organization, Compatible Tracking System)
- Percentage or Maximum Number of Certificates
M-RETS provides seven live-updating Public Reports. What is included in each report is as follows:
- M-RETS Generators
Organization Owner MRETS ID Project WIRRC Ownership type Single Fuel or Multi-Fuel Fuel Type Fuel Sources COD Nameplate capacity Location Program Eligibility 2. M-RETS Organizations Organization Organization ID Organization Type WI Energy Service Provider Main Contact Street Address City State/Province Country ZIP/Postal Code Phone URL [ANNOTATION:
BY 'M-RETS Admin' ON '2019-02-08T22:24:26' NOTE: 'Perhaps add a section where we emphasize it is the responsibility of the organization to be sure their billing information is updated and correct.'] Billing Information
How to Update/Add your Billing Contact Information b.
BY 'M-RETS Admin' ON '2019-02-01T21:53:07' NOTE: 'Link to intercom article'] Billing Information can be found under Organization Info. Within the Billing Information, you can find your Organization Invoices. Billing Information can be changed at any time.