It is the Organization's responsibility to make sure billing info is up to date and correct. Billing Information can be changed at any time. Information on how to add or update billing contact information can be found here.
Organization Info holds Billing Information where Users can Access Organization Invoices. Information on how to view Invoices can be found here.
M-RETS accepts payment in the form of checks, wire transfers, or ACH transfers. Organizations must send requests for Vendor Authorization Forms and W-9s and/or billing questions to Tanya Gajewska at [email protected].
Checks may be mailed to:
Midwest Renewable Energy Tracking System, Inc.
Lockbox 446023
PO Box 64079
St Paul, MN 55164-0703 (please always include the dash and 0703 after the zip code)
Wire transfers or ACH transfers may be routed to:
Midwest Renewable Energy Tracking System, Inc.
Bremer Bank
225 6th Street South Suite 200
Minneapolis, MN 55402
(Remittance Address and Routing Number can be found on the invoice)
- Fees must be paid in US dollars.
- Please include invoice number, Organization name, and M-RETS on check payments.
- Please include invoice number(s) on wire transfer.
- Payments may be made via wire transfer or check.
- Please include currency and/or wire fees to the amount paid. The generated invoice does not include any wiring fees levied by the bank.
Note: payments may take up to 2 business days to be reflected in the Organization.