It is the Organization's responsibility to make sure the User list is current. This includes inactivating Users when they leave the company or no longer require access. This also includes adding Users to replace Users that have left the Organization. Failure to do this can lead to significant delays in accessing an Organization.
In order to reinstate access to M-RETS, the Organization shall be required to present specific evidence that the managing employee is no longer with the Organization and the Organization maintains no other way to reset the password (e.g. accessing the former employee's email and utilizing the password reset function). M-RETS reserves the right to set the level of specific evidence, including but not limited to affidavits from executives maintaining the circumstances surrounding the departure of the employee and failure to transfer access to another User within the Organization.
Organizations may inactivate a User at any time for any reason. M-RETS may inactivate a User for failure to adhere to the Operating Procedures or Terms of Use.