All Generator Owners must first establish an Organization subscription and then register the Generating Unit(s) with M-RETS. As part of the Generator Registration Agreement, the User must attest that this Unit is not registered in any other Registry. Generating Unit(s) that are jointly owned must privately appoint a single Organization where the Generator will reside.
To register the Generating Unit(s), the owner of the Generating Unit or the Responsible Party must submit to M-RETS the following:
- A completed on-line Generator registration form containing information related to the characteristics of the Generating Unit and associated meter.
- If applicable: A completed Schedule A from the M-RETS Terms of Use outlining the Generator Owner's Designation of Responsible Party.
- Any documentation requested by M-RETS to verify the registration information
- It is helpful for Generators to include a Generator interconnection agreement that helps support the registration information. See Acceptable Documentation in Appendix A: Generator Static Data Fields.
- Providing a Generators EIA Entity ID which is an official, unique identification numbers assigned by EIA can expedite the approval process. The EIA Entity ID is required for all Generators over 1 MW in the United States and may be found by accessing the report here.
- If this Generator will use MISO as the reporting entity, please fill out and upload this form in the Generator documents. It is important that the form reflects the correct MISO node.
The Generator registration process will include both mandatory and optional data entry and M-RETS shall verify all data prior to making a Generator Active.
NOTE: Registration with M-RETS does not imply or confer acceptance into or eligibility for any state's Renewable Portfolio Standard program.
A Visual Guide to the Generator Registration Process