When changing the Rights of Registration, the disposition of the Certificates from that Generating Unit will follow the rules in Section 4.3.13: Assignment of Rights of Registration – Designation of Responsible Party. This function applies equally to the Generator Owner or to a Responsible Party, meaning that the Responsible Party can change the Rights of Registration to another party.
When changing the Rights of Registration, M-RETS will confirm that both parties (the Generator Owner or current Responsible Party and the new Responsible Party) agree to the change. If the Generator Owner or Responsible Party wants to change the Organization to which a Generating Unit is associated, they can do so by filing the Generating Unit Transfer Form with M-RETS. The form specifies who the new Responsible Party with the Rights of Registration is, and the date the change in registration will occur. There cannot be any lapse in time where the Generating Unit is not associated with an M-RETS Organization. If there is a period when the Generating Unit is not associated with an M-RETS Organization, M-RETS will treat this as a deregistration/re-registration of the Generating Unit.
In addition, the User must review—and update if necessary—the basic Generator Registration data when the Right of Registration is changed from one party to another.