A QRE or User must upload generation through the M-RETS portal. The data must be in a .csv file format. Excel or Notepad can create a CSV file. Programs (e.g. Microsoft Excel) that add formatting may reformat date fields which will result in errors when loading the file. The data shall be in ASCII Text with data fields delimited by commas (Comma-Separated Value – CSV format). M-RETS supports two types of reporting. Users may upload all their generation for the whole month or in partial months as long as a whole month is uploaded.
- Generator ID: The M-RETS ID. Use just the number (e.g. M805 should be listed as 805).
- Reporting Unit ID: The Reporting Unit ID.
- Vintage: Month and year of generation, formatted at MM/YYYY for any month in the current Reporting Period. This must be 7 characters long or the upload will fail.
- Start Date of the Month: Begin month-day-year of generation output period formatted as MM/DD/YYYY. This must be 10 characters long or the upload will fail.
- End Date of the Month: End month-day-year of generation output period formatted as MM/DD/YYYY. This must be 10 characters long or the upload will fail.
- Total MWh: Total MWhs for the Reporting Month
- Generator ID: The M-RETS ID. Use just the number (e.g. M805 should be listed as 805).
- Reporting Unit ID: The Reporting Unit ID.
- Date of Generation: The date the generation occurred formatted as MM/DD/YYYY.
- Total MWH: Total MWHs for the Reporting Month.
- Hour of Generation (1-24).All hours for the total reporting period must Accounted for or the file will be rejected.
- Total kWh for that specific hour.
Monthly generation will be uploaded in MWH. Hourly/minute data must be uploaded in kWh.
- Uploading by hour or minute is optional.
- RECs are still created, retired, and transferred in MWH. Generation by hour or minute provide more granularity in the data associated with each REC batch.
- While generation by hour or minute increments is uploaded in kWh, Certificates are still only created in MWh.
MISO also provides data with On Peak/Off Peak designation. This data is for informational purposes only, however, it will give Generator owners more information about their production.
- MISO defines On Peak and Off Peak in their FERC approved Tariff as:
- Off-Peak: All periods of time not classified as On Peak.
- On Peak: Period of time between Hour-ending 0700 EST through and including Hour-ending 2200 Hours EST Monday through Friday excepting New Year's, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day or if the holiday occurs on a Sunday, the Monday immediately following the holiday.
- MISO defines On Peak and Off Peak in their FERC approved Tariff as: