M-RETS Users may transfer active Certificates to:
- Another Organization
- Another active Account
- To a compatible tracking system
After a User initiates a transfer ("Transferor"), the transferred Certificates enter a 'Pending' state. This effectively "freezes" the Certificates and the System will prevent the Transferor from making additional transfers of Certificates in Pending status.
The Pending Transactions table lists all Pending Transactions for both the Transferor and Transferee. Once the Transferee confirm the transfer, both the Transferor and Transferee receive an email if their notifications are enabled.
The Transferor may cancel any transfer before a Transferee confirms the transfer by withdrawing the transfer in the Pending Transactions table. The Transferee may reject a transfer prior to acceptance. M-RETS will notify both the Transferor and Transferee should either party withdraw or reject a transfer.