The purpose of this project is to provision/bootstrap a basic kubernetes infrastructure stack.
- IaC/CICD - argocd
- TLS/ca - cert-manager
- Storage - rook/ceph
- Monitoring - prometheus/grafana
kubernetes cluster (kubernetes cluster that responds to 'kubectl cluster-info') kubernetes cluster w/ network configured kubectl (brew install kubectl) python3 (brew install python3)
These commands should be run from the root of this repo, from the admin workstation/same cli where kubectl is used.
Execute: ./bootstrap/
Port-Forward: kubectl -n argocd port-forward --address svc/argocd-server 8080:443
ArgoCD Login user:admin: kubectl -n argocd get secrets argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 --decode
Additional Credentials Ceph Dashboard user: admin pwd: kubectl -n rook-ceph get secret rook-ceph-dashboard-password -o jsonpath="{['data']['password']}" | base64 --decode && echo
err="part of the existing bootstrap client certificate in /etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf is expired: 2026-02-18 22:10:15 +0000 UTC" err="failed to run Kubelet: unable to load bootstrap kubeconfig: stat /etc/kubernetes/bootstrap-kubelet.conf: no such file or directory" Flag --container-runtime-endpoint has been deprecated, This parameter should be set via the config file specified by the Kubelet's --c> Apr 11 21:01:46 lima-n3 kubelet[89874]: Flag --pod-infra-container-image has been deprecated, will be removed in 1.35.
mtyler@lima-n3:~$ sudo cat /etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf
mtyler@lima-n3:~$ sudo ls -la /var/lib/kubelet/pki/
kubectl get csr -n kube-system openssl x509 -in /var/lib/kubelet/pki/kubelet-client-current.pem -noout -dates /etc/kubernetes/kubelet < does --rotate-server-certificates flag is set to true
rotateCertificates: true
rotateCertificates enables client certificate rotation. The Kubelet will request a new certificate from the API. This requires an approver to approve the certificate signing requests. Default: false
****Added self-signed CA to cluster
System clock is out of synch Feb 19 18:16:28 lima-n3 chronyd[2504]: Forward time jump detected!
Apr 12 16:28:50 lima-n3 chronyd[39331]: Could not step system clock Apr 12 16:29:54 lima-n3 chronyd[39331]: System clock wrong by -3002385021.274820 seconds
!! recovered node by draining and restarting !!
possible cause is chronyd being blocked. Use show sockets to check limactl shell cp1 ss -ltpn l shell cp1 chronyc sources l shell cp1 chronyc sourcestats chrony config: /etc/chrony/chrony.conf l shell cp1 chronyc -n tracking
one can consider using the nocerttimecheck option which allows the user to set the number of times that the time can be synced without checking validation and expiration.
hint: curl '' | jq
Registered Domain (squarespace, godaddy, etc)
- DNS record= Host: @ Type: A TTL: 1h Data: [publically accessible ip address]
- DNS record= Host: @ Type: CNAME TTL: 1h Data: www.k8s.local
- DNS record= Host: www.k8s.local Data: [local ip address]
verify object storage
- install s5cmd: brew install s5cmd
- get credentials: ./bootstrap/hack/
- source credentials: . ./bootstrap/envs/s5cmd-credentials
- create ~/.aws/credentials
cat > ~/.aws/credentials << EOF
aws_access_key_id =
${AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID} aws_secret_access_key = $ {AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY} EOF - port forward: kubectl port-forward -n rook-ceph svc/rook-ceph-rgw-store-a 8080:8 kubectl port-forward -n rook-ceph svc/$AWS_HOST 8080:$PORT
- upload: s5cmd --endpoint-url http://localhost:8080 cp s3://ceph-bkt-c820ae58-173f-440f-b8f9-7add09582e63 s5cmd --endpoint-url http://localhost:8080 cp s3://$BUCKET_NAME
- get contents: s5cmd --endpoint-url http://localhost:8080 ls s3://ceph-bkt-c820ae58-173f-440f-b8f9-7add09582e63
netcat listen on a port: nc -l 80 DNS lookup: nslookup MAC address: networksetup -listallhardwareports IP address: ipconfig
Node clocks require heavy monitoring and mitigation
moved back to systemd-timesyncd some recommended config [Time] NTPPollInterval=60 # Check time servers every 60 seconds when online NTPFallbackInterval=1800 # Adjust internal clock every 30 minutes when offline