- Admin improvements:
- Improve performance of admin reports search for email. #5284
- Development improvements
- More logging when page_error is called, to aid troubleshooting. #5279
- Admin improvements:
v6.0 (14th November 2024)
- Front end improvements:
- Include requirements for redeeming the link in the email change confirmation mail. #4422
- Use email field type for username if SMS authentication not enabled. #4455
- Text overrides for new report fields can be configured to apply when it is known the report will go to a particular cobrand. #4466, #4516
- Improve handling cache expiry for front page statistics. #4584
- Add geolocation button to centre map at user's location. #4671
- WasteWorks PWA can now have a separate name from the FixMyStreet PWA. #4727
- Users can now opt out of questionnaires. #4758
- Include reference in report list emails. #4760
- Add support for different '/around' map display times for open/closed/fixed reports #4790
- Add code to enable category filtering box. #4914
- Improved the display of the map filters. #4728
- Don't display 'Show my name publicly' checkbox when making a private report to prevent confusion. #5029
- Allow decimals in the local alert radius. #5205
- Bugfixes:
- Stop map panning breaking after long press. #4423
- Fix RSS feed subscription from alert page button. #4448
- Fix link to edit category with apostrophe in category name. #4497
- Fallback extra field in submit email should be
, notcode
. #4545 - Allow confirmation links to login user 30s within first use to prevent things like Outlook 'safelinks' breaking the UX. #4556
- Fixes default status report filter text on Your Account page. #4558
- Don't zoom to bounds when searching for a postcode. #4717
- Fix restoring a draft with no location. #4762
- Create reporter alert before creating first unconfirmed auto-update.
- Fix display of user in assignment dropdown. #4855
- Fix setting of fixed timestamp in CSV export. #5119
- Fix CSV export of reports with only hidden/unconfirmed updates. #5119
- Fix displaying category page if over 1,000 history entries. #5140
- Stop wrapping category notices in a label.
- Allow through a "0" extra question value. #5245
- Admin improvements:
- Rename emergency message to site message. #4450
- Added a category control for overriding the text of the new report details field. #4514
- Added support for 'multivaluelist' extra category questions using checkboxes. #4514
- Added support for 'datetime' extra category questions using a datetime picker. #4514
- Added option to make a phone number required for a category. #4520
- Add way to pick multiple categories in the dashboard. #4700
- Staff cannot update name reporting when logged out. #5031
- Allow h1, h2, h3 tags in contact notices/questions. #4959
- Tweak config page display. #5139
- Minor display improvements to report/update pages. #5141
- Minor display and performance improvements to user pages. #5138
- Move add new body/category to their own admin pages. #5140
- Move navigation to sidebar. #5093
- Development improvements:
- Extra data columns now stored as JSON, not RABX. #3216
- Auto-spot a default favicon.ico. #4461
- Add
column to reports. #4048 - Return random unprocessed row to daemon. #4545
- A cobrand level text override for the details field label on new reports can now be configured. #4514
- Cobrands can provide (per-category) custom distances for duplicate lookup. #4456 #4746 #5162
- Add perl 5.38 support. #4831
- Add plain text template previews to /_dev/email. #5105
- Add --exclude option to bin/open311-populate-service-list #5177
- Add /status/health page to indicate service health. #5186
- Performance improvements:
- Reduce database queries on shortlist page. #4548
- Provide ResultSet fallback translation in lookup. #4548
- Mark non-Open311 updates as processed by daemon. #4552
- Inspector/planned offline report caching now fetches URLs sequentially, not in parallel. #5204
- Desktop browsers won't automatically cache reports offline when visiting /my/planned. #5206
- Changes:
- Switch to OpenStreetMap for reverse geocoding. #4444
- Convert all uploaded images to JPEGs. #4778
- Redirect after POST when creating reports. #4362
- Include status change line in report update emails using auto response templates. #4967
- Don't display a translation banner in front of important UI elements on Android. #4153
- Front end improvements:
v5.0 (10th May 2023)
- Front end improvements:
- Use crosshairs for mobile reporting. #4176
- Enable keyboard navigation of map. #3321
- Highlight pin on sidebar focus as well as hover. #3709
- Map page pagination links now styled as links rather than buttons. #3727
- Include username in inactive email. #3734
- Update document title on client-side new report page transition. #3834
- Disable staff phone and name fields to avoid accidental overwriting. #3805
- Hide 'Assigned to' text if a report is not assigned to anyone #3646
- Hide 'Assign to' dropdown if no available assignees #3646
- Allow 'Asset ID' (part of optional extra data displayed for a report) to be customisable for all cobrands #3920
- Add initial update template on report sending, not creation. #3949 #439
- Add option to set an emergency message on reporting pages. #4015
- Add label to questionnaire textarea. #3944
- Offline report drafting. #4290
- Set width=device-width in viewport meta tag. #4384
- Improve performance of front page ‘recent problems’ query. #4424
- Fix photo field label not visually appearing as a label.
- Bugfixes:
- Add ID attributes to change password form inputs.
- Fix link deactivation for privacy policy link on privacy policy page. #3704
- Fix dashboard rows for categories with &s. #3802
- Make calls from Geocoder files to https rather than http #3811
- Inspector dropdown list only shows name once even if permissions repeated #3870
- Inspector dropdown list doesn't show anonymised users, removing blank options #3873
- Fix report unassignment so it works for users who did not create the report #3903
- [Open311] External code removal is not a change. #3988
- Trim whitespace on extra status codes for response templates #3997
- The permission default_to_body now also affects updates. #3317
- Decouple the permission to manage shortlist from default_to_body. #3317
- Fix issue with sanitizing missing attributes. #4086
- Include email_text from templates in export-import-data script. #4084
- Stop map moving when navigating through images with arrow keys. #3856
- Remember category group through OpenID login. #4231
- For CSV export, fetch children of all generations. #4059
- Reset subcategory selection on clicking browser 'back' button during new report journey #4260 #4284
- Fix JS error going back from page to report page to map page #4175
- Fix existing groups being removed when a contact is edited with the category_groups flag unset. #4307
- Stop map panning breaking after press on pin #4132
- With extended statuses, send 'closed' rather than 'open' status in Open311 service request when report is closed.
- Accessibility improvements:
- The "skip map" link on /around now has new wording. #3794
- Improve visual contrast of pagination links. #3794
- Make map pan/zoom controls keyboard-accessible. #3751
- Add missing label to alert distance input. #4248
- Give generated map tiles blank alt attribute. #4248
- Add fieldset to alert list and improve sort order. #4248
- Remove unnecessary and add some missing fieldsets. #4283
- Improve fancybox accessibility (text and focus). #4248
- Add visually-hidden nearest address in report list. #4283
- Add a focus state for button-variant mixin. #4312
- Improved focus state for link images in the local alert page. #4312
- Admin improvements:
- Admin 'add user' form now always creates staff users #3749
- Make sure staff permissions removed when anonymized. #4051
- Add role filter to dashboard interface. #4082
- Alerts are paginated on user edit page. #4158
- Restrict flagging users and reports to superusers. #4168
- Display photos in report moderation updates, rather than just the image hashes. #4266
- Add 'admin_contact_validate_category' cobrand hook to validate category names when editing or creating contacts.
- Restrict timeline to users with the report_edit permission.
- Development improvements:
- Default make_css to
rather thanweb
. #3712 - Ability to pass custom arguments (eg: SSL config) to server when running via Docker #3713
- Allow bin/fetch start/end times to be fractional. #3738
- Add an --exclude option to bin/fetch. #3804
- Add an index on problem(external_id) to speed up bin/fetch --updates #3808
- Upgrade Net::DNS and libwww to deal with IPv6 issues. #3809
- Add send_state column to updates. #3865
- Enable alternative response from templates to be emailed to issue reporter. #4001
- Option to read asset layers from configuration. #4119
- Add GitHub Action to generate POD documentation. #4252
- Use digest rather than last modified time for static versioning. #4280
- Add 'open311_title_fetched_report' cobrand hook for customising how titles are created for fetch reports.
- Add way to use digest in static filename rather than query parameter. #4402
- Default make_css to
- Security
- Permit control over database connection
via $FMS_DB_SSLMODE #3927
- Permit control over database connection
- Open311 improvements:
- Increase default timeout. #3738
- Check for an identical latest update when adding a new one. #4007
- UK:
- Add CAPTCHA to contact form for non-UK IP addresses #2303
- Front end improvements:
v4.0 (3rd December 2021)
- Front end improvements:
- Multi-page form reporting.
- New aerial map toggle.
- Send text alerts for report updates to only-phone-verified users.
- Add options for user to set global notification preferences.
- Pop over mobile navigation menu. #3270
- Add support for the OS Maps API. #3328
- Speed up /report/new/ajax call. #3335
- Improve
display, especially for smaller screens. #2048 - Allow email alert radius to be specified. #68
- Update URL on /my when map moves. #3358
- Make anonymous updates clearer in email alerts. #3417
- Add Maidenhead Locator support to search box.
- Update RSS link when distance box changed. #3624
- Inspector-managers can assign reports to inspectors in the inspector toolbar.
- Inspectors & inspector-managers can see who a report is assigned to or 'unassigned' if a report is unassigned.
- Bugfixes:
- Fix non-JS form when all extra questions answered. #3248
- Improve display of disabled fields in iOS.
- Use div for inspector form wrapped extra questions. #3250
- Fix Open311 JSON services output. #3279
- Send email reports in staff-only categories.
- Fix Gaze sometimes being called twice on /around. #3324
- Improved alert signup for phone-only user. #3367
- Fix moderation of update text.
- Only trigger one refresh going Back to list view. #3476
- Fix checked order of updates in dashboard export.
- Fix unable to edit user with verified landline #3295
- Fix 'sites' page to reflect active fixmystreet sites #2481
- Fix ordering of dropdown lists in extra questions #3566
- Fix removal of cached opengraph photos.
- Do not email inactive body comment users. #3587
- Look up organizational domain in DMARC checking. #3603
- Stop slash in category name breaking csv download #3642
- Fix CSS z-index bug that resulted in the main menu being hidden behind the map on small screens #3686
- Admin improvements:
- Assignees of reports are now visible in admin reports list and report edit pages.
- Enable per-category hint customisation.
- Move ban/unban buttons to user edit admin page.
- Add link to user edit admin from report/update edit admin.
- Improve layout of some admin pages.
- Include email in inspector form information.
- Improve wording of new report Private checkbox.
- No questionnaires on reports as body/anonymous.
- CSV export, improve Site Used and add Device Type.
- Always record contributed_by for staff users.
- Add per-photo moderation. #3055
- Redaction support for photos.
- UK Councils no questionnaires for non-updating users
- Script to export/import response templates, #3549
- Include non-public report in front page search for staff. #3616
- Include staff categories in map filters for staff. #3616
- Development improvements:
- Include failure count in send report error output, #3316
- Sort output in export script. #3323
- Show relevant updates in alert-update email preview. #3417
- Upgrade jQuery to 3.6.0. #3017
- Upgrade Mozilla::CA to handle new root certificates.
- Factor alert script to slightly smaller functions. #3615
- Add development Docker environment.
- Open311 improvements:
- Consistent protected field ordering.
- Move test handling out of core code.
- Security:
- Increase minimum password length to eight.
- Allow throttling by user login attempts
- Changes
- Send contact form emails from do-not-reply address if sender's domain uses DMARC.
- New features:
- Roles can now have category restrictions like users.
- Front end improvements:
v3.1 (16th November 2020)
- Security:
- Store personal access tokens hashed, and only show once, upon generation. #3063
- New features:
- Add Open Location Codes support to search box. #3047
- Front end improvements:
- Add lazy image loading on list items. #3062
- Improve Bing geocoder results. #2300 #3086
- Add option of checking passwords against Have I Been Pwned. #3095
- Add aerial maps option to Bing and OSM maps. #3041 #3114
- Select matches for both filter category and group. #3110
- Add an extra zoom level to most map types. #3130
- Improve new report form when using phone verification. #3191
- Add option to set an emergency message on the homepage.
- Changes:
- Mark user as active when sent an email alert. #3045
- Bugfixes:
- Fix issue with dashboard report CSV export. #3026
- bin/update-schema PostgreSQL 12 compatibility. #3043
- Make sure category shown in all its groups when reporting. #3029
- Do not remove any devolved contacts. #3053
- Fix double encoding of per-category templates. #3058
- Return reports in all closed states through Open311.
- Skip accounts without email when sending inactive emails. #3066
- Include file extensions in Dropzone accepted photo config. #3098
- Fix photo orientation in modern browsers. #3098
- Improve compatibility with G Suite OpenID Connect authentication. #3032
- Fix duplicate asset message after dismissing duplicate suggestions. #3101
- Improve moderation diff display in a few small ways. #3105
- Do not have bootstrap run sudo commands. #2930
- Fix lookups in templates of categories with &s. #3120
- Fix a few obscure asset layer changing issues. #3157
- Fix multiple disable messages for dropdown answers. #3186
- Do not trigger duplicate check when checking stoppers #3194
- Do not strip spaces from middle of Open311 category codes. #3167
- Show all category history even if category renamed. #3181
- Fix email alert on initial update template. #3209
- Do not cache the service worker. #3201
- Admin improvements:
- Interface for disabling updates/reopening for certain categories. #2991 #2992
- Include group in CSV export if enabled. #2994
- Disable category rename on Open311 categories when unprotected. #2957
- In category admin, group is already shown elsewhere.
- Add assigned_(users|categories)_only functionality.
- Inspectors can now include a photo with public updates. #2902
- Display user name/email for contributed as reports. #2990
- Interface for enabling anonymous reports for certain categories. #2989
- Better sort admin user table. #3107
- Centralise update creation to include fields. #3111 #3123
- Add full text index to speed up admin search. #3129 #3133
- Offline process for CSV generation. #3146
- Allow inspectors to change report asset. #3134 #3150
- Staff users can use HTML tags in updates. #3143
- Response templates can include HTML tags. #3143
- Record whether report made on desktop or mobile. #3199
- Do not display deleted priorities in inspect form. #3195
- Include extra fields in submit emails. #3215
- can remove staff status from users in bulk. #3221
- super users can mark category names as hard coded. #3227
- Development improvements:
is now easier to re-style. #3006- Links inside
can be customised using$primary_link_*
Sass variables. #3007 - Add option to show front end testing code coverage. #3036
- Add function to fetch user's country from Gaze.
- Add cobrand hook to specify custom domain for VERP emails. #3100
- Open311 improvements:
- Use devolved data on update sending. #3087
- Rewrite open311-update-reports to share code and improve functionality. #3092
- Internal things:
- Move from Travis to GitHub Actions. #3244
- UK:
- Add option for recaptcha. #3050
- Display search tips when location search returns no results. #3180
- Add ability to use GOV.UK Notify for text messaging.
- Security:
v3.0.1 (6th May 2020)
- New features:
- Provide access to staff-only categories in admin. #2925 #2958
- Allow anonymous updating if anonymous reporting enabled.
- Admin improvements:
- Order unsent reports by confirmed date. #2911
- Disable staff private tickbox on new reports if category is private. #2961
- Move stats from main admin index to stats index. #2982
- Speed up dashboard export and report search. #2988
- Allow a template to be an initial update on reports. #2973
- Bugfixes:
- Application user in Docker container can't install packages. #2914
- Look at all categories when sending reports.
- Fixes the To header when sending emails about inactive accounts. #2935
- Recent reports, use same query regardless of cache. #2926 #2999
- Match body construction on Around with New setup.
- Only one duplicate call in progress at once. #2941
- Stop double escape in Google Maps URL.
- Refactor/stop double escape in report nav link. #2956
- Maintain group on pin move with same category in multiple groups. #2962
- Remove unnecessary margin-right on #postcodeForm. #3010
- Fix sorting by most commented on /around map view. #3013
- Development improvements:
- Refactor Script::Report into an object. #2927
- Move summary failures to a separate script. #2927
- Add generic import categories from JSON script.
- Add script to export/import body data. #2905
- Add fetch script that does combined job of fetch-comments and fetch-reports. #2689
- Allow fetch script to parallelize fetching. #2689
- Do all retry timeout or skip checks in database. #2947
- Show error page when submitting with web param to /import. #2233
- Add a daemon option for sending reports and updates. #2924
- Update Getopt::Long::Descriptive to stop warning. #3003
- Open311 improvements:
- Allow save/drop of row extra during sending. #2788
- Match response templates on external status code over state. #2921
- Add flag to protect category/group names from Open311 overwrite. #2986
- Documentation:
- Remove part about restricting access to /admin. #2937
- UK:
- Added junction lookup, so you can search for things like "M60, Junction 2". #2918
- New features:
v3.0 (4th March 2020)
- Security:
- Fix XSS vulnerability in pagination page number.
- Rotate session ID after successful login.
- Switch to auto-escaping of all template variables (see below). #2772
- Scrub admin description fields. #2791
- Front end improvements:
- Improved 403 message, especially for private reports. #2511
- Mobile users can now filter the pins on the
map view. #2366 - Maintain whitespace formatting in email report/update lists. #2525
- Improve keyboard accessibility. #2542
- Report form now indicates that details are kept private if report is made in a private category. #2528
- Improve map JavaScript defensiveness.
- Upgrade jquery-validation plugin. #2540
- Pass ‘filter_category’ param to front page to pre-filter map.
- Remove on-map Permalink. #2631
- Darken front page step numbers, and improve nested heading structure. #2631
- Set report title autocomplete to off to prevent email autocompleting. #2518
- Add map filter debouncing to reduce server requests. #2675
- Add XSL to RSS feeds so they look nicer in browsers. #2736
- Add per-report OpenGraph images. #2394
- Display GPS marker on /around map. #2359
- Use nicer default photo upload message. #2358
- Remove pan control from mobile widths. #2865
- Use category groups whenever category lists are shown. #2702
- Display map inline with duplicate suggestions on mobile. #2668
- Improved try again process on mobile. #2863
- Improve messaging/display of private reports. #2884
- Add a web manifest and service worker. #2220
- Also check filter_category for category choice. #2893
- Reduce duplicate Permalink.updateLink calls when zooming map. #2824
- Hide ‘provide extra information’ preamble when no visible fields are present. #2811
- Improve user flow when JavaScript is not available. #2619
- Change ‘locate me automatically’ to ‘use my location’. #2615
- Include ‘submit’ button at very bottom of report form when signing in during report
- Provide ARIA roles for message controller box.
- Admin improvements:
- Add new roles system, to group permissions and apply to users. #2483
- Contact form emails now include user admin links. #2608
- Allow categories/Open311 questions to disable the reporting form. #2599
- Improve category edit form. #2469
- Allow editing of category name. #1398
- Allow non-superuser staff to use 2FA, and optional enforcement of 2FA. #2701
- Add optional enforced password expiry. #2705
- Store a moderation history on admin report edit. #2722
- Add user admin log page. #2722
- Allow report as another user with only name. #2781
- Allow staff users to sign other people up for alerts. #2783
- Group categories on body page. #2850
- Add admin UI for managing web manifest themes. #2792
- Add a new "staff" contact state. #2891
- Store staff user when staff make anonymous report. #2802
- Record first time fixed/closed update sent to reporter in email.
- Pre-filter ‘all reports’ by area for inspectors
- show open311 failure details in admin report edit page. #2468
- New features:
- Categories can be listed under more than one group #2475
- OpenID Connect login support. #2523
- Heatmap dashboard. #2675
- Allow anonymous submission by a button, optionally per-category.
- Bugfixes:
- Prevent creation of two templates with same title. #2471
- Fix bug going between report/new pages client side. #2484
- Don't include private reports when searching by ref from front page.
- Set fixmystreet.bodies sooner client-side, for two-tier locations. #2498
- Fix front-end testing script when run with Vagrant. #2514
- Handle missing category when sending open311 reports #2502
- Fix label associations with category groups. #2541
- Hide category extras when duplicate suggestions shown. #2588
- Hide duplicate suggestions when signing in during reporting. #2588
- Retain extra data if signing in during reporting. #2588
- Have duplicate suggestion and assets coexist better. #2589
- Don't include lat/lon of private reports in ‘Report another problem here’ link. #2605
- Allow contact send method to be unset always. #2622
- Fix z-index stacking bug that was causing unclickable RSS icons on /alert page. #2624
- Fix issue with inspector duplication workflow. #2678
- Fix removal of cached photos on moderation. #2696
- Checking of cached front page details against database. #2696
- Inconsistent display of mark private checkbox for staff users
- Clear user categories when staff access is removed. #2815
- Only trigger one change event on initial popstate. #2862
- Fix error when hiding a user's updates with no confirmed updates. #2898
- Sort reporting categories in display order. #2704
- Do not clear asset attributes on category change.
- Development improvements:
- Upgrade the underlying framework and a number of other packages. #2473
- Add feature cobrand helper function.
- Add front-end testing support for WSL. #2514
- Allow cobrands to disable admin resending. #2553
- Sass variables for default link colour and decoration. #2538
- Make contact edit note optional on staging sites.
- Store email addresses report sent to on the report. #2730
- Add configuration for setting Content-Security-Policy header. #2759
- Add banner on staging website/emails, and STAGING_FLAGS option to hide it. #2784 #2820
- Do not hard code site name in database fixture. #2794
- Ensure OS dependencies are kept updated in development environments. #2886
- Enhance inactive scripts to act per-cobrand, or full deletion. #2827
- Open311 improvements:
- Support use of 'private' service definition to mark reports made in that category private. #2488
- Ensure any reports fetched in a category marked private are also marked private on the site. #2488
- Add new upload_files flag which sends files/photos as part of the POST service request. #2495
- Allow description in email template with placeholder. #2470
- Do not store display-only extra fields on new reports. #2560
- Support receiving updates from external source. #2521
- Improve JSON output of controller.
- unset external_status_code if blank in update. #2573
- Add support for account_id parameter to POST Service Request calls.
- Do not overwrite/remove protected meta data. #2598
- Spot multiple groups inside a element. #2641
- Always update problem state from first comment #2832
- Backwards incompatible changes:
- The FixMyStreet templating code will now escape all variables by
default. If you need to output HTML in a variable directly, you will
need to escape it with the
filter, e.g.[% some_html | safe %]
- The FixMyStreet templating code will now escape all variables by
default. If you need to output HTML in a variable directly, you will
need to escape it with the
- Security:
v2.6 (3rd May 2019)
- New features:
- (Optional) auto-suggestion of similar nearby problems, while reporting, to discourage duplicate reports. #2386
- Front end improvements:
- Track map state in URL to make sharing links easier. #2242
- Default to unchecked for show name checkbox. #347
- Email improvements:
- Header image file name can be customised
- Admin improvements:
- Include moderation history in report updates. #2379
- Allow moderation to potentially change state. #2381
- Spot moderation conflicts and raise an error. #2384
- Allow searching for in admin.
- Make staff JavaScript more self-contained.
- Alow staff user to be associated with multiple areas.
- Improvements to admin checkbox display.
- Bugfixes:
- Check cached reports do still have photos before being shown. #2374
- Delete cache photos upon photo moderation. #2374
- Remove any use of
my $x if $foo
. #2377 - Fix saving of inspect form data offline.
- Add CSRF and time to contact form. #2388
- Make sure admin metadata dropdown index numbers are updated too. #2369
- Fix issue with Open311 codes starting with ‘_’. #2391
- Add parameter to URL when “Show older” clicked. #2397
- Don't ask for email on alert signup if logged in. #2402
- Filter out hidden reports from top 5 list. #1957
- Add space below "map page" contents on narrow screens.
- Use relative report links where possible. #1995
- Improve inline checkbox spacing. #2411
- Prevent duplicate contact history creation with Unicode data.
- Show all Open311 extra fields in edit admin.
- Proper bodies check for sending updates.
- Check better if extra question has values.
- Stop filter category overriding chosen category.
- Allow things to reset if "Pick a category" picked.
- Stop category_change firing more than it should.
- Fix extra question display when only one category.
- Fix superusers creating anonymous reports. #2435
- Ensure non_public reports aren't exposed at /open311 endpoint.
- Escape body name in admin title.
- Use REQUEST_URI, not PATH_INFO, to infer path.
- Development improvements:
- Make front page cache time configurable.
- Better working of /fakemapit/ under https.
- Improve Open311 error output on failing GET requests.
- Optionally log failed geocoder searches.
- Backwards incompatible changes:
- If you wish the default for the showname checkbox to be checked,
sub default_show_name { 1 }
to your cobrand file. - The admin body and user sections have been refactored – if you have custom templates/code, you may need to update links to those.
- If you wish the default for the showname checkbox to be checked,
- New features:
v2.5 (21st December 2018)
- Front end improvements:
- Simplify new report/update sign in flow. #642
- Simplify /auth sign in page. #2208
- Clearer relocation options while you’re reporting a problem #2238
- Enforce maximum photo size server side, strip EXIF data. #2326 #2134
- Don't require two taps on reports list on touchscreens. #2294
- Allow moderation to work without JavaScript. #2339
- More prominent display of "state" on report page #2350
- Improved report/update display on contact form. #2351
- Can limit /reports to non-public reports. #2363
- Admin improvements:
- Allow moderation to potentially change category. #2320
- Add Mark/View private reports permission #2306
- Store more original stuff on moderation. #2325
- Sort user updates in reverse date order.
- Improve update display on admin report edit page.
- Keep all moderation history, and show in report/update admin. #2329
- Bugfixes:
- Restore map zoom out when navigating to /around from /report. #1649
- Don’t escape HTML entities in report titles pulled in by ajax. #2346
- Show reopening/fixed questionnaire responses lacking updates. #2357
- Open311 improvements:
- Fix bug in contact group handling. #2323
- Improve validation of fetched reports timestamps. #2327
- Fetched reports can be marked non_public #2356
- Development improvements:
- Add option to symlink full size photos. #2326
- default_to_body/report_prefill permissions to control default report as/prefill behaviour. #2316
- Front end improvements:
v2.4.2 (6th November 2018)
- New features:
- Dashboard now has update CSV export. #2249
- Allow cobrands to override searching by reference #2271
- Allow cobrands to limit contact form to abuse reports only
- Admin improvements:
- List number of alerts on report page #669
- viewing and managing of user alerts in admin #676
- Allow moderation to potentially change photos/extra info. #2291 #2307
- Bugfixes:
- Add perl 5.26/5.28 support.
- Fix subcategory issues when visiting /report/new directly #2276
- Give superusers access to update staff dropdowns. #2286
- Update report areas when moving its location. #2181
- Don't send questionnaires for closed reports. #2310
- Make sure Open311 send_method always recorded/spotted. #2121
- Development improvements:
- Add cobrand hook for dashboard viewing permission. #2285
- Have body.url work in hashref lookup. #2284
- OSM based map types can now override zoom levels #2288
- Clearer name for navigation colours in SCSS. #2080
now createsconf/general.yml
for Vagrant when needed.
- Internal things:
- Move send-comments code to package for testing. #2109 #2170
- Open311 improvements:
- Set contact group only if handling cobrand has groups enabled. #2312
- New features:
v2.4.1 (2nd October 2018)
- New features:
- Support for storing photos in AWS S3. #2253
- Front end improvements:
- Import end point can optionally return a web page #2225
- Clicking the "Report" header links on the homepage now focusses the #pc search input #2237
- Speed up fetching lists of bodies. #2248
- Improve vertical alignment of navigation menu in Internet Explorer 9–11.
- Mobile menu button no longer uses -9999px text-indent hack.
- HTML email template for confirming "partial" reports #2263
- Bugfixes:
- Fix display of area/pins on body page when using Bing or TonerLite map.
- Do not scan through all problems to show /_dev pages.
- Say “Set password”, not Change, if no password set.
- Do not lose from_body field when edited by non-superuser admin.
- Fix history API bug with category/state selection.
- Development improvements:
- Cobrand hook for disabling updates on individual problems.
- Cobrand hook for disallowing title moderation. #2228
- Cobrand hook for per-questionnaire sending. #2231
- Add option for configuring memcache server.
- Add Blackhole send method. #2246
- Add script to list/diff template changes in core that might need applying to a cobrand.
- Move away from FastCGI in sample conf/sysvinit config.
- Customised Vagrant box available, with an override option.
- Add Dockerfile and example Docker Compose setup.
- Add a sample systemd unit file for the Catalyst application server.
- New features:
v2.4 (6th September 2018)
- Security
- Update user object before attempting sign-in, to prevent leak of user account phone number.
- Front end improvements:
- Simplify footer CSS. #2107
- Keep commas in geocode lookups. #2162
- Show message on reports closed to updates. #2163
- Only display last 6 months of reports on around page by default #2098
- Always show all reports by default on /my.
- Much less reliance on input placeholders, for better accessibility #2180
- “Report another problem here” button on report confirmation page #2198 #393
- Button in nav bar now makes it easier to report again in the same location #2195
- Shrink OpenLayers library a bit. #2217
- Remove need for separate per-category ajax call. #1201
- Admin improvements:
- Mandatory defect type selection if defect raised. #2173
- Send login email button on user edit page #2041
- Use do-not-reply address for sent report email.
- Category group can be edited.
- Trim spaces from user/report search input.
- Bugfixes:
- Don't remove automated fields when editing contacts #2163
- Remove small border to left of Fixed banner. #2156
- Fix issue displaying admin timeline. #2159
- Send details of unresponsive bodies to mobile app #2164
- Fix issue with category filter when category contains comma #2166
- Inspectors can unset priority. #2171
- Defect type is recorded if category change made. #2172
- [UK] Store body ID on council/ward alerts. #2175
- Show all fixed issues when staff user uses map page filter #2176
- Allow any user who can see private checkbox to use it. #2182
- Prevent duplicate category listing on /my.
- Hide password help field along with other similar. #2185
- Allow questionnaire link to be revisited in quick succession. #2123
- Update Google Maps directions link.
- Fix inspector pin dragging. #2073.
- Maintain all single newlines in text output, not only the first.
- Make sure Home clickable with Try again overlay.
- Check all contacts for metadata and non-public.
- Open311 improvements:
- CLOSED status maps to 'closed' state if extended statuses are enabled.
- Don't generate template comment text on move between fixed states. #2199
- Development improvements:
- Cobrand hook for presenting custom search results. #2183
- Cobrand hook to allow extra login conditions #2092
- Add ability for client to set bodies not to be sent to. #2179
- Make it easier to prevent a form_detail_placeholder being printed. #2212
- Include user agent in contact form emails. #2206
- Use site name in contact email subject line.
- Add /_dev endpoints for previewing confirmation/submission pages. #2218
- Allow cobrand to add extra ability to moderate. #2216
- Security
v2.3.4 (7th June 2018)
- Bugfixes:
- Fix pin clicking on non-/around pages, broken in 2.3.3.
- Fix issue displaying anonymous account email.
- Bugfixes:
v2.3.3 (6th June 2018)
- Front end improvements:
- Extra help text on contact form #2149
- Admin improvements:
- Improve inspect form position and configurability.
- Bugfixes:
- Prevent contact form leaking information about updates #2149
- Fix pointer event issue selecting pin on map. #2130
- Fix admin navigation links in multi-language installs.
- Fix map display issue clicking back from report page as inspector.
- Front end improvements:
v2.3.2 (31st May 2018)
- Front end improvements:
- Improve questionnaire process. #1939 #1998
- Increase size of "sub map links" (hide pins, permalink, etc) #2003 #2056
- Edge-to-edge email layout on narrow screens #2010
- Add default placeholder to report extra fields. #2027
- Clicking the "Click map" instruction banner now begins a new report #2033
- Homepage postcode input is now marked up as a required input #2037
- Improved cursor/display of the new report pin. #2038
- Asset layers can be attached to more than one category each. #2049
- Cobrands hook to remove phone number field. #2049
- Check recent reports for any hidden since cached. #2053
- Asset layer attribution automatically shown. #2061
- The .internal-link-fixed-header positioning is now much simpler. #2117
- Added UI to view multiple wards at once on /reports. #2120
- Bugfixes:
- Stop asset layers obscuring marker layer. #1999
- Don't delete hidden field values when inspecting reports. #1999
- Fix text layout issues in /reports/…/summary dashboard charts.
- Fix post-edit issues on admin report edit page.
- Truncate dates in Open311 output to the second. #2023
- Fix check for visible sub map links after 'Try again'.
- Stop race condition when making a new report quickly.
- Set a session timezone in case database server is set differently.
- Fix SQL error on update edit admin page in cobrands. #2049
- Improve chart display in old IE versions. #2005
- Improve handling of Open311 state changes. #2069
- Don't strip whitespace from user passwords. #2111
- Make OpenGraph description translatable.
- Stop double-escaping title in alert-update email.
- Use inspection states in response template admin.
- Fixed CSS padding/overflow bug during sidebar "drawer" animations. #2132
- Response template containing double quote now works.
- A few small display issues with RTL text display.
- Improve handling of loading spinner display. #2059
- Ignore non-interactive layers for asset message.
- Admin improvements:
- Inspectors can set non_public status of reports. #1992
- Default start date is shown on the dashboard.
- Users with 'user_edit' permission can search for users/reports. #2027
- Don't send sent-report emails to as-body/as-anonymous reports.
- Show Open311 service code as tooltip on admin category checkboxes. #2049
- Bulk user import admin page. #2057
- Add link to admin edit page for reports. #2071
- Deleted body categories now hidden by default #1962
- Display contents of report's extra field #1809
- Store user creation and last active times.
- Add scripts to anonymize inactive users and reports, email inactive users, or to close reports to new updates.
- Admin ability to close reports to new updates. #43
- Open311 improvements:
- Fetch problems over Open311 #1986 #2067
- Option to send multiple photos over Open311 #1986
- Allow Open311 service definitions to include automated attributes #1986
- Optionally supress blank Open311 update errors #1986
- Fetch/store external status code with Open311 updates. #2048
- Response templates can be triggered by external status code. #2048
- Enable conversion from EPSG:27700 when fetching over Open311 #2028
- Add CORS header to Open311 output. #2022
- Nicer Open311 errors. #2078
- Development improvements:
- Cobrand hook for adding extra areas to MAPIT_WHITELIST/_TYPES. #2049
- send-comments warns about errors when called with --verbose #2091
- Add HTML email previewer.
- Add some Cypress browser-based testing.
- Upgrade Vagrantfile to use Ubuntu Xenial. #2093
- Add validation to cobrand-specific custom reporting fields.
- Drop support for IE7, improve IE8 support. #2114
- Add ability to have category extra help text.
- Cobrand hook for showing all states in filter.
- Front end improvements:
v2.3.1 (12th February 2018)
- Front end improvements:
- Zoom out as much as necessary on body map page, even on mobile. #1958
- Show loading message on initial /around map load #1976
- Ask for current password/send email on password change. #1974
- Add minimum password length and common password checking. #1981
- Nicer display of national phone numbers. #1982
- 'Report as another user' allows phone number without email. #1978
- Display loading spinner on map when asset layers are loading. #1991
- Bugfixes:
- Fix bug specifying category in URL on /around. #1950
- Fix bug with multiple select-multiples on a page. #1951
- Make sure dashboard filters all fit onto one line. #1938
- Fix issue with red bars on bar graph of many categories. #1938
- Prefetch translations in /reports list of bodies. #1941
- Ignore deleted/area-less bodies in dashboard list. #1941
- Add missing CSS class from final questionnaire question. #1953
- Fix JavaScript error on /my calculating bounds #1954
- Change text on /reports to match lower down (fix translation).
- Ensure all reports graph can't dip downward. #1956
- Fix error sending
reports. #1961 - Fix timezone related test failure. #1984
- Restore display of extra fields on inspector form. #1994
- Admin improvements:
- Admin can anonymize/hide all a user's reports. #1942 #1943
- Admin can log a user out. #1975
- Admin can remove a user's account details. #1944
- Superusers can have optional two-factor authentication. #1973
- Development improvements:
- Add script to remove expired sessions. #1987
- 'components' parameter can be passed to Google geocoder. #1994
- UK:
- Lazy load images in the footer.
- Front end improvements:
v2.3 (18th December 2017)
- New features:
- Optional verification of reports and updates, and logging in, using confirmation by phone text. #1856 #1872
- Improved email/phone management in your profile.
- Don't cover whole map with pin loading indicator. #1874
- Add Expand map toggle to more mobile maps. #1875
- Allow multiple wards to be shown on reports page. #1870
- Add functionality to have per-body /reports page. #1880
- Open311 category group support. #1923
- Front end improvements:
- Paginate reports on
. #1805 #1577 #525 - Improve performance of various pages, especially front. #1901 #1903
- More prominent "Hide pins" link on map pages, to aid reporting in busy areas. #525
- Optimised sprite file down from 97 KB to 36 KB. #1852
- SVG assets for core elements like button icons and map controls #1888
- Remove unneeded 2x PNG fallback images.
- Improve location disambiguation page on small screens. #1918
- Don't show geolocation link on non-HTTPS pages. #1915
- Public report page shows state changes made in admin interface #1846
- Paginate reports on
- Bugfixes
- Shortlist menu item always remains a link #1855
- Fix encoded entities in RSS output. #1859
- Only save category changes if staff user update valid #1857
- Only create one update when staff user updating category #1857
- Do not include blank updates in email alerts #1857
- Redirect inspectors correctly on creation in two-tier. #1877
- Report status filter All option works for body users #1845
- Always allow reports to be removed from shortlist #1882
- Remove shortlist form from inspect duplicate list. #1889
- Fix pin size when JavaScript unavailable.
- Fix display of text only body contacts #1895
- Prevent text overflow bug on homepage stats #1722
- Stop page jumping too far down on inspect form. #1863
- Prevent multiple 'Expand map' links appearing. #1909
- Superusers without a from_body can make reports again. #1913
- Fix crash when viewing /around in certain locales. #1916
- Fix back bug, from report after using list filters. #1920
- Fix issues with send method category change. #1933
- Admin improvements:
- Character length limit can be placed on report detailed information #1848
- Inspector panel shows nearest address if available #1850
- Return a 200 rather than 404 for ref ID lookup. #1867
- Remove hidden from default staff state dropdown. #1878
- Marking an item as a duplicate enforces providing ID/update. #1873
- Report field pre-filling for inspectors configurable #1854
- Admins can now unban users #1881
- More JavaScript-enhanced
<select multiple>
elements. #1589 #1892 - 'Auto-response' flag on response templates is honoured for fetched Open311 updates. #1924
- Individual cobrands can disable social login #1890
- Cobrands can disable sending of moderation emails. #1910
- Store all successful send methods. #1933
- Dashboard/statistics:
- Improve/consolidate various admin summary statistics pages, all now under /dashboard. #1834 #1919
- Add date range for report generation #1885
- CSV export now has token based authentication. #1911
- And uses machine-readable dates. #1929
- Development improvements:
- Add hook for pre-wrapper content.
- Include JSON representation of extra fields in category_extras output
- send-reports will never skip failed reports when using --debug
- UK:
- Use SVG logo, inlined on front page. #1887
- Inline critical CSS on front page. #1893
- New features:
v2.2 (13th September 2017)
- New features:
- Body and category names can now be translated in the admin. #1244
- Report states can be edited and translated in the admin. #1826
- Extra fields can be added to the report form site-wide. #1743
- Staff users can now create reports as an anonymous user. #1796
- Staff users can filter reports by all states. #1790
config key to limit site access to logged-in users.SIGNUPS_DISABLED
config key to prevent new user registrations.
- Front end improvements:
- Always show pagination figures even if only one page. #1787
- Report pages list more updates to a report. #1806
- Clearer wording and more prominent email input on alert page. #1829
- Cobrands can implement
to hide outline on map. - Templates to allow extra messages through problem confirmation. #1837
- Admin improvements:
- Highlight current shortlisted user in list tooltip. #1788
- Extra fields on contacts can be edited. #1743
- Clearer highlight for selected duplicate on inspect form. #1798
- Include MapIt API key on admin config page. #1778
- Redirect to same map view after inspection. #1820
- A default response priority can now be set. #1838
- Dashboard CSV export includes Northing, Easting and Ward. It also now orders fields by report confirmed time. #1832 #1835
- Bugfixes:
- Set up action scheduled field when report loaded. #1789
- Fix display of thumbnail images on page reload. #1815
- Fix sidebar hover behaviour being lost. #1808
- Stop errors from JS validator due to form in form.
- Stop update form toggle causing report submission.
- Update map size if an extra column has appeared.
- Improve performance of various pages. #1799
- Duplicate list not loading when phone number present. #1803
- Don't list multiple fixed states all as Fixed in dropdown. #1824
- Disable email field for logged in people. #1840
- Development improvements:
- Debug toolbar added. #1823
script to automate switching config.yml files. #1741make_css --watch
can run custom script after each compilation.- Upgrade comonlib to get nicer MapIt error message.
- New features:
v2.1.1 (3rd August 2017)
- Email improvements:
- Clicking on the map in an email links to the report #1596
- Admin improvements:
- Resend report if changing category changes send_method. #1772
- Do not replace deleted text with [...] when moderating. #1774
- Show reporter's phone number on inspector form. #1773
- Redirect to /around after inspecting a report.
- Bugfixes:
- Cache template paths in About.pm with lang_code. #1765
- Resize pin image before compositing onto static map.
- Development improvements:
- Use standard JavaScript translation for show/hide pins. #1752
- Allow update-schema to run on empty database. #1755
- Update MapIt URL to https in example webserver configs.
- Option to redirect to custom URL from Contact form.
- Email improvements:
v2.1 (8th July 2017)
- New features:
- Allow users to hide their name on reports/updates. #658
- New /reports page. #1630 #1726 #1753
- Front end improvements:
- Resize photos client-side before uploading. #1734
- CSS header/content/navigation refactoring/simplification. #1719 #1718
- Consolidate state dropdowns, make sure existing state is included. #1707
- Simplify
for most cobrands. #1709 - Change the contact form Post button label to Send. #1750
- Add an optional phone field to the contact form. #1750
- Double resolution pin icons in core. #1713
- Admin improvements:
- Don't resend if category change subsets body. #1725
- Fix styling of 'remove from site' button. #1700
- Add inactive state to categories. #1757
- Inspect form:
- Make more visually distinct, better on medium screens. #1700 #1701
- Populate defect types dropdown on category change. #1698
- Update templates when category/state changed. #1729
- Fix bug when switching state to duplicate and back. #1729
- Don't preselect inspector template on page load. #1747
- Allow inspectors to shortlist all reports in view. #1652
- Subscribe inspectors to updates when state changes. #1694
- Streamline new reports for inspectors. #1636
- Bugfixes:
- Make three strings translatable. #1744 #1735
- Reinstate geolocation on alert page. #1726
- Fix clickable spaces on inspect form/ward page. #1724
- Make sure segmented control input not offscreen. #1749
- Remove superfluous quote in HTML script element. #1705
- Add missing closing to base FAQ.
- Development improvements:
- Allow static home page template override. #1745
- Add Debian stretch/perl 5.24 support. #1746
- Add scripts to rule them all. #1740
- Update submodule on any Vagrant provisioning. #1702
- Fix imbalanced paragraph tags in glossary. #1737
- Spot badly configured SMTP type. #1758.
- Add MAPIT_API_KEY support
- Hooks:
- Add hook for post-title field content in report form. #1735
- Add hook so cobrands can change pin hover title. #1713
- Allow cobrands to define pin colour for new reports. #1713
- Testing:
- Run each test file in a transaction. #1721
- Test script should run 't' when other args given. #1721
- Auto-add strict/warnings/Test::More with TestMech. #1554
- Fix test that would not run offline. #1712
- Fix timing edge case test failure.
- Backwards incompatible changes:
- The
class has been removed. If you have a custom footer template, replace that class with 'container'. #1718 - The
page now uses different generated data. If you have a customreports/index.html
template, you may need to callupdate-all-reports
with the--table
- The
- Internal things:
- Move third party libraries into vendor directories. #1704
- Stop using sudo on Travis, improve locale support. #1712
- Add CodeCov coverage testing. #1759
- UK:
- Add fixture script. #1720
- Add Borsetshire demo cobrand. #1717
- Remove requirement for fixed body IDs. #1721
- Show all pins on two-tier councils only. #1733
- Stop nearest request with scientific notation. #1695
- New features:
v2.0.4 (13th April 2017)
- Front end improvements:
- On /reports maps, only include reports in view. #1689
- Admin improvements:
- Allow comma-separated contact emails in the admin. #1683
- Bugfixes:
- Upgrade Facebook 3rd party library to fix Facebook login. #1681
- Don't error when devolved body, blank send methods. #1374
- Fix issue with categories with regex characters. #1688
- Front end improvements:
v2.0.3 (31st March 2017)
- Front end improvements:
- Add ability to make map full screen on mobile report pages. #1655
- Move staff-only JavaScript to separate file. #1666
- Show loading indicator when loading pins. #1669
- Allow users to reopen closed reports. #1607
- Admin improvements:
- Redirect to category-filtered /reports on login if present. #1622
- Follow redirect to /admin after login if allowed. #1622
- Include /admin link on top-level nav for admin users.
- Add shortlist filters. #1629
- Add submit buttons to admin index search forms. #1551
- Store user object when deleting report. #1661
- Use name at time of moderation, include superusers. #1660
- Add customisable defect types. #1674
- Bugfixes:
- Fix crash on reports with empty
. #1635 - Only output appcache/manifest for shortlist users. #1653
- Fix placeholder typo in French translation.
- Make sure report Ajax call is not cached by IE11. #1638
- Check cobrand users list when admin merging users. #1662
- Make sure emails are lowercased in admin. #1662
- Specify options in 'all' status filter. #1664
- Be clearer if no states selected is not all states. #1664
- Set up correct environment in cobrand PO script. #1616
- Allow superuser to leave update when inspecting. #1640
- Remove duplicate <> around envelope senders. #1663
- Fix invisible segmented controls in old Webkit. #1670
- Remove superfluous lists from Open311 JSON output. #1672
- Upgrade to using Email::Sender. #1639
- Fix bug if test run c. 55 hours before BST starts.
- Use lat/lon on inspection form if no local coordinates. #1676
- Improve translatability of various pages.
- Fix crash on reports with empty
- Development improvements:
- Send open reports regardless of current state. #1334
- Clarify ‘inspected’ behaviour. #1614
- Reduce disk stats. #1647
- Refactor main navigation into reusable blocks.
- Add Problem->time_ago for pretty-printed duration.
- Add
field to ResponsePriority. - Forward on all bounces as bounces.
- Use sender in From if From and To domains match. #1651
- Refactor SendReport::Open311 to use cobrand hooks. #792
- Do upload_dir check on start up, not each report. #1668
- Make sure all tests can run offline. #1675
- Add ability to override Google Maps road style. #1676
- Front end improvements:
v2.0.2 (3rd February 2017)
- Front end changes:
- Add an offline fallback page with appcache. #1588
- Improve print layout for report list pages. #1548
- Rename ‘unable to fix’ as ‘no further action’.
- Bugfixes:
- Mark two missing strings for translation. #1604
- Make sure email is lowercase when signing in. #1623
- Make sure language included in calls to base_url_for_report. #1617
- Small CSS homepage fixes.
- Admin:
- Fix filtering on shortlist page. #1620
- Fix 'save with public update' toggle. #1615
- Admin improvements:
- Add offline report inspection for inspectors. #1588 #1602 #1608
- Admin with appropriate permission can see body user who left contribute_as_body report or update. #1601 #1603
- Include ‘Add user’ link on admin user search results page. #1606
- Redirect to new user after user creation/edit. #1606
- Redirect to shortlist after inspection if user has permission. #1612
- Allow response templates to be associated with a state, and default to that template if report state changed to match. #1587
- Disable show name checkbox when reporting as someone else. #1597
- Show response priorities in report list items. #1582
- Shortlist add/remove icons in report lists and report page. #1582
- Reordering shortlist buttons in report lists. #1582
- Default inspect form to save with public update.
- Drop unneeded Cancel button on inspect form.
- Use ‘*’ on admin page to signify superuser.
- Development improvements:
- Update has_body_permission_to to allow superusers. #1600
- Move staging flags to their own config variable. #1600
- Only warn of Open311 failure after a couple, in case it's transient.
- Only load user body permissions once per request.
- Return 400/500 for some client/server errors.
- Fix bad cross-year test.
- Front end changes:
v2.0.1 (16th December 2016)
- Bugfixes:
- Fix issue in dragging map in Chrome 55. openlayers/ol2#1510
- Don't double-decode strftime output, to fix date/time display.
- Filter category should always carry through to form.
- Don't fix height of admin multiple selects. #1589
- Admin improvements:
- Add duplicate management to inspector view. #1581
- Open inspect Navigate link in new tab. #1583
- Scroll to report inspect form if present. #1583
- Update problem lastupdate column on inspect save. #1584
- Update priorities in inspect form on category change. #1590
- Development improvements:
- Pass test if NXDOMAINs are intercepted.
- Better path for showing config git version. #1586
- Bugfixes:
v2.0 (15th November 2016)
- Front end improvements:
- Add HTML emails. #1281 #1103
- Stop map being underneath content sidebar/header. #1350 #361
- Use Ajax/HTML5 history to pull in reports and improve map views. #1351 #1450 #1457 #1173
- Allow multiple states and categories to be filtered. #1547
- Add sort order options to list pages. #308
- Invert area highlight on body pages. #1564
- Allow users to change their own email. #360 #1440
- Improve change password form/success page. #1503
- Allow scroll wheel to zoom map. #1326
- Rename "Your reports" in main navigation to "Your account".
- Centre map on pin location when creating a report.
- Zoom into map after second click on marker.
- Maintain single newlines in text output. #306
- JavaScript performance improvements. #1490 #1491
- Allow searching for reports with ref: prefix in postcode field. #1495
- Improve report form, with public, private, category sections. #1528
- Only show relevant bodies after category selection.
- Add update form name validation. #1493 #503 #1526
- Add CORS header to RSS output. #1540
- Switch MapQuest to HTTPS. #1505
- Better 403/404 pages.
- Admin improvements:
- Greatly improve report edit page, including map. #1347
- Improve category edit form, and display extra data. #1557 #1524
- Hide confirmed column on body page if all categories confirmed. #1565
- Show any waiting reports on admin index page. #1382
- Allow user's phone number to be edited, and a report's category. #400
- Resend report if changing category changes body. #1560.
- Leave a public update if an admin changes a report's category. #1544
- New user system:
- /admin requires a user with the
flag. #1463 createsuperuser
command for creating superusers.- Feature to create report as body/other user. #1473
- Add user permissions system. #1486
- Allow user to have an area assigned in admin. #1488
- Allow user to have categories assigned in admin. #1563
- Add inspector report detail view. #1470
- Add user shortlists. #1482
- Add response templates and priorities. #1500 #1517
- Add user reputation and trusted users. #1533
- /admin requires a user with the
- Bugfixes:
- Front end:
- Fix photo preview display after submission. #1511
- Update list of TLDs for email checking. #1504
- Fix form validation issue with multiple IDs. #1513
- Don't show deleted bodies on /reports. #1545
- Stop using collapse filter in category template.
- Use default link zoom for all map types.
- Don't reload /reports or /my pages when filter updated.
- Don't show alert email box if signed in.
- Do not send alerts for hidden reports. #1461
- Admin:
- Fix contact editing of Open311 categories. #1535
- Show 'Remove from site' button based on report. #1508
- Improve moderation display and email. #855
- Fix invalid SQL being generated by moderation lookup. #1489
- Show user edit errors (e.g. blank name/email). #1510
- Disallow empty name when creating/editing bodies.
- Fix a crash on /admin/timeline.
- Front end:
- Development improvements:
- CSS:
- make_css: Add output style option.
- make_css: Follow symlinks.
- Remove some unused CSS, and simplify full-width. #1423
- Add generic .form-control and .btn classes.
- Open311:
- Tidy up/harden some handling. #1428
- Add config for request limit, default 1000. #1313
- Automatically spot co-ord/ID attributes. #1499
- Make sure passed coordinate is decimal.
- JavaScript:
- Use static validation_rules.js file. #1451
- Remove need to customise OpenLayers built script. #1448
- Refactor and tidy all the JavaScript. #913
- Prefer using an auto.min.js file if present/newer. #1491
- Testing:
- Speed up tests by stubbing out calls to Gaze.
- Tests can run multiple times simultaneously. #1477
- run-tests with no arguments runs all tests.
- Don’t cache geocoder results when STAGING_SITE is 1. #1447
- Make UPLOAD_DIR/GEO_CACHE relative to project root. #1474
- Change add_links from a function to a filter. #1487
- Optionally skip some cobrand restrictions. #1529
- Allow contact form recipient override and extra fields.
- Add server-side MapIt proxy.
- CSS:
- Vagrant installation improvements:
- Improve error handling.
- Don't add a symlink if it is to the same place.
- Backwards incompatible changes:
- Drop support for IE6. #1356
- UK
- Better handling of two-tier reports. #1381
- Allow limited admin access to body users on their own cobrands.
- Add Content-Security-Policy header.
- Front end improvements:
The Open311 adapter code has been moved to its own repository at https://github.com/mysociety/open311-adapter.
v1.8.4 (6th July 2016)
- Security:
- Fix XSS vulnerability in OpenGraph header and hide/all pins links.
- Front end improvements:
- Wrap emails better for differing screen sizes. #1393
- Fix annoying jump when "Get updates" drawer opened. #1425
- Improve auth flow taken when return key used. #1433
- Add and improve more CSRF tokens. #1433
- Remove default box-shadow. #1419
- Fix missing margin before reporting form email input. #1418
- Bugfixes:
- Redirect correctly if filter used without JavaScript. #1422
- Remove race condition when starting new report. #1434
- Fix a couple of display bugs in IE7. #1356
- Correctly orient preview images. #1378
- Security:
v1.8.3 (3rd June 2016)
- Admin improvements
- Add search boxes to admin index page, and move stats. #1295
- Allow change of email in admin to existing entry. #1207
- Speed up photo removal. #1400
- Improve in-place moderation UI. #1388
- Front end improvements:
- Improve printing of report page in Firefox. #1394
- Fallback if request to Gaze fails. #1286
- Bugfixes:
- Fix non-working Google Maps layer. #1215
- Fix map tap sensitivity on some devices. #911 and openlayers/ol2#1418
- Fix lack of removal of cached update photos. #1405
- Handle reports/updates by logged in abuse entries.
- Fix size of grey chevrons.
- Development improvements:
- Massive speed increase to CSS compilation. #1414
- Use only one templating system for emails. #1410
- Move summary string function to template. #694
- Consolidate CSS clearfix handling. #1414
- Disable auto-CRLF conversion on git checkout.
- Support for Debian Jessie/Ubuntu Xenial.
- UK only
- Add standard mySociety footer. #1385
- Admin improvements
v1.8.2 (3rd May 2016)
- Security:
- Fix vulnerability in image upload that allowed external command execution.
- New features
- Twitter social login. #1377
- PNG image upload support. #1302 #1361
- Front end improvements:
- Switch list item heading from h4 to h3. #1348
- Preserve category when clicking elsewhere on map.
- Optimize store logo PNGs.
- Admin improvements
- Default new category creation to confirmed. #1266
- Use better link to reports on admin body page.
- Bugfixes:
- Show right body user form value for fixed reports. #1369
- Cope with a '/' in body name slug. #574
- Ignore empty entries in the image upload IDs.
- Use transparent border in tips/change_location. #1380
- Development improvements:
- Allow cobrands to control front page number colours.
- Refactor email handling to use Email::MIME alone. #1366
- Improve testing on Mac OS X.
- Prevent dev sites auto-creating session.
- Display used send method in debug line.
- Remove unused cobrands. #1383
- Finally combine remaining base/fixmystreet templates.
- Don't warn on bad photo hashes.
- Skip fetched updates if they're out of date range. #1390
- Store Open311 error in report on failure. #1391
- Security:
v1.8.1 (23rd March 2016)
- Front end improvements: - Remember user's last anonymous state. #150 - Remove auto-scrolling of sidebar on pin hover. #1344 - Better multiple image display for reports/updates. #1325 - Improve accessibility of pretty radio buttons and photo inputs.
- Bugfixes: - Make sure preview image doesn't hide error. #1361 - Don't double-decode geocoded addresses. #1359 - Ensure top of reporting form is shown. #787 - Other updates for Perl 5.20/5.22. #1358
- Development improvements: - Add cobrand-specific custom reporting fields. #1352
v1.8 (2nd March 2016)
- New features:
- Facebook login. #1146
- Multiple photo upload support, with new UI. #190 #825 #1300
- Front end improvements:
- Pad internal update links so they are in view. #1308
- Move alert page "recent photos" out of sidebar. #1168
- Clearer relationship between map pins/list items. #1094
- Consistent styling for updates on /report and /my pages. #1312
- Stop a top banner overlapping header contents/improve CSS. #1306
- Improve design of some error pages.
- Performance improvements:
- Reduce memory usage. #1285
- Bugfixes:
- Default the Google map view to hybrid. #1293
- Prevent SVG chevron being stretched in Firefox. #1256
- Better display/internationalisation of numbers. #1297
- Fix cobrand restriction of My/Nearby. #1289
- If app user logged in, perform alert signup. #1321
- Spot media_url in Open311 GetServiceRequestUpdate. #1315
- Improve disabled input behaviour (no hover, ensure faded).
- Fix co-ordinate swapping bug in Google geocoder.
- Exclude update alerts from summary alert counts.
- Skip sending if any body marks it for skipping.
- Upgrade Net::SMTP::SSL to fix email sending issue.
- Development improvements:
- Add generic static route handler. #1235
- Store reports summary data by cobrand. #1290
- Better handling replies to bounce addresses. #85
- Combine more base/fixmystreet templates.
- Add OpenStreetMap URL to report email.
- Admin improvements:
- Don't allow blank email/name to be submitted. #1294
- Handle multiple photo rotation/removal in admin. #1300
- Fix typo in admin body form checked status.
- UK only
- Make sure front page error is visible. #1336
- Don't show app next step if used app. #1305
- House Rules. #890 #1311
- New features:
v1.7.2 (6th July 2016)
- Security:
- Fix XSS vulnerability in OpenGraph header and hide/all pins links.
- Security:
v1.7.1 (3rd May 2016)
- Security:
- Fix vulnerability in image upload that allowed external command execution.
- Security:
v1.7 (23rd October 2015)
- Front end improvements:
- Add right-to-left design option. #1209
- Add state/category filters to list pages. #1141
- Include last update time in around/my page lists. #1245
- Show report details more nicely on a questionnaire page. #1104
- Improve email confirmation page (now matches success pages). #577
- Update URL hash when mobile menu navigation clicked. #1211
- Add public status page showing stats and version. #1251
- Accessibility improvements to map pages. #1217
- New default OpenGraph image. #1184
- Turkish translation.
- Performance improvements:
- A number of database speed improvements. #1017
- Bugfixes:
- Translate report states in admin index. #1179
- Improve translation string on alert page. #348
- Fix location bug fetching category extras.
- Workaround DMARC problems. #1070
- Fix padding of alert form box. #1211
- Pin Google Maps API version to keep it working. #1215
- Upgrade Google geocoder to version 3. #1194
- Fix script running when CDPATH is set. #1250
- Fix retina image size on front page. #838
- Process update left as part of questionnaire, to catch empty ones. #1234
- Make sure explicit sign in button clicks are honoured. #1091
- Adjust email confirmation text when report not being sent. #1210
- Fix footer links in admin if behind a proxy. #1206
- Use base URL in a cobrand alert for a report without a body. #1198
- Fix potential graph script failure in perl 5.16+. #1262
- Development improvements:
- Error logging should now work consistently. #404
- Streamline navigation menu CSS. #1191
- Streamline list item CSS. #1141
- make_css now follows symlinks. #1181
- Use a sass variable for hamburger menu. #1186
- Write progress of make_css_watch to terminal title. #1211
- Templates:
- Remove final hardcoded "FixMyStreet" from templates. #1205
- Combine a number of base/fixmystreet templates. #1245
- Installation:
- Make sure submodules are checked out by Vagrant. #1197
- Remove Module::Pluggable warning in newer perls. #1254
- Bundle carton to ease installation step. #1208
- Translation:
- Improve ease of running gettext-extract. #1202
- Add standard app.psgi file.
- Add link to volunteer tickets in README. #1259
- Use Modernizr to decide whether to show mobile map. #1192
- Prevent potential session cookie recursion. #1077
- Allow underscore in cobrand name/data. #1236
- Add a development URL to see check email pages. #1211
- Front end improvements:
v1.6.3 (6th July 2016)
- Security:
- Fix XSS vulnerability in OpenGraph header and hide/all pins links.
- Security:
v1.6.2 (3rd May 2016)
- Security:
- Fix vulnerability in image upload that allowed external command execution.
- Security:
v1.6.1 (31st July 2015)
- Bugfixes:
- Fix bug introduced in last release when setting multiple areas for a body in the admin. #1158
- Don't have default "name >= 5 characters"/"must have space" checks, as Latin-centric #805
- New features:
- Danish translation.
- Front end improvements:
- Fix “All Reports” table headers on scroll. #50
- Add time tooltips to All Reports table headings. #983
- Fix sidebar running over the footer on alerts page. #1168
- Admin improvements:
- Add mark as sent button. #601
- Add link to comment user ID from body form if present. #580
- Add MapIt links from body page/ report co-ordinates. #638
- Show any category extra data. #517 #920
- Mark users who have moderate permission. #990
- Allow editing of body external URL.
- List a report’s bodies more nicely.
- UK specific improvements:
- Explain gone Northern Ireland councils. #1151
- Better messaging for councils refusing messages. #968
- Bugfixes:
v1.5.5 / v1.6 (10th July 2015)
- Security:
- Fix vulnerability in login email sending that could allow an account to be hijacked by a third party.
- Time out email authentication tokens.
- Update dependency to fix issue with Unicode characters in passwords.
- New features:
- Chinese translation.
- Front end improvements:
- Add “Report” button in default mobile header. #931
- Use ‘hamburger’ menu icon in mobile header. #931
- Resize map pins based on zoom level. #1041
- Improve report meta information display. #1080
- Display message on body page when reports list is empty.
- Bugfixes:
- Fix issue with shrunken update photos. #424
- Fix typo in footer role="contentinfo".
- Default Google maps to satellite view. #1133
- Update Bing Maps parameter ID.
- Development improvements:
- Add ability for map pages to filter by category/state. #1134 (this is currently on a couple of cobrands, to add to base soon)
- Allow cobrands to specify ordering on all reports page.
- Use mocked Nominatim in tests to cope with bad connections.
- Add Extra role to ease use of the {extra} database field. #1018
- UK specific improvements:
- Add dog poop poster. #1028
- Security:
v1.5.4 (25th February 2015)
- New features:
- Stamen toner-lite and Bing Maps tiles.
- Czech and part-done Lithuanian translations.
- Front end improvements:
- Nicer confirmation pages, with next steps template example. #972
- Always show report/update confirmation page, even if logged in. #1003
- Expire cached geolocations after a week. #684
- Bugfixes:
- Make sure all co-ordinates are stringified/truncated. #1009
- Correct "Open Street Map" to "OpenStreetMap". #1021
- Only create timezone objects once, at startup.
- Development improvements:
- Remove need to specify en-gb in LANGUAGES. #1015
- Mac installation improvements. #1014
- Make use of jhead and Math::BigInt::GMP optional. #1016
- Link from admin config page to MapIt. #1022
- Test URLs for confirmation pages.
- New configuration variable for setting up behind a secure proxy.
- UK specific improvements:
- Output easting/northing on one line. #997
- Output Irish easting/northing in Northern Ireland. #822
- New features:
v1.5.3 (21st January 2015)
- New features:
- Satellite map toggle option on Google Maps view. #1002
- Greek translation.
- Bugfixes:
- Fix cron-based email to use configured SMTP settings. #988
- Update UNIX_USER variable on installation setup of crontab. #974
- Improve make_css finding of bundled compass when in symlink. #978
- Remove hard-coded site name from submit email template.
- Allow forked repository pull requests to run on Travis.
- Fix title of Privacy page, and other minor text fixes.
- CSS: add some bottom content padding and fix a tiny map links issue.
- Development improvements:
- Replace site_title cobrand function with site-name web template. #979
- Remove need for 'cron-wrapper' to run scripts. #852
- Rename 'test-wrapper' to 'run-tests'. #999
- Add client_max_body_size nginx config option. #995
- Tidy up bin directory and #! lines.
- Admin improvements:
- Add staging email warning on admin body pages if needed. #982
- Add admin navigation link to Configuration page. #1005
- Better URL for body category editing.
- New features:
v1.5.2 (17th December 2014)
- Hide unneeded heading on default footer.
- Suppress 'Argument "" isn't numeric' warning on admin report edit page.
- [UK] Don't show topic form field when reporting abuse.
- Use token in moderation response URL to prevent hidden report leak.
v1.5.1 (12th December 2014)
- Bugfixes
- Use correct cobrand signature in SendReport emails. #960
- Fix double encoding of non-ASCII signature in emails. #961
- Use area-based alerts by default, as they function correctly. #959
- Set DefaultLocale appropriately when language set, for date display.
- Open311
- Better error if Open311 server returns a nil service list.
- Cope better with Open311 server not liking a blank jurisdiction_id.
- Installation/developer improvements:
- Add a script to use a test database for running tests. #786
- Make base FAQ more generic, move out UK-specific parts. #753 #935
- Provide guidance at top of example config file.
- Don't install open311-endpoint feature by default.
- Bugfixes
v1.5 (19th November 2014)
- Installation/developer improvements:
- Support for Ubuntu Trusty Tahr 14.04 LTS. #921
- Install bundler for more stable gem installation. #923
- Rewritten graph generation programs in Perl. #924
- Front end report moderation code. #809
- Admin improvements:
- Pagination of admin search results. #909
- Validation of category details. #556
- Removed overhang in body categories table. #738
- Add encouraging message about support. #929
- Tweak summary output on bodies page. #516
- Move diligency table to bottom of page. #739
- Front end:
- Map page sidebar now flush with edges of window. #381
- Simplify z-index usage, with other tidying. #673
- Filtering of All Reports by category in URL. #254
- More template generalisation, moving UK-specific stuff away. #344
- Bugfixes:
- Fixed JavaScript-disabled submission in Chrome/Firefox. #932
- Show logged in message as success, not error. #357
- Remove opacity from map controls on mobile.
- Escape category in RSS feeds.
- Internationalisation:
- Add Albanian, Bulgarian, Hebrew, and Ukranian .po files.
- Installation/developer improvements:
v1.4.2 (14th July 2014)
- Maintenance release to deal with failing package installation. #832
- User additions/improvements:
- New links from
to open/fixed reports. #798 - Better detection of signing in on
form. #816
- New links from
- Installation/developer improvements:
- Allow SMTP username/password to be specified. #406
- Correct GitHub link in
. - Error correctly if
fails to run. - Rename
web templates directory tobase
. - Move UK-specific text to separate templates. #344
- Upgrade bundled
. #807
v1.4.1 (23rd May 2014)
- Don't run some cron scripts by default, and rejig timings, to alleviate memory problems on EC2 micro instances. #640
v1.4 (16th May 2014)
- User improvements:
- Adds some guidance on an empty
page. #671 - Auto-selects the category when reporting if there is only one. #690
- Stops indenting emails a few spaces. #715
- Email template updates. #700
- Adds some guidance on an empty
- Installation/developer improvements:
- Makes it easier to change the pin icons. #721
- Sends reports on staging sites to the reporter. #653
- Adds a no-op send method to suspend report sending. #507
- Improves the example Apache config. #733
- Includes a nicer crontab example. #621
- New developer scripts:
. #680geocode
. #758
- Adds
field to Bodies. #710 - Reinstates Open311 original update fetching code. #710 #755
- Pins sass/compass versions. #585
- Adds new
variable. #784
- Bugfixes:
- Fixes MapQuest and OSM attribution. #710 #687
- Remove cached photos when deleted from admin.
- Tiny bugfixes processing Open311 updates. #677
- Correctly sets language in email alert loop. #542
- Cron emails use
in Message-ID. #678 - Minor fixes for Debian wheezy.
- Graph display of fixed states.
- Slight CSS simplification. #609
- Internal things:
- Improves the robustness of Carton installation. #675
- Doubles the speed of running tests on Travis.
- User improvements:
v1.3 (12th November 2013)
- Changes cobrand behaviour so if only one is specified, always use it. #598
- Allows multiple email addresses to be given for a contact.
- Bugfixes to pan icon placement, and bottom navbar in Chrome. #597
- Admin improvements
- Search by external ID. #389
- Date picker in stats. #514
- Mark external links. #579
- Fix for bug when changing report state from 'unconfirmed'. #527
- Improve lists of report updates.
- Add marking of bodies as deleted.
- Show version number of code on config page.
- Test suite runs regardless of config file contents. #596
v1.2.6 (11th October 2013)
- Upgrades OpenLayers to 2.13.1, for e.g. animated zooming.
- Adds facility for using Google Maps via OpenLayers. #587
- Swaps installation order of Perl modules/database, more robust. #573
- Renames default FakeMapIt "Default Area" to "Everywhere". #566
- Adds a "current configuration" admin page. #561
v1.2.5 (13th September 2013)
- Adds various useful hints and notices to the admin interface. #184
- Improves the install script, including an example
- It is now easier for tests to override particular configuration variables should they need to.
v1.2.4 (5th September 2013)
- A fix for the long-standing issue where multiline strings were not being translated (reported at abw/Template2#29 )
- Better translation strings for "marked as" updates, fixes #391
- Less noise when running the tests
v1.2.3 (2nd September 2013)
- Maintenance release to deal with failing installation
- Improves reuse of
and shared CSS - Removes hardcoded UK URLs on a couple of admin error emails
- Marks a couple of strings missing translation
- Updates mapquest URLs
v1.2.2 (26th July 2013)
- Maintenance release to deal with failing installation
- Improves the Google Maps plugin somewhat, though still needs work
v1.2.1 (5th June 2013)
- Maintenance release to deal with failing carton installation
- Test and module fixes for installation on Debian wheezy
- Module fixes for running on Travis
- The install script adds gem environment variables to the user's .bashrc
so that
can be run directly after installation make_css
automatically spots which cobrands use compass- Adds some missing states to the admin report edit page
v1.2 (3rd May 2013)
- Adds
to allow easier use of global MapIt - Adds postfix to the install script/ AMI so emailing works out of the box
- Adds an extra zoom level to the OSM maps
- Adds the Catalyst gzip plugin so HTML pages are gzipped
- Fixes an issue with the All Reports summary statistics not including some open states, such as 'in progress'
- Adds
v1.1.2 (15th March 2013)
- Includes the
now required by carton, the Perl package management program we use.
- Includes the
v1.1.1 (22nd February 2013)
- Hotfix to fix missed iPhone width bug
v1.1 (22nd February 2013)
- Adds bodies, so that the organisations that reports are sent to can cover multiple MapIt administrative areas, or multiple bodies can cover one area, and other related scenarios
- Admin display improvements
- Internationalisation improvements, especially with text in JavaScript
- Various minor updates and fixes (e.g. a
option onsend-reports
, and coping if MapIt has its debug switched on)
v1.0 (24th October 2012)
- Official launch of the FixMyStreet platform