In this example, we show how to use a pre-trained custom MNIST model to performing real time Digit recognition with TorchServe. We will be serving the model using a Docker container.
The inference service would return the digit inferred by the model in the input image.
We used the following pytorch example to train the basic MNIST model for digit recognition :
Run the commands given in following steps from the parent directory of the root of the repository. For example, if you cloned the repository into /home/my_path/serve, run the steps from /home/my_path/serve
torch-model-archiver --model-name mnist --version 1.0 --model-file examples/image_classifier/mnist/ --serialized-file examples/image_classifier/mnist/ --handler examples/image_classifier/mnist/
mkdir model_store
mv mnist.mar model_store/
docker run --rm -it -p -p -p -v $(pwd)/model_store:/home/model-server/model-store pytorch/torchserve:latest-cpu
curl -X POST "localhost:8081/models?model_name=mnist&url=mnist.mar&initial_workers=4"
If this succeeeds, you will see a message like below
"status": "Model \"mnist\" Version: 1.0 registered with 4 initial workers"
curl -T examples/image_classifier/mnist/test_data/0.png
The output in this case will be a 0