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Create custom source

Chris edited this page Apr 19, 2019 · 14 revisions

A custom vim completion source can be created with a few simple steps.


Start with a simple example

Assume foo is the source name.

  • Create folder autoload/coc/source in any of your vim runtimepath, the default user runtimepath of neovim is $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nvim

  • Create a file named foo.vim in folder autoload/coc/source

  • Add content:

    function! coc#source#foo#init() abort
      " options of current source
      return {
            \'shortcut': 'foo',
            \'priority': 3,
    function! coc#source#foo#complete(opt, cb) abort
      let items = [{
            \ "word": "foo"
            \}, {
            \ "word": "bar"
      call a:cb(items)

That's all you need to do in order to get a basic custom completion source working.

Default options of source

The options are returned by coc#source#{name}#init function, available options are:

  • shortcut: used by menu, uses source name if omitted.
  • priority: a number for adjusting the sort results completion items. It should be number between 0-99. The default is 1.
  • filetypes: array of filetype names this source should be triggered by. Available for all filetypes if ommited.
  • firstMatch: if not falsy, only the completion item that has the first letter matching the user input will be shown.

All options are optional.

Options for completion

  id              : number // unqiue number
  bufnr           : number // current buffer number
  line            : string // current line string
  col             : number // the start column number of input
  input           : string // the input string
  filetype        : string // filetype of current buffer
  filepath        : string // fullpath of current buffer
  changedtick     : number // b:changedtick when start completion
  triggerCharacter: string // the trigger character, could be empty string of single character
  colnr           : number // column number of cursor 
  linenr          : number // line number of cursor

Result of completion

Result are returned by a callback function (second argument). The result should be list of vim completion items, or fasly value for invalid results.

Check out :h complete-items for available fields.

Optional functions

  • coc#source#{name}#refresh(): called when user does a refresh action for source.
  • coc#source#{name}#should_complete(option): called with completion option, returns 0 or other fasly value to skip completion for current completion.
  • coc#source#{name}#get_startcol(option): called with completion option, should return completion start column number when function exists, other source is disabled if the returned column number is not option.col
  • coc#source#{name}#on_complete(item): called with vim complete item when it's selected by user.


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