# Plain TeX slides Make super simple but awesome slides in plain TeX! Look how marvelous they are (see more in the output direcory):  ## Features * It generate slides with gorgeous header * It has slide number in the corner * Isn't that awesome already? * It can do lists * It can do a frame with anything you want. Just clone this repository, edit the example slides file **plain-tex-slides.tex** and run (make sure you have TeX installed properly): make I wanted to look just a little tiny bit under the hood of the almighty {La,Xe,Lua,}TeX, the masterpiece of Donald Ervin Knuth. I created this in something like a trial-and-error procedure, so the result is not the best-practice in any way. Not only that this isn't the best-practice, this is really bad. I'm sorry for that. # BI-TEX semestral project This is a semestral project for the [BI-TeX](http://petr.olsak.net/typotex.html "BI-TeX") course on [FIT CTU](http://fit.cvut.cz/ "Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Information Technology") held by the wizard of TeX: [RNDr. Petr Olšák](http://petr.olsak.net/ "RNDr. Petr Olšák"), the creator of the great [OPMac plainTeX macros](http://petr.olsak.net/opmac-e.html "OPmac").