diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 504a9593d8d..de2023a01d6 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,596 +1,12 @@
+This is an automatically updated **experimental**
+version of [Node.js](https://github.com/nodejs/node)
+with the lkgr (last known good revision) of V8.
-Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. Node.js
-uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and
-efficient. The Node.js package ecosystem, [npm][], is the largest ecosystem of
-open source libraries in the world.
+The daily builds of this repo can be found at
+**Do not use this in production!**
-The Node.js project is supported by the
-[Node.js Foundation](https://nodejs.org/en/foundation/). Contributions,
-policies, and releases are managed under an
-[open governance model](./GOVERNANCE.md).
+This repository is not owned by `@nodejs/v8`, but they might be able to
+help with issues.
-**This project is bound by a [Code of Conduct][].**
-# Table of Contents
-* [Support](#support)
-* [Release Types](#release-types)
- * [Download](#download)
- * [Current and LTS Releases](#current-and-lts-releases)
- * [Nightly Releases](#nightly-releases)
- * [API Documentation](#api-documentation)
- * [Verifying Binaries](#verifying-binaries)
-* [Building Node.js](#building-nodejs)
-* [Security](#security)
-* [Current Project Team Members](#current-project-team-members)
- * [TSC (Technical Steering Committee)](#tsc-technical-steering-committee)
- * [Collaborators](#collaborators)
- * [Release Team](#release-team)
-* [Contributing to Node.js](#contributing-to-nodejs)
-## Support
-Node.js contributors have limited availability to address general support
-questions. Please make sure you are using a [currently-supported version of
-When looking for support, please first search for your question in these venues:
-* [Node.js Website][]
-* [Node.js Help][]
-* [Open or closed issues in the Node.js GitHub organization](https://github.com/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=sort%3Aupdated-desc+org%3Anodejs+is%3Aissue)
-* [Questions tagged 'node.js' on StackOverflow][]
-If you didn't find an answer in one of the venues above, you can:
-* Join the **unofficial** [#node.js channel on chat.freenode.net][]. See
- for more information.
-GitHub issues are meant for tracking enhancements and bugs, not general support.
-Remember, libre != gratis; the open source license grants you the freedom to use
-and modify, but not commitments of other people's time. Please be respectful,
-and set your expectations accordingly.
-## Release Types
-The Node.js project maintains multiple types of releases:
-* **Current**: Released from active development branches of this repository,
- versioned by [SemVer](https://semver.org) and signed by a member of the
- [Release Team](#release-team).
- Code for Current releases is organized in this repository by major version
- number. For example: [v4.x](https://github.com/nodejs/node/tree/v4.x).
- The major version number of Current releases will increment every 6 months
- allowing for breaking changes to be introduced. This happens in April and
- October every year. Current release lines beginning in October each year have
- a maximum support life of 8 months. Current release lines beginning in April
- each year will convert to LTS (see below) after 6 months and receive further
- support for 30 months.
-* **LTS**: Releases that receive Long-term Support, with a focus on stability
- and security. Every second Current release line (major version) will become an
- LTS line and receive 18 months of _Active LTS_ support and a further 12
- months of _Maintenance_. LTS release lines are given alphabetically
- ordered codenames, beginning with v4 Argon. LTS releases are less frequent
- and will attempt to maintain consistent major and minor version numbers,
- only incrementing patch version numbers. There are no breaking changes or
- feature additions, except in some special circumstances.
-* **Nightly**: Versions of code in this repository on the current Current
- branch, automatically built every 24-hours where changes exist. Use with
- caution.
-More information can be found in the [LTS README](https://github.com/nodejs/LTS/).
-### Download
-Binaries, installers, and source tarballs are available at
-#### Current and LTS Releases
-**Current** and **LTS** releases are available at
-, listed under their version strings.
-The [latest](https://nodejs.org/download/release/latest/) directory is an
-alias for the latest Current release. The latest LTS release from an LTS
-line is available in the form: latest-_codename_. For example:
-#### Nightly Releases
-**Nightly** builds are available at
-, listed under their version
-string which includes their date (in UTC time) and the commit SHA at
-the HEAD of the release.
-#### API Documentation
-**API documentation** is available in each release and nightly
-directory under _docs_. points to the API
-documentation of the latest stable version.
-### Verifying Binaries
-Current, LTS, and Nightly download directories all contain a SHASUMS256.txt
-file that lists the SHA checksums for each file available for
-The SHASUMS256.txt can be downloaded using `curl`.
-$ curl -O https://nodejs.org/dist/vx.y.z/SHASUMS256.txt
-To check that a downloaded file matches the checksum, run
-it through `sha256sum` with a command such as:
-$ grep node-vx.y.z.tar.gz SHASUMS256.txt | sha256sum -c -
-Current and LTS releases (but not Nightlies) also have the GPG detached
-signature of SHASUMS256.txt available as SHASUMS256.txt.sig. You can use `gpg`
-to verify that SHASUMS256.txt has not been tampered with.
-To verify SHASUMS256.txt has not been altered, you will first need to import
-all of the GPG keys of individuals authorized to create releases. They are
-listed at the bottom of this README under [Release Team](#release-team).
-Use a command such as this to import the keys:
-$ gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys DD8F2338BAE7501E3DD5AC78C273792F7D83545D
-See the bottom of this README for a full script to import active release keys.
-Next, download the SHASUMS256.txt.sig for the release:
-$ curl -O https://nodejs.org/dist/vx.y.z/SHASUMS256.txt.sig
-After downloading the appropriate SHASUMS256.txt and SHASUMS256.txt.sig files,
-you can then use `gpg --verify SHASUMS256.txt.sig SHASUMS256.txt` to verify
-that the file has been signed by an authorized member of the Node.js team.
-Once verified, use the SHASUMS256.txt file to get the checksum for
-the binary verification command above.
-## Building Node.js
-See [BUILDING.md](BUILDING.md) for instructions on how to build
-Node.js from source. The document also contains a list of
-officially supported platforms.
-## Security
-All security bugs in Node.js are taken seriously and should be reported by
-emailing security@nodejs.org. This will be delivered to a subset of the project
-team who handle security issues. Please don't disclose security bugs
-publicly until they have been handled by the security team.
-Your email will be acknowledged within 24 hours, and you’ll receive a more
-detailed response to your email within 48 hours indicating the next steps in
-handling your report.
-There are no hard and fast rules to determine if a bug is worth reporting as
-a security issue. The general rule is any issue worth reporting
-must allow an attacker to compromise the confidentiality, integrity
-or availability of the Node.js application or its system for which the attacker
-does not already have the capability.
-To illustrate the point, here are some examples of past issues and what the
-Security Response Team thinks of them. When in doubt, however, please do send
-us a report nonetheless.
-### Public disclosure preferred
-- [#14519](https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/14519): _Internal domain
- function can be used to cause segfaults_. Causing program termination using
- either the public JavaScript APIs or the private bindings layer APIs requires
- the ability to execute arbitrary JavaScript code, which is already the highest
- level of privilege possible.
-- [#12141](https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/12141): _buffer: zero fill
- Buffer(num) by default_. The buffer constructor behavior was documented,
- but found to be prone to [mis-use](https://snyk.io/blog/exploiting-buffer/).
- It has since been changed, but despite much debate, was not considered misuse
- prone enough to justify fixing in older release lines and breaking our
- API stability contract.
-### Private disclosure preferred
-- [CVE-2016-7099](https://nodejs.org/en/blog/vulnerability/september-2016-security-releases/):
- _Fix invalid wildcard certificate validation check_. This is a high severity
- defect that would allow a malicious TLS server to serve an invalid wildcard
- certificate for its hostname and be improperly validated by a Node.js client.
-- [#5507](https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/5507): _Fix a defect that makes
- the CacheBleed Attack possible_. Many, though not all, OpenSSL vulnerabilities
- in the TLS/SSL protocols also effect Node.js.
-- [CVE-2016-2216](https://nodejs.org/en/blog/vulnerability/february-2016-security-releases/):
- _Fix defects in HTTP header parsing for requests and responses that can allow
- response splitting_. While the impact of this vulnerability is application and
- network dependent, it is remotely exploitable in the HTTP protocol.
-When in doubt, please do send us a report.
-## Current Project Team Members
-The Node.js project team comprises a group of core collaborators and a sub-group
-that forms the _Technical Steering Committee_ (TSC) which governs the project.
-For more information about the governance of the Node.js project, see
-### TSC (Technical Steering Committee)
-* [addaleax](https://github.com/addaleax) -
-**Anna Henningsen** <anna@addaleax.net> (she/her)
-* [ChALkeR](https://github.com/ChALkeR) -
-**Сковорода Никита Андреевич** <chalkerx@gmail.com> (he/him)
-* [cjihrig](https://github.com/cjihrig) -
-**Colin Ihrig** <cjihrig@gmail.com>
-* [danbev](https://github.com/danbev) -
-**Daniel Bevenius** <daniel.bevenius@gmail.com>
-* [evanlucas](https://github.com/evanlucas) -
-**Evan Lucas** <evanlucas@me.com> (he/him)
-* [fhinkel](https://github.com/fhinkel) -
-**Franziska Hinkelmann** <franziska.hinkelmann@gmail.com> (she/her)
-* [Fishrock123](https://github.com/Fishrock123) -
-**Jeremiah Senkpiel** <fishrock123@rocketmail.com>
-* [indutny](https://github.com/indutny) -
-**Fedor Indutny** <fedor.indutny@gmail.com>
-* [jasnell](https://github.com/jasnell) -
-**James M Snell** <jasnell@gmail.com> (he/him)
-* [joshgav](https://github.com/joshgav) -
-**Josh Gavant** <josh.gavant@outlook.com>
-* [joyeecheung](https://github.com/joyeecheung) -
-**Joyee Cheung** <joyeec9h3@gmail.com> (she/her)
-* [mcollina](https://github.com/mcollina) -
-**Matteo Collina** <matteo.collina@gmail.com> (he/him)
-* [mhdawson](https://github.com/mhdawson) -
-**Michael Dawson** <michael_dawson@ca.ibm.com> (he/him)
-* [mscdex](https://github.com/mscdex) -
-**Brian White** <mscdex@mscdex.net>
-* [MylesBorins](https://github.com/MylesBorins) -
-**Myles Borins** <myles.borins@gmail.com> (he/him)
-* [ofrobots](https://github.com/ofrobots) -
-**Ali Ijaz Sheikh** <ofrobots@google.com>
-* [rvagg](https://github.com/rvagg) -
-**Rod Vagg** <rod@vagg.org>
-* [targos](https://github.com/targos) -
-**Michaël Zasso** <targos@protonmail.com> (he/him)
-* [thefourtheye](https://github.com/thefourtheye) -
-**Sakthipriyan Vairamani** <thechargingvolcano@gmail.com> (he/him)
-* [trevnorris](https://github.com/trevnorris) -
-**Trevor Norris** <trev.norris@gmail.com>
-* [Trott](https://github.com/Trott) -
-**Rich Trott** <rtrott@gmail.com> (he/him)
-### TSC Emeriti
-* [bnoordhuis](https://github.com/bnoordhuis) -
-**Ben Noordhuis** <info@bnoordhuis.nl>
-* [chrisdickinson](https://github.com/chrisdickinson) -
-**Chris Dickinson** <christopher.s.dickinson@gmail.com>
-* [isaacs](https://github.com/isaacs) -
-**Isaac Z. Schlueter** <i@izs.me>
-* [nebrius](https://github.com/nebrius) -
-**Bryan Hughes** <bryan@nebri.us>
-* [orangemocha](https://github.com/orangemocha) -
-**Alexis Campailla** <orangemocha@nodejs.org>
-* [piscisaureus](https://github.com/piscisaureus) -
-**Bert Belder** <bertbelder@gmail.com>
-* [shigeki](https://github.com/shigeki) -
-**Shigeki Ohtsu** <ohtsu@ohtsu.org> (he/him)
-### Collaborators
-* [abouthiroppy](https://github.com/abouthiroppy) -
-**Yuta Hiroto** <hello@about-hiroppy.com> (he/him)
-* [addaleax](https://github.com/addaleax) -
-**Anna Henningsen** <anna@addaleax.net> (she/her)
-* [ak239](https://github.com/ak239) -
-**Aleksei Koziatinskii** <ak239spb@gmail.com>
-* [andrasq](https://github.com/andrasq) -
-**Andras** <andras@kinvey.com>
-* [AndreasMadsen](https://github.com/AndreasMadsen) -
-**Andreas Madsen** <amwebdk@gmail.com> (he/him)
-* [AnnaMag](https://github.com/AnnaMag) -
-**Anna M. Kedzierska** <anna.m.kedzierska@gmail.com>
-* [apapirovski](https://github.com/apapirovski) -
-**Anatoli Papirovski** <apapirovski@mac.com> (he/him)
-* [aqrln](https://github.com/aqrln) -
-**Alexey Orlenko** <eaglexrlnk@gmail.com> (he/him)
-* [bengl](https://github.com/bengl) -
-**Bryan English** <bryan@bryanenglish.com> (he/him)
-* [benjamingr](https://github.com/benjamingr) -
-**Benjamin Gruenbaum** <benjamingr@gmail.com>
-* [bmeck](https://github.com/bmeck) -
-**Bradley Farias** <bradley.meck@gmail.com>
-* [bmeurer](https://github.com/bmeurer) -
-**Benedikt Meurer** <benedikt.meurer@gmail.com>
-* [bnoordhuis](https://github.com/bnoordhuis) -
-**Ben Noordhuis** <info@bnoordhuis.nl>
-* [brendanashworth](https://github.com/brendanashworth) -
-**Brendan Ashworth** <brendan.ashworth@me.com>
-* [BridgeAR](https://github.com/BridgeAR) -
-**Ruben Bridgewater** <ruben@bridgewater.de>
-* [bzoz](https://github.com/bzoz) -
-**Bartosz Sosnowski** <bartosz@janeasystems.com>
-* [calvinmetcalf](https://github.com/calvinmetcalf) -
-**Calvin Metcalf** <calvin.metcalf@gmail.com>
-* [ChALkeR](https://github.com/ChALkeR) -
-**Сковорода Никита Андреевич** <chalkerx@gmail.com> (he/him)
-* [chrisdickinson](https://github.com/chrisdickinson) -
-**Chris Dickinson** <christopher.s.dickinson@gmail.com>
-* [cjihrig](https://github.com/cjihrig) -
-**Colin Ihrig** <cjihrig@gmail.com>
-* [claudiorodriguez](https://github.com/claudiorodriguez) -
-**Claudio Rodriguez** <cjrodr@yahoo.com>
-* [danbev](https://github.com/danbev) -
-**Daniel Bevenius** <daniel.bevenius@gmail.com>
-* [DavidCai1993](https://github.com/DavidCai1993) -
-**David Cai** <davidcai1993@yahoo.com> (he/him)
-* [edsadr](https://github.com/edsadr) -
-**Adrian Estrada** <edsadr@gmail.com> (he/him)
-* [eljefedelrodeodeljefe](https://github.com/eljefedelrodeodeljefe) -
-**Robert Jefe Lindstaedt** <robert.lindstaedt@gmail.com>
-* [estliberitas](https://github.com/estliberitas) -
-**Alexander Makarenko** <estliberitas@gmail.com>
-* [eugeneo](https://github.com/eugeneo) -
-**Eugene Ostroukhov** <eostroukhov@google.com>
-* [evanlucas](https://github.com/evanlucas) -
-**Evan Lucas** <evanlucas@me.com> (he/him)
-* [fhinkel](https://github.com/fhinkel) -
-**Franziska Hinkelmann** <franziska.hinkelmann@gmail.com> (she/her)
-* [firedfox](https://github.com/firedfox) -
-**Daniel Wang** <wangyang0123@gmail.com>
-* [Fishrock123](https://github.com/Fishrock123) -
-**Jeremiah Senkpiel** <fishrock123@rocketmail.com>
-* [gabrielschulhof](https://github.com/gabrielschulhof) -
-**Gabriel Schulhof** <gabriel.schulhof@intel.com>
-* [geek](https://github.com/geek) -
-**Wyatt Preul** <wpreul@gmail.com>
-* [gibfahn](https://github.com/gibfahn) -
-**Gibson Fahnestock** <gibfahn@gmail.com> (he/him)
-* [gireeshpunathil](https://github.com/gireeshpunathil) -
-**Gireesh Punathil** <gpunathi@in.ibm.com> (he/him)
-* [guybedford](https://github.com/guybedford) -
-**Guy Bedford** <guybedford@gmail.com> (he/him)
-* [hashseed](https://github.com/hashseed) -
-**Yang Guo** <yangguo@chromium.org> (he/him)
-* [iarna](https://github.com/iarna) -
-**Rebecca Turner** <me@re-becca.org>
-* [imran-iq](https://github.com/imran-iq) -
-**Imran Iqbal** <imran@imraniqbal.org>
-* [imyller](https://github.com/imyller) -
-**Ilkka Myller** <ilkka.myller@nodefield.com>
-* [indutny](https://github.com/indutny) -
-**Fedor Indutny** <fedor.indutny@gmail.com>
-* [italoacasas](https://github.com/italoacasas) -
-**Italo A. Casas** <me@italoacasas.com> (he/him)
-* [JacksonTian](https://github.com/JacksonTian) -
-**Jackson Tian** <shyvo1987@gmail.com>
-* [jasnell](https://github.com/jasnell) -
-**James M Snell** <jasnell@gmail.com> (he/him)
-* [jasongin](https://github.com/jasongin) -
-**Jason Ginchereau** <jasongin@microsoft.com>
-* [jbergstroem](https://github.com/jbergstroem) -
-**Johan Bergström** <bugs@bergstroem.nu>
-* [jhamhader](https://github.com/jhamhader) -
-**Yuval Brik** <yuval@brik.org.il>
-* [jkrems](https://github.com/jkrems) -
-**Jan Krems** <jan.krems@gmail.com> (he/him)
-* [joaocgreis](https://github.com/joaocgreis) -
-**João Reis** <reis@janeasystems.com>
-* [joshgav](https://github.com/joshgav) -
-**Josh Gavant** <josh.gavant@outlook.com>
-* [joyeecheung](https://github.com/joyeecheung) -
-**Joyee Cheung** <joyeec9h3@gmail.com> (she/her)
-* [julianduque](https://github.com/julianduque) -
-**Julian Duque** <julianduquej@gmail.com> (he/him)
-* [JungMinu](https://github.com/JungMinu) -
-**Minwoo Jung** <minwoo@nodesource.com> (he/him)
-* [kfarnung](https://github.com/kfarnung) -
-**Kyle Farnung** <kfarnung@microsoft.com> (he/him)
-* [kunalspathak](https://github.com/kunalspathak) -
-**Kunal Pathak** <kunal.pathak@microsoft.com>
-* [lance](https://github.com/lance) -
-**Lance Ball** <lball@redhat.com>
-* [lpinca](https://github.com/lpinca) -
-**Luigi Pinca** <luigipinca@gmail.com> (he/him)
-* [lucamaraschi](https://github.com/lucamaraschi) -
-**Luca Maraschi** <luca.maraschi@gmail.com> (he/him)
-* [maclover7](https://github.com/maclover7) -
-**Jon Moss** <me@jonathanmoss.me> (he/him)
-* [matthewloring](https://github.com/matthewloring) -
-**Matthew Loring** <mattloring@google.com>
-* [mcollina](https://github.com/mcollina) -
-**Matteo Collina** <matteo.collina@gmail.com> (he/him)
-* [mhdawson](https://github.com/mhdawson) -
-**Michael Dawson** <michael_dawson@ca.ibm.com> (he/him)
-* [micnic](https://github.com/micnic) -
-**Nicu Micleușanu** <micnic90@gmail.com> (he/him)
-* [mikeal](https://github.com/mikeal) -
-**Mikeal Rogers** <mikeal.rogers@gmail.com>
-* [misterdjules](https://github.com/misterdjules) -
-**Julien Gilli** <jgilli@nodejs.org>
-* [mscdex](https://github.com/mscdex) -
-**Brian White** <mscdex@mscdex.net>
-* [MylesBorins](https://github.com/MylesBorins) -
-**Myles Borins** <myles.borins@gmail.com> (he/him)
-* [not-an-aardvark](https://github.com/not-an-aardvark) -
-**Teddy Katz** <teddy.katz@gmail.com>
-* [ofrobots](https://github.com/ofrobots) -
-**Ali Ijaz Sheikh** <ofrobots@google.com>
-* [orangemocha](https://github.com/orangemocha) -
-**Alexis Campailla** <orangemocha@nodejs.org>
-* [othiym23](https://github.com/othiym23) -
-**Forrest L Norvell** <ogd@aoaioxxysz.net> (he/him)
-* [phillipj](https://github.com/phillipj) -
-**Phillip Johnsen** <johphi@gmail.com>
-* [pmq20](https://github.com/pmq20) -
-**Minqi Pan** <pmq2001@gmail.com>
-* [princejwesley](https://github.com/princejwesley) -
-**Prince John Wesley** <princejohnwesley@gmail.com>
-* [Qard](https://github.com/Qard) -
-**Stephen Belanger** <admin@stephenbelanger.com> (he/him)
-* [refack](https://github.com/refack) -
-**Refael Ackermann** <refack@gmail.com> (he/him)
-* [richardlau](https://github.com/richardlau) -
-**Richard Lau** <riclau@uk.ibm.com>
-* [rmg](https://github.com/rmg) -
-**Ryan Graham** <r.m.graham@gmail.com>
-* [robertkowalski](https://github.com/robertkowalski) -
-**Robert Kowalski** <rok@kowalski.gd>
-* [romankl](https://github.com/romankl) -
-**Roman Klauke** <romaaan.git@gmail.com>
-* [ronkorving](https://github.com/ronkorving) -
-**Ron Korving** <ron@ronkorving.nl>
-* [RReverser](https://github.com/RReverser) -
-**Ingvar Stepanyan** <me@rreverser.com>
-* [rvagg](https://github.com/rvagg) -
-**Rod Vagg** <rod@vagg.org>
-* [saghul](https://github.com/saghul) -
-**Saúl Ibarra Corretgé** <saghul@gmail.com>
-* [sam-github](https://github.com/sam-github) -
-**Sam Roberts** <vieuxtech@gmail.com>
-* [santigimeno](https://github.com/santigimeno) -
-**Santiago Gimeno** <santiago.gimeno@gmail.com>
-* [sebdeckers](https://github.com/sebdeckers) -
-**Sebastiaan Deckers** <sebdeckers83@gmail.com>
-* [seishun](https://github.com/seishun) -
-**Nikolai Vavilov** <vvnicholas@gmail.com>
-* [shigeki](https://github.com/shigeki) -
-**Shigeki Ohtsu** <ohtsu@ohtsu.org> (he/him)
-* [silverwind](https://github.com/silverwind) -
-**Roman Reiss** <me@silverwind.io>
-* [srl295](https://github.com/srl295) -
-**Steven R Loomis** <srloomis@us.ibm.com>
-* [stefanmb](https://github.com/stefanmb) -
-**Stefan Budeanu** <stefan@budeanu.com>
-* [targos](https://github.com/targos) -
-**Michaël Zasso** <targos@protonmail.com> (he/him)
-* [thefourtheye](https://github.com/thefourtheye) -
-**Sakthipriyan Vairamani** <thechargingvolcano@gmail.com> (he/him)
-* [thekemkid](https://github.com/thekemkid) -
-**Glen Keane** <glenkeane.94@gmail.com> (he/him)
-* [thlorenz](https://github.com/thlorenz) -
-**Thorsten Lorenz** <thlorenz@gmx.de>
-* [TimothyGu](https://github.com/TimothyGu) -
-**Timothy Gu** <timothygu99@gmail.com> (he/him)
-* [tniessen](https://github.com/tniessen) -
-**Tobias Nießen** <tniessen@tnie.de>
-* [trevnorris](https://github.com/trevnorris) -
-**Trevor Norris** <trev.norris@gmail.com>
-* [Trott](https://github.com/Trott) -
-**Rich Trott** <rtrott@gmail.com> (he/him)
-* [tunniclm](https://github.com/tunniclm) -
-**Mike Tunnicliffe** <m.j.tunnicliffe@gmail.com>
-* [vkurchatkin](https://github.com/vkurchatkin) -
-**Vladimir Kurchatkin** <vladimir.kurchatkin@gmail.com>
-* [vsemozhetbyt](https://github.com/vsemozhetbyt) -
-**Vse Mozhet Byt** <vsemozhetbyt@gmail.com> (he/him)
-* [watilde](https://github.com/watilde) -
-**Daijiro Wachi** <daijiro.wachi@gmail.com> (he/him)
-* [whitlockjc](https://github.com/whitlockjc) -
-**Jeremy Whitlock** <jwhitlock@apache.org>
-* [XadillaX](https://github.com/XadillaX) -
-**Khaidi Chu** <i@2333.moe> (he/him)
-* [yorkie](https://github.com/yorkie) -
-**Yorkie Liu** <yorkiefixer@gmail.com>
-* [yosuke-furukawa](https://github.com/yosuke-furukawa) -
-**Yosuke Furukawa** <yosuke.furukawa@gmail.com>
-### Collaborator Emeriti
-* [isaacs](https://github.com/isaacs) -
-**Isaac Z. Schlueter** <i@izs.me>
-* [lxe](https://github.com/lxe) -
-**Aleksey Smolenchuk** <lxe@lxe.co>
-* [monsanto](https://github.com/monsanto) -
-**Christopher Monsanto** <chris@monsan.to>
-* [Olegas](https://github.com/Olegas) -
-**Oleg Elifantiev** <oleg@elifantiev.ru>
-* [petkaantonov](https://github.com/petkaantonov) -
-**Petka Antonov** <petka_antonov@hotmail.com>
-* [piscisaureus](https://github.com/piscisaureus) -
-**Bert Belder** <bertbelder@gmail.com>
-* [rlidwka](https://github.com/rlidwka) -
-**Alex Kocharin** <alex@kocharin.ru>
-* [tellnes](https://github.com/tellnes) -
-**Christian Tellnes** <christian@tellnes.no>
-Collaborators follow the [COLLABORATOR_GUIDE.md](./COLLABORATOR_GUIDE.md) in
-maintaining the Node.js project.
-### Release Team
-Node.js releases are signed with one of the following GPG keys:
-* **Colin Ihrig** <cjihrig@gmail.com>
-* **Evan Lucas** <evanlucas@me.com>
-* **Gibson Fahnestock** <gibfahn@gmail.com>
-* **Italo A. Casas** <me@italoacasas.com>
-* **James M Snell** <jasnell@keybase.io>
-* **Jeremiah Senkpiel** <fishrock@keybase.io>
-* **Myles Borins** <myles.borins@gmail.com>
-* **Rod Vagg** <rod@vagg.org>
-The full set of trusted release keys can be imported by running:
-gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys 94AE36675C464D64BAFA68DD7434390BDBE9B9C5
-gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys FD3A5288F042B6850C66B31F09FE44734EB7990E
-gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys 71DCFD284A79C3B38668286BC97EC7A07EDE3FC1
-gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys DD8F2338BAE7501E3DD5AC78C273792F7D83545D
-gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys C4F0DFFF4E8C1A8236409D08E73BC641CC11F4C8
-gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys B9AE9905FFD7803F25714661B63B535A4C206CA9
-gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys 56730D5401028683275BD23C23EFEFE93C4CFFFE
-gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys 77984A986EBC2AA786BC0F66B01FBB92821C587A
-See the section above on [Verifying Binaries](#verifying-binaries) for details
-on what to do with these keys to verify that a downloaded file is official.
-Previous releases may also have been signed with one of the following GPG keys:
-* **Chris Dickinson** <christopher.s.dickinson@gmail.com>
-* **Isaac Z. Schlueter** <i@izs.me>
-* **Julien Gilli** <jgilli@fastmail.fm>
-* **Timothy J Fontaine** <tjfontaine@gmail.com>
-## Contributing to Node.js
-* [Contributing to the project][]
-* [Working Groups][]
-[npm]: https://www.npmjs.com
-[Code of Conduct]: https://github.com/nodejs/admin/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md
-[Contributing to the project]: CONTRIBUTING.md
-[Node.js Help]: https://github.com/nodejs/help
-[Node.js Website]: https://nodejs.org/en/
-[Questions tagged 'node.js' on StackOverflow]: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/node.js
-[Working Groups]: https://github.com/nodejs/TSC/blob/master/WORKING_GROUPS.md
-[#node.js channel on chat.freenode.net]: https://webchat.freenode.net?channels=node.js&uio=d4
+This project is bound by a [Code of Conduct](https://github.com/nodejs/TSC/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md).
diff --git a/common.gypi b/common.gypi
index a3433e0ddc6..bd561009e81 100644
--- a/common.gypi
+++ b/common.gypi
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
# Reset this number to 0 on major V8 upgrades.
# Increment by one for each non-official patch applied to deps/v8.
- 'v8_embedder_string': '-node.3',
+ 'v8_embedder_string': '-node.0',
# Enable disassembler for `--print-code` v8 options
'v8_enable_disassembler': 1,
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
[ 'OS in "linux freebsd openbsd solaris android aix cloudabi"', {
'cflags': [ '-Wall', '-Wextra', '-Wno-unused-parameter', ],
- 'cflags_cc': [ '-fno-rtti', '-fno-exceptions', '-std=gnu++0x' ],
+ 'cflags_cc': [ '-fno-rtti', '-fno-exceptions', '-std=gnu++1y' ],
'ldflags': [ '-rdynamic' ],
'target_conditions': [
# The 1990s toolchain on SmartOS can't handle thin archives.
@@ -409,7 +409,7 @@
['clang==1', {
'xcode_settings': {
'GCC_VERSION': 'com.apple.compilers.llvm.clang.1_0',
- 'CLANG_CXX_LANGUAGE_STANDARD': 'gnu++0x', # -std=gnu++0x
+ 'CLANG_CXX_LANGUAGE_STANDARD': 'gnu++1y', # -std=gnu++1y
'CLANG_CXX_LIBRARY': 'libc++',
diff --git a/deps/v8/.gitignore b/deps/v8/.gitignore
index 6861c70994b..b7c5334f492 100644
--- a/deps/v8/.gitignore
+++ b/deps/v8/.gitignore
@@ -70,6 +70,8 @@
@@ -92,6 +94,7 @@ TAGS
@@ -103,5 +106,6 @@ turbo*.cfg
diff --git a/deps/v8/.vpython b/deps/v8/.vpython
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9ea0da7145b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/v8/.vpython
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# This is a vpython "spec" file.
+# It describes patterns for python wheel dependencies of the python scripts in
+# the chromium repo, particularly for dependencies that have compiled components
+# (since pure-python dependencies can be easily vendored into third_party).
+# When vpython is invoked, it finds this file and builds a python VirtualEnv,
+# containing all of the dependencies described in this file, fetching them from
+# CIPD (the "Chrome Infrastructure Package Deployer" service). Unlike `pip`,
+# this never requires the end-user machine to have a working python extension
+# compilation environment. All of these packages are built using:
+# https://chromium.googlesource.com/infra/infra/+/master/infra/tools/dockerbuild/
+# All python scripts in the repo share this same spec, to avoid dependency
+# fragmentation.
+# If you have depot_tools installed in your $PATH, you can invoke python scripts
+# in this repo by running them as you normally would run them, except
+# substituting `vpython` instead of `python` on the command line, e.g.:
+# vpython path/to/script.py some --arguments
+# Read more about `vpython` and how to modify this file here:
+# https://chromium.googlesource.com/infra/infra/+/master/doc/users/vpython.md
+python_version: "2.7"
+# Needed by third_party/catapult/devil/devil, which is imported by
+# build/android/test_runner.py when running performance tests.
+wheel: <
+ name: "infra/python/wheels/psutil/${vpython_platform}"
+ version: "version:5.2.2"
diff --git a/deps/v8/.ycm_extra_conf.py b/deps/v8/.ycm_extra_conf.py
index a451d9f31c3..74e605431a6 100644
--- a/deps/v8/.ycm_extra_conf.py
+++ b/deps/v8/.ycm_extra_conf.py
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
# Flags from YCM's default config.
flags = [
diff --git a/deps/v8/AUTHORS b/deps/v8/AUTHORS
index be50e6e4996..744d13be8d1 100644
--- a/deps/v8/AUTHORS
+++ b/deps/v8/AUTHORS
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Below is a list of people and organizations that have contributed
+# Below is a list of people and organizations that have contributed
# to the V8 project. Names should be added to the list like so:
# Name/Organization
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ StrongLoop, Inc. <*@strongloop.com>
Facebook, Inc. <*@fb.com>
Facebook, Inc. <*@oculus.com>
Vewd Software AS <*@vewd.com>
+Groupon <*@groupon.com>
Aaron Bieber
Abdulla Kamar
@@ -45,6 +46,7 @@ Andrew Paprocki
Andrei Kashcha
Anna Henningsen
Bangfu Tao
+Ben Coe
Ben Noordhuis
Benjamin Tan
Bert Belder
@@ -54,6 +56,7 @@ Craig Schlenter
Choongwoo Han
Chris Nardi
Christopher A. Taylor
+Colin Ihrig
Daniel Andersson
Daniel Bevenius
Daniel James
@@ -75,6 +78,7 @@ Ioseb Dzmanashvili
Isiah Meadows
Jaime Bernardo
Jan de Mooij
+Jan Krems
Jay Freeman
James Pike
Jianghua Yang
@@ -86,6 +90,7 @@ JunHo Seo
Kang-Hao (Kenny) Lu
Karl Skomski
Kevin Gibbons
+Kris Selden
Loo Rong Jie
Luis Reis
Luke Zarko
@@ -101,6 +106,7 @@ Michael Smith
Michaël Zasso
Mike Gilbert
Mike Pennisi
+Mikhail Gusarov
Milton Chiang
Myeong-bo Shim
Nicolas Antonius Ernst Leopold Maria Kaiser
@@ -127,12 +133,14 @@ Sandro Santilli
Sanjoy Das
Seo Sanghyeon
Stefan Penner
+Sylvestre Ledru
Tobias Burnus
Victor Costan
Vlad Burlik
Vladimir Krivosheev
Vladimir Shutoff
Wiktor Garbacz
+Yong Wang
Yu Yin
Zac Hansen
Zhongping Wang
diff --git a/deps/v8/BUILD.gn b/deps/v8/BUILD.gn
index daed449c0a5..9e2c0291e55 100644
--- a/deps/v8/BUILD.gn
+++ b/deps/v8/BUILD.gn
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ declare_args() {
v8_enable_vtunejit = false
- v8_enable_handle_zapping = is_debug
+ v8_enable_handle_zapping = true
# Enable slow dchecks.
v8_enable_slow_dchecks = false
@@ -83,11 +83,14 @@ declare_args() {
v8_enable_trace_ignition = false
+ v8_enable_trace_feedback_updates = false
- v8_enable_concurrent_marking = false
+ v8_enable_concurrent_marking = true
- v8_enable_csa_write_barrier = true
+ v8_enable_force_slow_path = ""
# Build the snapshot with unwinding information for perf.
@@ -132,6 +135,8 @@ declare_args() {
# Temporary flag to allow embedders to update their microtasks scopes
# while rolling in a new version of V8.
v8_check_microtasks_scopes_consistency = ""
+ v8_monolithic = false
# Derived defaults.
@@ -147,6 +152,9 @@ if (v8_enable_disassembler == "") {
if (v8_enable_trace_maps == "") {
v8_enable_trace_maps = is_debug
+if (v8_enable_force_slow_path == "") {
+ v8_enable_force_slow_path = is_debug
if (v8_enable_v8_checks == "") {
v8_enable_v8_checks = is_debug
@@ -270,6 +278,12 @@ config("features") {
if (v8_enable_trace_ignition) {
defines += [ "V8_TRACE_IGNITION" ]
+ if (v8_enable_trace_feedback_updates) {
+ defines += [ "V8_TRACE_FEEDBACK_UPDATES" ]
+ }
+ if (v8_enable_force_slow_path) {
+ defines += [ "V8_ENABLE_FORCE_SLOW_PATH" ]
+ }
if (v8_enable_v8_checks) {
defines += [ "V8_ENABLE_CHECKS" ]
@@ -300,9 +314,6 @@ config("features") {
if (v8_enable_concurrent_marking) {
defines += [ "V8_CONCURRENT_MARKING" ]
- if (v8_enable_csa_write_barrier) {
- defines += [ "V8_CSA_WRITE_BARRIER" ]
- }
if (v8_check_microtasks_scopes_consistency) {
@@ -502,6 +513,12 @@ config("toolchain") {
# TODO(hans): Remove once http://crbug.com/428099 is resolved.
+ if (v8_current_cpu != "mips" && v8_current_cpu != "mipsel") {
+ # We exclude MIPS because the IsMipsArchVariant macro causes trouble.
+ cflags += [ "-Wunreachable-code" ]
+ }
if (v8_current_cpu == "x64" || v8_current_cpu == "arm64" ||
v8_current_cpu == "mips64el") {
cflags += [ "-Wshorten-64-to-32" ]
@@ -568,9 +585,7 @@ action("js2c") {
- "src/js/string.js",
- "src/js/weak-collection.js",
@@ -746,6 +761,16 @@ action("postmortem-metadata") {
sources = [
+ "src/objects/code-inl.h",
+ "src/objects/code.h",
+ "src/objects/data-handler.h",
+ "src/objects/data-handler-inl.h",
+ "src/objects/fixed-array-inl.h",
+ "src/objects/fixed-array.h",
+ "src/objects/js-array-inl.h",
+ "src/objects/js-array.h",
+ "src/objects/js-regexp-inl.h",
+ "src/objects/js-regexp.h",
@@ -764,65 +789,68 @@ action("postmortem-metadata") {
rebase_path(sources, root_build_dir)
-action("run_mksnapshot") {
- visibility = [ ":*" ] # Only targets in this file can depend on this.
- deps = [
- ":mksnapshot($v8_snapshot_toolchain)",
- ]
- script = "tools/run.py"
+if (v8_use_snapshot) {
+ action("run_mksnapshot") {
+ visibility = [ ":*" ] # Only targets in this file can depend on this.
- sources = []
+ deps = [
+ ":mksnapshot($v8_snapshot_toolchain)",
+ ]
- outputs = [
- "$target_gen_dir/snapshot.cc",
- ]
+ script = "tools/run.py"
- args = [
- "./" + rebase_path(get_label_info(":mksnapshot($v8_snapshot_toolchain)",
- "root_out_dir") + "/mksnapshot",
- root_build_dir),
- "--startup_src",
- rebase_path("$target_gen_dir/snapshot.cc", root_build_dir),
- ]
+ sources = []
- if (v8_random_seed != "0") {
- args += [
- "--random-seed",
- v8_random_seed,
+ outputs = [
+ "$target_gen_dir/snapshot.cc",
- }
- if (v8_os_page_size != "0") {
- args += [
- "--v8_os_page_size",
- v8_os_page_size,
+ args = [
+ "./" + rebase_path(get_label_info(":mksnapshot($v8_snapshot_toolchain)",
+ "root_out_dir") + "/mksnapshot",
+ root_build_dir),
+ "--turbo_instruction_scheduling",
+ "--startup_src",
+ rebase_path("$target_gen_dir/snapshot.cc", root_build_dir),
- }
- if (v8_perf_prof_unwinding_info) {
- args += [ "--perf-prof-unwinding-info" ]
- }
+ if (v8_random_seed != "0") {
+ args += [
+ "--random-seed",
+ v8_random_seed,
+ ]
+ }
- if (v8_use_external_startup_data) {
- outputs += [ "$root_out_dir/snapshot_blob.bin" ]
- args += [
- "--startup_blob",
- rebase_path("$root_out_dir/snapshot_blob.bin", root_build_dir),
- ]
- }
+ if (v8_os_page_size != "0") {
+ args += [
+ "--v8_os_page_size",
+ v8_os_page_size,
+ ]
+ }
- if (v8_embed_script != "") {
- sources += [ v8_embed_script ]
- args += [ rebase_path(v8_embed_script, root_build_dir) ]
- }
+ if (v8_perf_prof_unwinding_info) {
+ args += [ "--perf-prof-unwinding-info" ]
+ }
- if (v8_enable_fast_mksnapshot) {
- args += [
- "--no-turbo-rewrite-far-jumps",
- "--no-turbo-verify-allocation",
- ]
+ if (v8_use_external_startup_data) {
+ outputs += [ "$root_out_dir/snapshot_blob.bin" ]
+ args += [
+ "--startup_blob",
+ rebase_path("$root_out_dir/snapshot_blob.bin", root_build_dir),
+ ]
+ }
+ if (v8_embed_script != "") {
+ sources += [ v8_embed_script ]
+ args += [ rebase_path(v8_embed_script, root_build_dir) ]
+ }
+ if (v8_enable_fast_mksnapshot) {
+ args += [
+ "--no-turbo-rewrite-far-jumps",
+ "--no-turbo-verify-allocation",
+ ]
+ }
@@ -834,6 +862,7 @@ action("v8_dump_build_config") {
is_gcov_coverage = v8_code_coverage && !is_clang
args = [
rebase_path("$root_out_dir/v8_build_config.json", root_build_dir),
+ "current_cpu=\"$current_cpu\"",
@@ -844,7 +873,9 @@ action("v8_dump_build_config") {
+ "v8_current_cpu=\"$v8_current_cpu\"",
+ "v8_enable_verify_predictable=$v8_enable_verify_predictable",
@@ -901,44 +932,46 @@ v8_source_set("v8_nosnapshot") {
configs = [ ":internal_config" ]
-v8_source_set("v8_snapshot") {
- # Only targets in this file and the top-level visibility target can
- # depend on this.
- visibility = [
- ":*",
- "//:gn_visibility",
- ]
- deps = [
- ":js2c",
- ":js2c_experimental_extras",
- ":js2c_extras",
- ":v8_base",
- ]
- public_deps = [
- # This should be public so downstream targets can declare the snapshot
- # output file as their inputs.
- ":run_mksnapshot",
- ]
+if (v8_use_snapshot) {
+ v8_source_set("v8_snapshot") {
+ # Only targets in this file and the top-level visibility target can
+ # depend on this.
+ visibility = [
+ ":*",
+ "//:gn_visibility",
+ ]
- sources = [
- "$target_gen_dir/experimental-extras-libraries.cc",
- "$target_gen_dir/extras-libraries.cc",
- "$target_gen_dir/libraries.cc",
- "$target_gen_dir/snapshot.cc",
- "src/setup-isolate-deserialize.cc",
- ]
+ deps = [
+ ":js2c",
+ ":js2c_experimental_extras",
+ ":js2c_extras",
+ ":v8_base",
+ ]
+ public_deps = [
+ # This should be public so downstream targets can declare the snapshot
+ # output file as their inputs.
+ ":run_mksnapshot",
+ ]
- if (use_jumbo_build == true) {
- jumbo_excluded_sources = [
- # TODO(mostynb@opera.com): don't exclude these http://crbug.com/752428
- # Generated source, contains same variable names as libraries.cc
+ sources = [
+ "$target_gen_dir/extras-libraries.cc",
+ "$target_gen_dir/snapshot.cc",
+ "src/setup-isolate-deserialize.cc",
- }
- configs = [ ":internal_config" ]
+ if (use_jumbo_build == true) {
+ jumbo_excluded_sources = [
+ # TODO(mostynb@opera.com): don't exclude these http://crbug.com/752428
+ # Generated source, contains same variable names as libraries.cc
+ "$target_gen_dir/experimental-extras-libraries.cc",
+ "$target_gen_dir/libraries.cc",
+ ]
+ }
+ configs = [ ":internal_config" ]
+ }
if (v8_use_external_startup_data) {
@@ -1008,12 +1041,14 @@ v8_source_set("v8_initializers") {
+ "src/builtins/builtins-math-gen.h",
+ "src/builtins/builtins-reflect-gen.cc",
@@ -1195,8 +1230,6 @@ v8_source_set("v8_base") {
- "src/ast/ast-expression-rewriter.cc",
- "src/ast/ast-expression-rewriter.h",
@@ -1219,8 +1252,6 @@ v8_source_set("v8_base") {
- "src/background-parsing-task.cc",
- "src/background-parsing-task.h",
@@ -1315,6 +1346,7 @@ v8_source_set("v8_base") {
+ "src/compiler/allocation-builder.h",
@@ -1607,6 +1639,8 @@ v8_source_set("v8_base") {
+ "src/heap/array-buffer-collector.cc",
+ "src/heap/array-buffer-collector.h",
@@ -1658,14 +1692,15 @@ v8_source_set("v8_base") {
+ "src/heap/stress-marking-observer.cc",
+ "src/heap/stress-marking-observer.h",
+ "src/heap/stress-scavenge-observer.cc",
+ "src/heap/stress-scavenge-observer.h",
+ "src/heap/sweeper.cc",
+ "src/heap/sweeper.h",
- "src/ic/access-compiler-data.h",
- "src/ic/access-compiler.cc",
- "src/ic/access-compiler.h",
- "src/ic/handler-compiler.cc",
- "src/ic/handler-compiler.h",
@@ -1773,9 +1808,10 @@ v8_source_set("v8_base") {
- "src/objects/bigint-inl.h",
+ "src/objects/code-inl.h",
+ "src/objects/code.h",
@@ -1783,12 +1819,21 @@ v8_source_set("v8_base") {
+ "src/objects/fixed-array-inl.h",
+ "src/objects/fixed-array.h",
+ "src/objects/js-array-inl.h",
+ "src/objects/js-array.h",
+ "src/objects/js-collection-inl.h",
+ "src/objects/js-collection.h",
+ "src/objects/js-regexp-inl.h",
+ "src/objects/js-regexp.h",
+ "src/objects/literal-objects-inl.h",
@@ -1816,6 +1861,8 @@ v8_source_set("v8_base") {
+ "src/parsing/background-parsing-task.cc",
+ "src/parsing/background-parsing-task.h",
@@ -1947,13 +1994,23 @@ v8_source_set("v8_base") {
+ "src/simulator-base.cc",
+ "src/simulator-base.h",
+ "src/snapshot/builtin-deserializer-allocator.cc",
+ "src/snapshot/builtin-deserializer-allocator.h",
+ "src/snapshot/builtin-serializer-allocator.cc",
+ "src/snapshot/builtin-serializer-allocator.h",
+ "src/snapshot/builtin-snapshot-utils.cc",
+ "src/snapshot/builtin-snapshot-utils.h",
+ "src/snapshot/default-deserializer-allocator.cc",
+ "src/snapshot/default-deserializer-allocator.h",
@@ -1997,6 +2054,7 @@ v8_source_set("v8_base") {
+ "src/third_party/utf8-decoder/utf8-decoder.h",
@@ -2031,6 +2089,8 @@ v8_source_set("v8_base") {
+ "src/vector-slot-pair.cc",
+ "src/vector-slot-pair.h",
@@ -2038,6 +2098,11 @@ v8_source_set("v8_base") {
+ "src/wasm/baseline/liftoff-assembler-defs.h",
+ "src/wasm/baseline/liftoff-assembler.cc",
+ "src/wasm/baseline/liftoff-assembler.h",
+ "src/wasm/baseline/liftoff-compiler.cc",
+ "src/wasm/baseline/liftoff-register.h",
@@ -2059,13 +2124,16 @@ v8_source_set("v8_base") {
+ "src/wasm/wasm-code-manager.cc",
+ "src/wasm/wasm-code-manager.h",
+ "src/wasm/wasm-code-wrapper.cc",
+ "src/wasm/wasm-code-wrapper.h",
+ "src/wasm/wasm-engine.h",
- "src/wasm/wasm-heap.cc",
- "src/wasm/wasm-heap.h",
@@ -2084,6 +2152,8 @@ v8_source_set("v8_base") {
+ "src/wasm/wasm-serialization.cc",
+ "src/wasm/wasm-serialization.h",
@@ -2128,9 +2198,7 @@ v8_source_set("v8_base") {
- "src/ia32/code-stubs-ia32.h",
- "src/ia32/codegen-ia32.h",
@@ -2142,10 +2210,9 @@ v8_source_set("v8_base") {
- "src/ic/ia32/access-compiler-ia32.cc",
- "src/ic/ia32/handler-compiler-ia32.cc",
+ "src/wasm/baseline/ia32/liftoff-assembler-ia32.h",
} else if (v8_current_cpu == "x64") {
sources += [ ### gcmole(arch:x64) ###
@@ -2156,18 +2223,15 @@ v8_source_set("v8_base") {
- "src/ic/x64/access-compiler-x64.cc",
- "src/ic/x64/handler-compiler-x64.cc",
+ "src/wasm/baseline/x64/liftoff-assembler-x64.h",
- "src/x64/code-stubs-x64.h",
- "src/x64/codegen-x64.h",
@@ -2192,7 +2256,6 @@ v8_source_set("v8_base") {
- "src/arm/codegen-arm.h",
@@ -2214,10 +2277,9 @@ v8_source_set("v8_base") {
- "src/ic/arm/access-compiler-arm.cc",
- "src/ic/arm/handler-compiler-arm.cc",
+ "src/wasm/baseline/arm/liftoff-assembler-arm.h",
} else if (v8_current_cpu == "arm64") {
sources += [ ### gcmole(arch:arm64) ###
@@ -2227,7 +2289,6 @@ v8_source_set("v8_base") {
- "src/arm64/codegen-arm64.h",
@@ -2261,10 +2322,9 @@ v8_source_set("v8_base") {
- "src/ic/arm64/access-compiler-arm64.cc",
- "src/ic/arm64/handler-compiler-arm64.cc",
+ "src/wasm/baseline/arm64/liftoff-assembler-arm64.h",
if (use_jumbo_build) {
jumbo_excluded_sources += [
@@ -2280,15 +2340,12 @@ v8_source_set("v8_base") {
- "src/ic/mips/access-compiler-mips.cc",
- "src/ic/mips/handler-compiler-mips.cc",
- "src/mips/codegen-mips.h",
@@ -2303,6 +2360,7 @@ v8_source_set("v8_base") {
+ "src/wasm/baseline/mips/liftoff-assembler-mips.h",
} else if (v8_current_cpu == "mips64" || v8_current_cpu == "mips64el") {
sources += [ ### gcmole(arch:mips64el) ###
@@ -2311,15 +2369,12 @@ v8_source_set("v8_base") {
- "src/ic/mips64/access-compiler-mips64.cc",
- "src/ic/mips64/handler-compiler-mips64.cc",
- "src/mips64/codegen-mips64.h",
@@ -2334,6 +2389,7 @@ v8_source_set("v8_base") {
+ "src/wasm/baseline/mips64/liftoff-assembler-mips64.h",
} else if (v8_current_cpu == "ppc" || v8_current_cpu == "ppc64") {
sources += [ ### gcmole(arch:ppc) ###
@@ -2342,15 +2398,12 @@ v8_source_set("v8_base") {
- "src/ic/ppc/access-compiler-ppc.cc",
- "src/ic/ppc/handler-compiler-ppc.cc",
- "src/ppc/codegen-ppc.h",
@@ -2365,6 +2418,7 @@ v8_source_set("v8_base") {
+ "src/wasm/baseline/ppc/liftoff-assembler-ppc.h",
} else if (v8_current_cpu == "s390" || v8_current_cpu == "s390x") {
sources += [ ### gcmole(arch:s390) ###
@@ -2373,8 +2427,6 @@ v8_source_set("v8_base") {
- "src/ic/s390/access-compiler-s390.cc",
- "src/ic/s390/handler-compiler-s390.cc",
@@ -2383,7 +2435,6 @@ v8_source_set("v8_base") {
- "src/s390/codegen-s390.h",
@@ -2396,6 +2447,7 @@ v8_source_set("v8_base") {
+ "src/wasm/baseline/s390/liftoff-assembler-s390.h",
@@ -2597,6 +2649,10 @@ v8_component("v8_libplatform") {
+ "src/libplatform/default-background-task-runner.cc",
+ "src/libplatform/default-background-task-runner.h",
+ "src/libplatform/default-foreground-task-runner.cc",
+ "src/libplatform/default-foreground-task-runner.h",
@@ -2660,11 +2716,35 @@ v8_source_set("fuzzer_support") {
+# Produce a single static library for embedders
+if (v8_monolithic) {
+ # A component build is not monolithic.
+ assert(!is_component_build)
+ # Using external startup data would produce separate files.
+ assert(!v8_use_external_startup_data)
+ v8_static_library("v8_monolith") {
+ deps = [
+ ":v8",
+ ":v8_libbase",
+ ":v8_libplatform",
+ ":v8_libsampler",
+ "//build/config:exe_and_shlib_deps",
+ "//build/win:default_exe_manifest",
+ ]
+ configs = [ ":internal_config" ]
+ }
# Executables
-if (current_toolchain == v8_snapshot_toolchain) {
+if (v8_use_snapshot && current_toolchain == v8_snapshot_toolchain) {
v8_executable("mksnapshot") {
visibility = [ ":*" ] # Only targets in this file can depend on this.
@@ -2719,6 +2799,8 @@ group("gn_all") {
group("v8_clusterfuzz") {
+ testonly = true
deps = [
@@ -2731,6 +2813,13 @@ group("v8_clusterfuzz") {
+ if (v8_test_isolation_mode != "noop") {
+ deps += [
+ "tools:run-deopt-fuzzer_run",
+ "tools:run-num-fuzzer_run",
+ ]
+ }
group("v8_archive") {
diff --git a/deps/v8/ChangeLog b/deps/v8/ChangeLog
index bed8ed97705..98e701bc65a 100644
--- a/deps/v8/ChangeLog
+++ b/deps/v8/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,2378 @@
+2017-12-18: Version 6.5.75
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-18: Version 6.5.74
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-16: Version 6.5.73
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-15: Version 6.5.72
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-15: Version 6.5.71
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-15: Version 6.5.70
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-14: Version 6.5.69
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-14: Version 6.5.68
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-13: Version 6.5.67
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-13: Version 6.5.66
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-13: Version 6.5.65
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-12: Version 6.5.64
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-12: Version 6.5.63
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-12: Version 6.5.62
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-12: Version 6.5.61
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-12: Version 6.5.60
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-12: Version 6.5.59
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-12: Version 6.5.58
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-12: Version 6.5.57
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-12: Version 6.5.56
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-12: Version 6.5.55
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-12: Version 6.5.54
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-12: Version 6.5.53
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-11: Version 6.5.52
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-11: Version 6.5.51
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-11: Version 6.5.50
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-11: Version 6.5.49
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-11: Version 6.5.48
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-11: Version 6.5.47
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-11: Version 6.5.46
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-11: Version 6.5.45
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-11: Version 6.5.44
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-11: Version 6.5.43
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-11: Version 6.5.42
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-10: Version 6.5.41
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-10: Version 6.5.40
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-09: Version 6.5.39
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-09: Version 6.5.38
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-08: Version 6.5.37
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-08: Version 6.5.36
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-08: Version 6.5.35
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-08: Version 6.5.34
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-08: Version 6.5.33
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-08: Version 6.5.32
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-08: Version 6.5.31
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-08: Version 6.5.30
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-08: Version 6.5.29
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-08: Version 6.5.28
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-08: Version 6.5.27
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-07: Version 6.5.26
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-07: Version 6.5.25
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-07: Version 6.5.24
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-07: Version 6.5.23
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-07: Version 6.5.22
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-07: Version 6.5.21
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-07: Version 6.5.20
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-07: Version 6.5.19
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-07: Version 6.5.18
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-07: Version 6.5.17
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-07: Version 6.5.16
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-07: Version 6.5.15
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-06: Version 6.5.14
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-06: Version 6.5.13
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-05: Version 6.5.12
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-05: Version 6.5.11
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-05: Version 6.5.10
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-05: Version 6.5.9
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-05: Version 6.5.8
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-04: Version 6.5.7
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-04: Version 6.5.6
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-04: Version 6.5.5
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-04: Version 6.5.4
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-04: Version 6.5.3
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-04: Version 6.5.2
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-12-03: Version 6.5.1
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-30: Version 6.4.394
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-30: Version 6.4.393
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-29: Version 6.4.392
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-29: Version 6.4.391
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-29: Version 6.4.390
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-29: Version 6.4.389
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-29: Version 6.4.388
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-29: Version 6.4.387
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-29: Version 6.4.386
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-29: Version 6.4.385
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-29: Version 6.4.384
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-28: Version 6.4.383
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-28: Version 6.4.382
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-28: Version 6.4.381
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-28: Version 6.4.380
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-28: Version 6.4.379
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-28: Version 6.4.378
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-28: Version 6.4.377
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-27: Version 6.4.376
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-27: Version 6.4.375
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-27: Version 6.4.374
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-27: Version 6.4.373
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-27: Version 6.4.372
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-27: Version 6.4.371
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-24: Version 6.4.370
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-24: Version 6.4.369
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-24: Version 6.4.368
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-24: Version 6.4.367
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-24: Version 6.4.366
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-23: Version 6.4.365
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-23: Version 6.4.364
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-23: Version 6.4.363
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-23: Version 6.4.362
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-23: Version 6.4.361
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-23: Version 6.4.360
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-23: Version 6.4.359
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-22: Version 6.4.358
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-22: Version 6.4.357
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-22: Version 6.4.356
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-22: Version 6.4.355
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-22: Version 6.4.354
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-22: Version 6.4.353
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-22: Version 6.4.352
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-21: Version 6.4.351
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-21: Version 6.4.350
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-21: Version 6.4.349
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-21: Version 6.4.348
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-21: Version 6.4.347
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-21: Version 6.4.346
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-21: Version 6.4.345
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-20: Version 6.4.344
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-20: Version 6.4.343
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-20: Version 6.4.342
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-20: Version 6.4.341
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-20: Version 6.4.340
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-20: Version 6.4.339
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-20: Version 6.4.338
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-20: Version 6.4.337
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-20: Version 6.4.336
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-20: Version 6.4.335
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-20: Version 6.4.334
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-20: Version 6.4.333
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-19: Version 6.4.332
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-18: Version 6.4.331
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-17: Version 6.4.330
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-17: Version 6.4.329
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-17: Version 6.4.328
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-17: Version 6.4.327
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-17: Version 6.4.326
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-17: Version 6.4.325
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-17: Version 6.4.324
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-17: Version 6.4.323
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-17: Version 6.4.322
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-17: Version 6.4.321
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-17: Version 6.4.320
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-17: Version 6.4.319
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-16: Version 6.4.318
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-16: Version 6.4.317
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-16: Version 6.4.316
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-16: Version 6.4.315
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-16: Version 6.4.314
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-16: Version 6.4.313
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-16: Version 6.4.312
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-16: Version 6.4.311
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-16: Version 6.4.310
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-16: Version 6.4.309
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-16: Version 6.4.308
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-15: Version 6.4.307
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-15: Version 6.4.306
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-15: Version 6.4.305
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-15: Version 6.4.304
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-15: Version 6.4.303
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-14: Version 6.4.302
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-14: Version 6.4.301
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-14: Version 6.4.300
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-14: Version 6.4.299
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-14: Version 6.4.298
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-14: Version 6.4.297
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-14: Version 6.4.296
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-14: Version 6.4.295
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-14: Version 6.4.294
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-14: Version 6.4.293
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-14: Version 6.4.292
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-14: Version 6.4.291
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-14: Version 6.4.290
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-14: Version 6.4.289
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-14: Version 6.4.288
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-13: Version 6.4.287
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-13: Version 6.4.286
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-13: Version 6.4.285
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-13: Version 6.4.284
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-13: Version 6.4.283
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-13: Version 6.4.282
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-13: Version 6.4.281
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-13: Version 6.4.280
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-13: Version 6.4.279
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-13: Version 6.4.278
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-13: Version 6.4.277
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-13: Version 6.4.276
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-10: Version 6.4.275
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-10: Version 6.4.274
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-10: Version 6.4.273
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-10: Version 6.4.272
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-10: Version 6.4.271
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-10: Version 6.4.270
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-10: Version 6.4.269
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-09: Version 6.4.268
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-09: Version 6.4.267
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-09: Version 6.4.266
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-09: Version 6.4.265
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-09: Version 6.4.264
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-09: Version 6.4.263
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-09: Version 6.4.262
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-09: Version 6.4.261
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-09: Version 6.4.260
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-09: Version 6.4.259
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-09: Version 6.4.258
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-09: Version 6.4.257
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-09: Version 6.4.256
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-09: Version 6.4.255
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-09: Version 6.4.254
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-09: Version 6.4.253
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-08: Version 6.4.252
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-08: Version 6.4.251
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-08: Version 6.4.250
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-08: Version 6.4.249
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-08: Version 6.4.248
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-08: Version 6.4.247
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-08: Version 6.4.246
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-08: Version 6.4.245
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-08: Version 6.4.244
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-08: Version 6.4.243
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-08: Version 6.4.242
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-08: Version 6.4.241
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-07: Version 6.4.240
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-07: Version 6.4.239
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-07: Version 6.4.238
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-07: Version 6.4.237
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-07: Version 6.4.236
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-07: Version 6.4.235
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-07: Version 6.4.234
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-07: Version 6.4.233
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-07: Version 6.4.232
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-07: Version 6.4.231
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-07: Version 6.4.230
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-07: Version 6.4.229
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-07: Version 6.4.228
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-07: Version 6.4.227
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-07: Version 6.4.226
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-07: Version 6.4.225
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-07: Version 6.4.224
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-06: Version 6.4.223
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-06: Version 6.4.222
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-06: Version 6.4.221
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-06: Version 6.4.220
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-06: Version 6.4.219
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-06: Version 6.4.218
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-06: Version 6.4.217
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-06: Version 6.4.216
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-05: Version 6.4.215
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-04: Version 6.4.214
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-04: Version 6.4.213
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-04: Version 6.4.212
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-03: Version 6.4.211
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-03: Version 6.4.210
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-03: Version 6.4.209
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-03: Version 6.4.208
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-03: Version 6.4.207
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-03: Version 6.4.206
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-03: Version 6.4.205
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-03: Version 6.4.204
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-03: Version 6.4.203
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-03: Version 6.4.202
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-03: Version 6.4.201
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-03: Version 6.4.200
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-03: Version 6.4.199
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-03: Version 6.4.198
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-03: Version 6.4.197
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-03: Version 6.4.196
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-02: Version 6.4.195
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-02: Version 6.4.194
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-02: Version 6.4.193
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-02: Version 6.4.192
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-02: Version 6.4.191
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-02: Version 6.4.190
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-02: Version 6.4.189
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-02: Version 6.4.188
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-02: Version 6.4.187
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-02: Version 6.4.186
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-01: Version 6.4.185
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-01: Version 6.4.184
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-11-01: Version 6.4.183
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-31: Version 6.4.182
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-31: Version 6.4.181
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-31: Version 6.4.180
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-31: Version 6.4.179
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-31: Version 6.4.178
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-31: Version 6.4.177
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-31: Version 6.4.176
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-31: Version 6.4.175
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-31: Version 6.4.174
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-31: Version 6.4.173
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-31: Version 6.4.172
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-30: Version 6.4.171
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-30: Version 6.4.170
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-30: Version 6.4.169
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-30: Version 6.4.168
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-30: Version 6.4.167
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-30: Version 6.4.166
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-30: Version 6.4.165
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-30: Version 6.4.164
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-30: Version 6.4.163
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-30: Version 6.4.162
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-30: Version 6.4.161
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-30: Version 6.4.160
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-30: Version 6.4.159
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-27: Version 6.4.158
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-27: Version 6.4.157
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-27: Version 6.4.156
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-27: Version 6.4.155
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-27: Version 6.4.154
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-27: Version 6.4.153
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-27: Version 6.4.152
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-27: Version 6.4.151
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-27: Version 6.4.150
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-27: Version 6.4.149
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-27: Version 6.4.148
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-26: Version 6.4.147
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-26: Version 6.4.146
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-26: Version 6.4.145
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-26: Version 6.4.144
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-26: Version 6.4.143
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-26: Version 6.4.142
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-26: Version 6.4.141
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-26: Version 6.4.140
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-26: Version 6.4.139
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-26: Version 6.4.138
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-26: Version 6.4.137
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-26: Version 6.4.136
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-26: Version 6.4.135
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-26: Version 6.4.134
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-25: Version 6.4.133
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-25: Version 6.4.132
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-25: Version 6.4.131
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-25: Version 6.4.130
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-25: Version 6.4.129
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-25: Version 6.4.128
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-25: Version 6.4.127
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-25: Version 6.4.126
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-25: Version 6.4.125
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-25: Version 6.4.124
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-25: Version 6.4.123
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-25: Version 6.4.122
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-25: Version 6.4.121
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-25: Version 6.4.120
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-25: Version 6.4.119
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-25: Version 6.4.118
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-25: Version 6.4.117
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-25: Version 6.4.116
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-25: Version 6.4.115
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-25: Version 6.4.114
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-25: Version 6.4.113
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-25: Version 6.4.112
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-25: Version 6.4.111
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-24: Version 6.4.110
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-24: Version 6.4.109
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-24: Version 6.4.108
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-24: Version 6.4.107
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-24: Version 6.4.106
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-24: Version 6.4.105
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-24: Version 6.4.104
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-24: Version 6.4.103
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-24: Version 6.4.102
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-24: Version 6.4.101
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-24: Version 6.4.100
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-24: Version 6.4.99
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-24: Version 6.4.98
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-24: Version 6.4.97
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-23: Version 6.4.96
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-23: Version 6.4.95
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-23: Version 6.4.94
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-23: Version 6.4.93
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-23: Version 6.4.92
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-23: Version 6.4.91
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-23: Version 6.4.90
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-23: Version 6.4.89
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-23: Version 6.4.88
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-23: Version 6.4.87
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-23: Version 6.4.86
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-23: Version 6.4.85
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-23: Version 6.4.84
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-23: Version 6.4.83
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-23: Version 6.4.82
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-23: Version 6.4.81
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-23: Version 6.4.80
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-23: Version 6.4.79
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-22: Version 6.4.78
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-21: Version 6.4.77
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-21: Version 6.4.76
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-20: Version 6.4.75
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-20: Version 6.4.74
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-20: Version 6.4.73
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-20: Version 6.4.72
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-20: Version 6.4.71
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-20: Version 6.4.70
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-20: Version 6.4.69
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-20: Version 6.4.68
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-20: Version 6.4.67
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-20: Version 6.4.66
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-20: Version 6.4.65
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-20: Version 6.4.64
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-20: Version 6.4.63
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-20: Version 6.4.62
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-20: Version 6.4.61
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-19: Version 6.4.60
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-19: Version 6.4.59
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-19: Version 6.4.58
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-19: Version 6.4.57
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-19: Version 6.4.56
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-19: Version 6.4.55
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-19: Version 6.4.54
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-19: Version 6.4.53
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-19: Version 6.4.52
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-19: Version 6.4.51
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-19: Version 6.4.50
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-19: Version 6.4.49
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-19: Version 6.4.48
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-19: Version 6.4.47
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-19: Version 6.4.46
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-19: Version 6.4.45
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-18: Version 6.4.44
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-18: Version 6.4.43
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-18: Version 6.4.42
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-18: Version 6.4.41
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-18: Version 6.4.40
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-18: Version 6.4.39
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-18: Version 6.4.38
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-18: Version 6.4.37
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-18: Version 6.4.36
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-18: Version 6.4.35
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-17: Version 6.4.34
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-17: Version 6.4.33
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-17: Version 6.4.32
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-17: Version 6.4.31
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-17: Version 6.4.30
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-17: Version 6.4.29
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-17: Version 6.4.28
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-17: Version 6.4.27
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-17: Version 6.4.26
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-17: Version 6.4.25
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-17: Version 6.4.24
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-17: Version 6.4.23
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-17: Version 6.4.22
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-16: Version 6.4.21
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-16: Version 6.4.20
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-16: Version 6.4.19
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-16: Version 6.4.18
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-16: Version 6.4.17
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-16: Version 6.4.16
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-16: Version 6.4.15
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-16: Version 6.4.14
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-16: Version 6.4.13
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-16: Version 6.4.12
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-16: Version 6.4.11
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-15: Version 6.4.10
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-15: Version 6.4.9
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-14: Version 6.4.8
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-14: Version 6.4.7
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-13: Version 6.4.6
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-13: Version 6.4.5
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-13: Version 6.4.4
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-13: Version 6.4.3
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-13: Version 6.4.2
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-13: Version 6.4.1
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-12: Version 6.3.298
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-12: Version 6.3.297
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-11: Version 6.3.296
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-11: Version 6.3.295
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-11: Version 6.3.294
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
+2017-10-11: Version 6.3.293
+ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
2017-10-10: Version 6.3.292
Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
diff --git a/deps/v8/DEPS b/deps/v8/DEPS
index b675dd830ef..d47306ccc5c 100644
--- a/deps/v8/DEPS
+++ b/deps/v8/DEPS
@@ -3,28 +3,34 @@
# all paths in here must match this assumption.
vars = {
+ 'checkout_instrumented_libraries': False,
'chromium_url': 'https://chromium.googlesource.com',
+ 'build_for_node': False,
deps = {
- Var('chromium_url') + '/chromium/src/build.git' + '@' + 'adaf9e56105b814105e2d49bc4fa63e2cd4795f5',
+ Var('chromium_url') + '/chromium/src/build.git' + '@' + '9caf5bf8b5d0b9e3531031faad3e829bcc277176',
Var('chromium_url') + '/external/gyp.git' + '@' + 'd61a9397e668fa9843c4aa7da9e79460fe590bfb',
- Var('chromium_url') + '/chromium/deps/icu.git' + '@' + '21d33b1a09a77f033478ea4ffffb61e6970f83bd',
+ Var('chromium_url') + '/chromium/deps/icu.git' + '@' + 'e3b480d3be4446ea17011c0cdc9c4cd380a5c58f',
- Var('chromium_url') + '/chromium/src/third_party/instrumented_libraries.git' + '@' + '644afd349826cb68204226a16c38bde13abe9c3c',
+ Var('chromium_url') + '/chromium/src/third_party/instrumented_libraries.git' + '@' + '28417458ac4dc79f68915079d0f283f682504cc0',
- Var('chromium_url') + '/chromium/buildtools.git' + '@' + 'f6d165d9d842ddd29056c127a5f3a3c5d8e0d2e3',
+ Var('chromium_url') + '/chromium/buildtools.git' + '@' + '1be57dc4c2c68fa564ee258a3af0cf8003007edf',
- Var('chromium_url') + '/chromium/src/base/trace_event/common.git' + '@' + 'abcc4153b783b5e2c2dafcfbf658017ecb56989a',
+ Var('chromium_url') + '/chromium/src/base/trace_event/common.git' + '@' + '0e9a47d74970bee1bbfc063c47215406f8918699',
'v8/third_party/android_tools': {
- 'url': Var('chromium_url') + '/android_tools.git' + '@' + 'ca9dc7245b888c75307f0619e4a39fb46a82de66',
+ 'url': Var('chromium_url') + '/android_tools.git' + '@' + 'a2e9bc7c1b41d983577907df51d339fb1e0fd02f',
'condition': 'checkout_android',
'v8/third_party/catapult': {
- 'url': Var('chromium_url') + '/catapult.git' + '@' + 'a48a6afde0ff7eeb1c847744192977e412107d6a',
+ 'url': Var('chromium_url') + '/catapult.git' + '@' + '9cfb34e845c8308d019a894be8c0926ee8cd3c91',
+ 'condition': 'checkout_android',
+ },
+ 'v8/third_party/colorama/src': {
+ 'url': Var('chromium_url') + '/external/colorama.git' + '@' + '799604a1041e9b3bc5d2789ecbd7e8db2e18e6b8',
'condition': 'checkout_android',
@@ -32,7 +38,7 @@ deps = {
Var('chromium_url') + '/chromium/src/third_party/markupsafe.git' + '@' + '8f45f5cfa0009d2a70589bcda0349b8cb2b72783',
- Var('chromium_url') + '/infra/luci/client-py.git' + '@' + '5e8001d9a710121ce7a68efd0804430a34b4f9e4',
+ Var('chromium_url') + '/infra/luci/client-py.git' + '@' + '4bd9152f8a975d57c972c071dfb4ddf668e02200',
Var('chromium_url') + '/external/github.com/google/googletest.git' + '@' + '6f8a66431cb592dad629028a50b3dd418a408c87',
@@ -42,15 +48,15 @@ deps = {
Var('chromium_url') + '/v8/deps/third_party/mozilla-tests.git' + '@' + 'f6c578a10ea707b1a8ab0b88943fe5115ce2b9be',
- Var('chromium_url') + '/external/github.com/tc39/test262.git' + '@' + '290799bbeeba86245a355894b6ff2bb33d946d9e',
+ Var('chromium_url') + '/external/github.com/tc39/test262.git' + '@' + '8311965251953d4745aeb68c98fb71fab2eac1d0',
Var('chromium_url') + '/external/github.com/test262-utils/test262-harness-py.git' + '@' + '0f2acdd882c84cff43b9d60df7574a1901e2cdcd',
- Var('chromium_url') + '/chromium/src/tools/clang.git' + '@' + 'b3169f97cc1a9daa1a9fbae15752588079792098',
+ Var('chromium_url') + '/chromium/src/tools/clang.git' + '@' + 'ec766dcbd3c35185026dfd6dd7218c280c1f4da4',
- Var('chromium_url') + '/chromium/src/tools/luci-go.git' + '@' + '9f54aa9fe06499b6bac378ae1f045be2158cf2cc',
+ Var('chromium_url') + '/chromium/src/tools/luci-go.git' + '@' + '45a8a51fda92e123619a69e7644d9c64a320b0c1',
- Var('chromium_url') + '/external/github.com/WebAssembly/spec.git' + '@' + '89573ee3eabc690637deeb1b8dadec13a963ec30',
+ Var('chromium_url') + '/external/github.com/WebAssembly/spec.git' + '@' + 'fb7e7e1e381ffc283c923a87fdfea5ebbd213737',
recursedeps = [
@@ -88,7 +94,7 @@ hooks = [
'name': 'clang_format_win',
'pattern': '.',
- 'condition': 'host_os == "win"',
+ 'condition': 'host_os == "win" and build_for_node != True',
'action': [ 'download_from_google_storage',
@@ -100,7 +106,7 @@ hooks = [
'name': 'clang_format_mac',
'pattern': '.',
- 'condition': 'host_os == "mac"',
+ 'condition': 'host_os == "mac" and build_for_node != True',
'action': [ 'download_from_google_storage',
@@ -112,7 +118,7 @@ hooks = [
'name': 'clang_format_linux',
'pattern': '.',
- 'condition': 'host_os == "linux"',
+ 'condition': 'host_os == "linux" and build_for_node != True',
'action': [ 'download_from_google_storage',
@@ -124,6 +130,7 @@ hooks = [
'name': 'gcmole',
'pattern': '.',
+ 'condition': 'build_for_node != True',
# TODO(machenbach): Insert condition and remove GYP_DEFINES dependency.
'action': [
@@ -133,6 +140,7 @@ hooks = [
'name': 'jsfunfuzz',
'pattern': '.',
+ 'condition': 'build_for_node != True',
# TODO(machenbach): Insert condition and remove GYP_DEFINES dependency.
'action': [
@@ -143,7 +151,7 @@ hooks = [
'name': 'luci-go_win',
'pattern': '.',
- 'condition': 'host_os == "win"',
+ 'condition': 'host_os == "win" and build_for_node != True',
'action': [ 'download_from_google_storage',
@@ -155,7 +163,7 @@ hooks = [
'name': 'luci-go_mac',
'pattern': '.',
- 'condition': 'host_os == "mac"',
+ 'condition': 'host_os == "mac" and build_for_node != True',
'action': [ 'download_from_google_storage',
@@ -167,7 +175,7 @@ hooks = [
'name': 'luci-go_linux',
'pattern': '.',
- 'condition': 'host_os == "linux"',
+ 'condition': 'host_os == "linux" and build_for_node != True',
'action': [ 'download_from_google_storage',
@@ -216,6 +224,7 @@ hooks = [
'name': 'wasm_spec_tests',
'pattern': '.',
+ 'condition': 'build_for_node != True',
'action': [ 'download_from_google_storage',
@@ -227,6 +236,7 @@ hooks = [
'name': 'closure_compiler',
'pattern': '.',
+ 'condition': 'build_for_node != True',
'action': [ 'download_from_google_storage',
@@ -241,6 +251,7 @@ hooks = [
# change.
'name': 'sysroot',
'pattern': '.',
+ 'condition': 'build_for_node != True',
'action': [
@@ -248,15 +259,26 @@ hooks = [
- # Pull sanitizer-instrumented third-party libraries if requested via
- 'name': 'instrumented_libraries',
- 'pattern': '\\.sha1',
- # TODO(machenbach): Insert condition and remove GYP_DEFINES dependency.
- 'action': [
- 'python',
- 'v8/third_party/instrumented_libraries/scripts/download_binaries.py',
- ],
+ 'name': 'msan_chained_origins',
+ 'pattern': '.',
+ 'condition': 'checkout_instrumented_libraries',
+ 'action': [ 'download_from_google_storage',
+ '--no_resume',
+ '--no_auth',
+ '--bucket', 'chromium-instrumented-libraries',
+ '-s', 'v8/third_party/instrumented_libraries/binaries/msan-chained-origins-trusty.tgz.sha1',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ 'name': 'msan_no_origins',
+ 'pattern': '.',
+ 'condition': 'checkout_instrumented_libraries',
+ 'action': [ 'download_from_google_storage',
+ '--no_resume',
+ '--no_auth',
+ '--bucket', 'chromium-instrumented-libraries',
+ '-s', 'v8/third_party/instrumented_libraries/binaries/msan-no-origins-trusty.tgz.sha1',
+ ],
# Update the Windows toolchain if necessary.
@@ -271,7 +293,7 @@ hooks = [
'name': 'binutils',
'pattern': 'v8/third_party/binutils',
- 'condition': 'host_os == "linux"',
+ 'condition': 'host_os == "linux" and build_for_node != True',
'action': [
@@ -283,9 +305,30 @@ hooks = [
'pattern': '.',
'action': ['python', 'v8/tools/clang/scripts/update.py'],
+ {
+ 'name': 'fuchsia_sdk',
+ 'pattern': '.',
+ 'condition': 'checkout_fuchsia',
+ 'action': [
+ 'python',
+ 'v8/build/fuchsia/update_sdk.py',
+ '226f6dd0cad1d6be63a353ce2649423470729ae9',
+ ],
+ },
# A change to a .gyp, .gypi, or to GYP itself should run the generator.
+ 'name': 'regyp_if_needed',
'pattern': '.',
'action': ['python', 'v8/gypfiles/gyp_v8', '--running-as-hook'],
+ # Download and initialize "vpython" VirtualEnv environment packages.
+ {
+ 'name': 'vpython_common',
+ 'pattern': '.',
+ 'condition': 'checkout_android',
+ 'action': [ 'vpython',
+ '-vpython-spec', 'v8/.vpython',
+ '-vpython-tool', 'install',
+ ],
+ },
diff --git a/deps/v8/OWNERS b/deps/v8/OWNERS
index 621f375e336..2583a229b6c 100644
--- a/deps/v8/OWNERS
+++ b/deps/v8/OWNERS
@@ -27,10 +27,11 @@ mstarzinger@chromium.org
diff --git a/deps/v8/PRESUBMIT.py b/deps/v8/PRESUBMIT.py
index 1ef291f6fa6..a595220a090 100644
--- a/deps/v8/PRESUBMIT.py
+++ b/deps/v8/PRESUBMIT.py
@@ -281,6 +281,8 @@ def _CommonChecks(input_api, output_api):
results.extend(_CheckMissingFiles(input_api, output_api))
results.extend(_CheckJSONFiles(input_api, output_api))
results.extend(_CheckMacroUndefs(input_api, output_api))
+ results.extend(input_api.RunTests(
+ input_api.canned_checks.CheckVPythonSpec(input_api, output_api)))
return results
diff --git a/deps/v8/base/trace_event/common/trace_event_common.h b/deps/v8/base/trace_event/common/trace_event_common.h
index 132a4ea66fc..51869ee9525 100644
--- a/deps/v8/base/trace_event/common/trace_event_common.h
+++ b/deps/v8/base/trace_event/common/trace_event_common.h
@@ -189,6 +189,8 @@
// trace points would carry a significant performance cost of acquiring a lock
// and resolving the category.
+// Check that nobody includes this file directly. Clients are supposed to
+// include the surrounding "trace_event.h" of their project instead.
#if defined(TRACE_EVENT0)
#error "Another copy of this file has already been included."
diff --git a/deps/v8/gni/isolate.gni b/deps/v8/gni/isolate.gni
index 4bdf0c0fad2..6ad25c27749 100644
--- a/deps/v8/gni/isolate.gni
+++ b/deps/v8/gni/isolate.gni
@@ -106,6 +106,11 @@ template("v8_isolate_run") {
} else {
use_external_startup_data = "0"
+ if (is_ubsan_vptr) {
+ ubsan_vptr = "1"
+ } else {
+ ubsan_vptr = "0"
+ }
if (v8_use_snapshot) {
use_snapshot = "true"
} else {
@@ -168,6 +173,8 @@ template("v8_isolate_run") {
+ "ubsan_vptr=$ubsan_vptr",
+ "--config-variable",
diff --git a/deps/v8/gni/v8.gni b/deps/v8/gni/v8.gni
index 0467720f456..4b8292a2441 100644
--- a/deps/v8/gni/v8.gni
+++ b/deps/v8/gni/v8.gni
@@ -174,3 +174,13 @@ template("v8_component") {
configs += v8_add_configs
+template("v8_static_library") {
+ static_library(target_name) {
+ complete_static_lib = true
+ forward_variables_from(invoker, "*", [ "configs" ])
+ configs += invoker.configs
+ configs -= v8_remove_configs
+ configs += v8_add_configs
+ }
diff --git a/deps/v8/gypfiles/all.gyp b/deps/v8/gypfiles/all.gyp
index bc9d9650eb5..593ba2a7957 100644
--- a/deps/v8/gypfiles/all.gyp
+++ b/deps/v8/gypfiles/all.gyp
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
- '../tools/run-valgrind.gyp:*',
+ '../tools/run-num-fuzzer.gyp:*',
diff --git a/deps/v8/gypfiles/features.gypi b/deps/v8/gypfiles/features.gypi
index 1d3f67daee3..964e81f46cc 100644
--- a/deps/v8/gypfiles/features.gypi
+++ b/deps/v8/gypfiles/features.gypi
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
'v8_check_microtasks_scopes_consistency%': 'false',
# Enable concurrent marking.
- 'v8_enable_concurrent_marking%': 0,
+ 'v8_enable_concurrent_marking%': 1,
# Controls the threshold for on-heap/off-heap Typed Arrays.
'v8_typed_array_max_size_in_heap%': 64,
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@
}, # Debug
'Release': {
'variables': {
- 'v8_enable_handle_zapping%': 0,
+ 'v8_enable_handle_zapping%': 1,
'conditions': [
['v8_enable_handle_zapping==1', {
diff --git a/deps/v8/gypfiles/isolate.gypi b/deps/v8/gypfiles/isolate.gypi
index 149818c8d06..3e85b530e25 100644
--- a/deps/v8/gypfiles/isolate.gypi
+++ b/deps/v8/gypfiles/isolate.gypi
@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@
'--config-variable', 'sanitizer_coverage=<(sanitizer_coverage)',
'--config-variable', 'component=<(component)',
'--config-variable', 'target_arch=<(target_arch)',
+ '--config-variable', 'ubsan_vptr=0',
'--config-variable', 'v8_use_external_startup_data=<(v8_use_external_startup_data)',
'--config-variable', 'v8_use_snapshot=<(v8_use_snapshot)',
diff --git a/deps/v8/gypfiles/standalone.gypi b/deps/v8/gypfiles/standalone.gypi
index 63930d8aef1..7a45dc615f0 100644
--- a/deps/v8/gypfiles/standalone.gypi
+++ b/deps/v8/gypfiles/standalone.gypi
@@ -439,6 +439,7 @@
# TODO(yangguo): issue 5258
+ '-Wno-tautological-constant-compare',
['OS=="android"', {
@@ -783,6 +784,11 @@
# over the place.
+ }, {
+ 'cflags' : [
+ # TODO(hans): https://crbug.com/767059
+ '-Wno-tautological-constant-compare',
+ ],
[ 'clang==1 and (v8_target_arch=="x64" or v8_target_arch=="arm64" \
or v8_target_arch=="mips64el")', {
diff --git a/deps/v8/include/libplatform/libplatform.h b/deps/v8/include/libplatform/libplatform.h
index b615088300e..04b47b8d2e1 100644
--- a/deps/v8/include/libplatform/libplatform.h
+++ b/deps/v8/include/libplatform/libplatform.h
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
#include "libplatform/libplatform-export.h"
#include "libplatform/v8-tracing.h"
#include "v8-platform.h" // NOLINT(build/include)
+#include "v8config.h" // NOLINT(build/include)
namespace v8 {
namespace platform {
@@ -33,12 +34,21 @@ enum class MessageLoopBehavior : bool {
* If |tracing_controller| is nullptr, the default platform will create a
* v8::platform::TracingController instance and use it.
-V8_PLATFORM_EXPORT v8::Platform* CreateDefaultPlatform(
+V8_PLATFORM_EXPORT std::unique_ptr NewDefaultPlatform(
int thread_pool_size = 0,
IdleTaskSupport idle_task_support = IdleTaskSupport::kDisabled,
InProcessStackDumping in_process_stack_dumping =
- v8::TracingController* tracing_controller = nullptr);
+ std::unique_ptr tracing_controller = {});
+ "Use NewDefaultPlatform instead",
+ v8::Platform* CreateDefaultPlatform(
+ int thread_pool_size = 0,
+ IdleTaskSupport idle_task_support = IdleTaskSupport::kDisabled,
+ InProcessStackDumping in_process_stack_dumping =
+ InProcessStackDumping::kEnabled,
+ v8::TracingController* tracing_controller = nullptr));
* Pumps the message loop for the given isolate.
@@ -46,7 +56,7 @@ V8_PLATFORM_EXPORT v8::Platform* CreateDefaultPlatform(
* The caller has to make sure that this is called from the right thread.
* Returns true if a task was executed, and false otherwise. Unless requested
* through the |behavior| parameter, this call does not block if no task is
- * pending. The |platform| has to be created using |CreateDefaultPlatform|.
+ * pending. The |platform| has to be created using |NewDefaultPlatform|.
V8_PLATFORM_EXPORT bool PumpMessageLoop(
v8::Platform* platform, v8::Isolate* isolate,
@@ -60,7 +70,7 @@ V8_PLATFORM_EXPORT void EnsureEventLoopInitialized(v8::Platform* platform,
* The caller has to make sure that this is called from the right thread.
* This call does not block if no task is pending. The |platform| has to be
- * created using |CreateDefaultPlatform|.
+ * created using |NewDefaultPlatform|.
V8_PLATFORM_EXPORT void RunIdleTasks(v8::Platform* platform,
v8::Isolate* isolate,
@@ -69,13 +79,14 @@ V8_PLATFORM_EXPORT void RunIdleTasks(v8::Platform* platform,
* Attempts to set the tracing controller for the given platform.
- * The |platform| has to be created using |CreateDefaultPlatform|.
+ * The |platform| has to be created using |NewDefaultPlatform|.
- * DEPRECATED: Will be removed soon.
-V8_PLATFORM_EXPORT void SetTracingController(
- v8::Platform* platform,
- v8::platform::tracing::TracingController* tracing_controller);
+ "Access the DefaultPlatform directly",
+ void SetTracingController(
+ v8::Platform* platform,
+ v8::platform::tracing::TracingController* tracing_controller));
} // namespace platform
} // namespace v8
diff --git a/deps/v8/include/v8-inspector.h b/deps/v8/include/v8-inspector.h
index d0bb9b47fe4..1b5fbef0a86 100644
--- a/deps/v8/include/v8-inspector.h
+++ b/deps/v8/include/v8-inspector.h
@@ -151,6 +151,10 @@ class V8_EXPORT V8InspectorSession {
virtual std::unique_ptr wrapObject(
v8::Local, v8::Local,
const StringView& groupName) = 0;
+ virtual std::unique_ptr wrapObject(
+ v8::Local, v8::Local, const StringView& groupName,
+ bool generatePreview) = 0;
virtual bool unwrapObject(std::unique_ptr* error,
const StringView& objectId, v8::Local*,
@@ -215,6 +219,20 @@ class V8_EXPORT V8InspectorClient {
virtual void maxAsyncCallStackDepthChanged(int depth) {}
+// These stack trace ids are intended to be passed between debuggers and be
+// resolved later. This allows to track cross-debugger calls and step between
+// them if a single client connects to multiple debuggers.
+struct V8_EXPORT V8StackTraceId {
+ uintptr_t id;
+ std::pair debugger_id;
+ V8StackTraceId();
+ V8StackTraceId(uintptr_t id, const std::pair debugger_id);
+ ~V8StackTraceId() = default;
+ bool IsInvalid() const;
class V8_EXPORT V8Inspector {
static std::unique_ptr create(v8::Isolate*, V8InspectorClient*);
@@ -237,6 +255,11 @@ class V8_EXPORT V8Inspector {
virtual void asyncTaskFinished(void* task) = 0;
virtual void allAsyncTasksCanceled() = 0;
+ virtual V8StackTraceId storeCurrentStackTrace(
+ const StringView& description) = 0;
+ virtual void externalAsyncTaskStarted(const V8StackTraceId& parent) = 0;
+ virtual void externalAsyncTaskFinished(const V8StackTraceId& parent) = 0;
// Exceptions instrumentation.
virtual unsigned exceptionThrown(
v8::Local, const StringView& message,
diff --git a/deps/v8/include/v8-profiler.h b/deps/v8/include/v8-profiler.h
index 621ca8b2157..a86402be924 100644
--- a/deps/v8/include/v8-profiler.h
+++ b/deps/v8/include/v8-profiler.h
@@ -286,6 +286,13 @@ class V8_EXPORT CpuProfiler {
static CpuProfiler* New(Isolate* isolate);
+ /**
+ * Synchronously collect current stack sample in all profilers attached to
+ * the |isolate|. The call does not affect number of ticks recorded for
+ * the current top node.
+ */
+ static void CollectSample(Isolate* isolate);
* Disposes the CPU profiler object.
@@ -322,7 +329,8 @@ class V8_EXPORT CpuProfiler {
* Recording the forced sample does not contribute to the aggregated
* profile statistics.
- void CollectSample();
+ V8_DEPRECATED("Use static CollectSample(Isolate*) instead.",
+ void CollectSample());
* Tells the profiler whether the embedder is idle.
diff --git a/deps/v8/include/v8-util.h b/deps/v8/include/v8-util.h
index a04a5e84f80..15ea225dc12 100644
--- a/deps/v8/include/v8-util.h
+++ b/deps/v8/include/v8-util.h
@@ -393,9 +393,14 @@ class PersistentValueMap : public PersistentValueMapBase {
Global SetUnique(const K& key, Global* persistent) {
if (Traits::kCallbackType != kNotWeak) {
+ WeakCallbackType callback_type =
+ Traits::kCallbackType == kWeakWithInternalFields
+ ? WeakCallbackType::kInternalFields
+ : WeakCallbackType::kParameter;
Local value(Local::New(this->isolate(), *persistent));
persistent->template SetWeak(
- Traits::WeakCallbackParameter(this, key, value), WeakCallback);
+ Traits::WeakCallbackParameter(this, key, value), WeakCallback,
+ callback_type);
PersistentContainerValue old_value =
Traits::Set(this->impl(), key, this->ClearAndLeak(persistent));
diff --git a/deps/v8/include/v8-version-string.h b/deps/v8/include/v8-version-string.h
index eab0934804e..fb84144d544 100644
--- a/deps/v8/include/v8-version-string.h
+++ b/deps/v8/include/v8-version-string.h
@@ -29,9 +29,10 @@
"." V8_S(V8_MINOR_VERSION) "." V8_S(V8_BUILD_NUMBER) "." V8_S( \
-#define V8_VERSION_STRING \
+#define V8_VERSION_STRING \
#endif // V8_VERSION_STRING_H_
diff --git a/deps/v8/include/v8-version.h b/deps/v8/include/v8-version.h
index 46bb92f6506..a5253f6bd07 100644
--- a/deps/v8/include/v8-version.h
+++ b/deps/v8/include/v8-version.h
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@
// NOTE these macros are used by some of the tool scripts and the build
// system so their names cannot be changed without changing the scripts.
#define V8_MAJOR_VERSION 6
-#define V8_MINOR_VERSION 3
-#define V8_BUILD_NUMBER 292
-#define V8_PATCH_LEVEL 46
+#define V8_MINOR_VERSION 5
+#define V8_BUILD_NUMBER 75
+#define V8_PATCH_LEVEL 0
// Use 1 for candidates and 0 otherwise.
// (Boolean macro values are not supported by all preprocessors.)
diff --git a/deps/v8/include/v8.h b/deps/v8/include/v8.h
index f1001533649..0dc862ae156 100644
--- a/deps/v8/include/v8.h
+++ b/deps/v8/include/v8.h
@@ -433,20 +433,6 @@ class WeakCallbackInfo {
V8_INLINE T* GetParameter() const { return parameter_; }
V8_INLINE void* GetInternalField(int index) const;
- V8_INLINE V8_DEPRECATED("use indexed version",
- void* GetInternalField1() const) {
- return embedder_fields_[0];
- }
- V8_INLINE V8_DEPRECATED("use indexed version",
- void* GetInternalField2() const) {
- return embedder_fields_[1];
- }
- V8_DEPRECATED("Not realiable once SetSecondPassCallback() was used.",
- bool IsFirstPass() const) {
- return callback_ != nullptr;
- }
// When first called, the embedder MUST Reset() the Global which triggered the
// callback. The Global itself is unusable for anything else. No v8 other api
// calls may be called in the first callback. Should additional work be
@@ -579,16 +565,22 @@ template class PersistentBase {
* independent handle should not assume that it will be preceded by a global
* GC prologue callback or followed by a global GC epilogue callback.
- V8_INLINE void MarkIndependent();
+ "Objects are always considered independent. "
+ "Use MarkActive to avoid collecting otherwise dead weak handles.",
+ V8_INLINE void MarkIndependent());
* Marks the reference to this object as active. The scavenge garbage
- * collection should not reclaim the objects marked as active.
+ * collection should not reclaim the objects marked as active, even if the
+ * object held by the handle is otherwise unreachable.
+ *
* This bit is cleared after the each garbage collection pass.
V8_INLINE void MarkActive();
- V8_INLINE bool IsIndependent() const;
+ V8_DEPRECATE_SOON("See MarkIndependent.",
+ V8_INLINE bool IsIndependent() const);
/** Checks if the handle holds the only reference to an object. */
V8_INLINE bool IsNearDeath() const;
@@ -984,9 +976,6 @@ class V8_EXPORT Data {
- * This is an unfinished experimental feature, and is only exposed
- * here for internal testing purposes. DO NOT USE.
- *
* A container type that holds relevant metadata for module loading.
* This is passed back to the embedder as part of
@@ -1008,9 +997,6 @@ class V8_EXPORT ScriptOrModule {
- * This is an unfinished experimental feature, and is only exposed
- * here for internal testing purposes. DO NOT USE.
- *
* An array to hold Primitive values. This is used by the embedder to
* pass host defined options to the ScriptOptions during compilation.
@@ -1440,6 +1426,26 @@ class V8_EXPORT ScriptCompiler {
+ /**
+ * The reason for which we are not requesting or providing a code cache.
+ */
+ enum NoCacheReason {
+ kNoCacheNoReason = 0,
+ kNoCacheBecauseCachingDisabled,
+ kNoCacheBecauseNoResource,
+ kNoCacheBecauseInlineScript,
+ kNoCacheBecauseModule,
+ kNoCacheBecauseStreamingSource,
+ kNoCacheBecauseInspector,
+ kNoCacheBecauseScriptTooSmall,
+ kNoCacheBecauseCacheTooCold,
+ kNoCacheBecauseV8Extension,
+ kNoCacheBecauseExtensionModule,
+ kNoCacheBecausePacScript,
+ kNoCacheBecauseInDocumentWrite,
+ kNoCacheBecauseResourceWithNoCacheHandler
+ };
* Compiles the specified script (context-independent).
* Cached data as part of the source object can be optionally produced to be
@@ -1456,10 +1462,12 @@ class V8_EXPORT ScriptCompiler {
static V8_DEPRECATED("Use maybe version",
Local CompileUnbound(
Isolate* isolate, Source* source,
- CompileOptions options = kNoCompileOptions));
+ CompileOptions options = kNoCompileOptions,
+ NoCacheReason no_cache_reason = kNoCacheNoReason));
static V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal CompileUnboundScript(
Isolate* isolate, Source* source,
- CompileOptions options = kNoCompileOptions);
+ CompileOptions options = kNoCompileOptions,
+ NoCacheReason no_cache_reason = kNoCacheNoReason);
* Compiles the specified script (bound to current context).
@@ -1475,10 +1483,12 @@ class V8_EXPORT ScriptCompiler {
"Use maybe version",