File tree
1,484 files changed
lines changed- deps/npm
- bin
- doc
- cli
- files
- misc
- html/doc
- api
- cli
- files
- misc
- lib
- cache
- config
- install
- action
- utils
- completion
- man
- man1
- man3
- man5
- man7
- node_modules
- abbrev
- ansi-regex
- ansi-styles
- ansicolors
- ansistyles
- aproba
- archy
- asap
- asn1
- assert-plus
- async-some
- aws-sign2
- balanced-match
- bl/node_modules/readable-stream
- bluebird
- js
- browser
- main
- chalk
- chownr
- clone
- cmd-shim
- node_modules/graceful-fs
- columnify
- node_modules/wcwidth
- docs
- node_modules/defaults
- node_modules/clone
- test
- commander
- concat-stream
- node_modules/readable-stream
- config-chain
- node_modules/proto-list
- test
- core-util-is
- ctype
- debug
- debuglog
- defaults
- dezalgo
- node_modules/asap
- editor
- escape-string-regexp
- forever-agent
- fs-vacuum
- fs-write-stream-atomic
- fstream
- fstream-npm
- node_modules/fstream-ignore
- example
- node_modules/minimatch
- node_modules/brace-expansion
- node_modules
- balanced-match
- test
- concat-map
- example
- test
- test
- generate-function
- generate-object-property
- glob
- node_modules
- minimatch
- node_modules/brace-expansion
- node_modules
- balanced-match
- test
- concat-map
- example
- test
- path-is-absolute
- graceful-fs
- graceful-readlink
- har-validator/bin
- has-ansi
- has-unicode
- hoek
- hosted-git-info
- iferr
- inflight
- inherits
- ini
- init-package-json
- node_modules/promzard
- example
- npm-init
- test
- is-my-json-valid
- is-property
- isarray
- isstream
- json-stringify-safe
- jsonpointer
- lockfile
- lodash._basecopy
- lodash._baseindexof
- lodash._baseuniq
- lodash._bindcallback
- lodash._cacheindexof
- lodash._createcache
- lodash._getnative
- lodash.clonedeep
- node_modules/lodash._baseclone
- node_modules
- lodash._arraycopy
- lodash._arrayeach
- lodash._baseassign
- node_modules/lodash._basecopy
- lodash._basefor
- lodash.isarguments
- lodash.isarray
- lodash.keys
- lodash.restparam
- lodash.union
- node_modules/lodash._baseflatten
- lodash.uniq
- node_modules
- lodash._basecallback
- node_modules
- lodash._baseisequal
- node_modules/lodash.istypedarray
- lodash.pairs
- lodash._isiterateecall
- lodash.without
- node_modules/lodash._basedifference
- lru-cache
- mime-types
- minimatch
- minimist
- mkdirp
- node_modules/minimist
- example
- test
- ms
- mute-stream
- node-gyp
- node_modules
- glob
- node_modules/minimatch
- node_modules/brace-expansion
- node_modules
- balanced-match
- test
- concat-map
- example
- test
- minimatch
- node_modules
- lru-cache
- lib
- test
- sigmund
- test
- path-array
- node_modules/array-index
- node_modules/debug
- node_modules/ms
- test
- tar
- node_modules/block-stream
- bench
- test
- node-uuid
- nopt
- normalize-git-url
- normalize-package-data
- node_modules/is-builtin-module
- node_modules/builtin-modules
- npm-cache-filename
- npm-install-checks
- npm-package-arg
- npm-registry-client
- node_modules/concat-stream
- node_modules
- readable-stream
- doc
- wg-meetings
- lib
- node_modules
- core-util-is
- lib
- isarray
- build
- process-nextick-args
- string_decoder
- util-deprecate
- typedarray
- example
- test
- server
- npm-user-validate
- npmlog
- node_modules
- ansi
- examples
- beep
- clear
- progress
- lib
- are-we-there-yet
- node_modules
- delegates
- test
- readable-stream
- lib
- node_modules
- core-util-is
- lib
- isarray
- build
- string_decoder
- test
- gauge
- node_modules
- lodash._basetostring
- lodash._createpadding
- node_modules/lodash.repeat
- lodash.pad
- lodash.padleft
- lodash.padright
- test
- once
- opener
- os-homedir
- os-tmpdir
- osenv
- node_modules
- os-homedir
- os-tmpdir
- path-is-absolute
- path-is-inside
- process-nextick-args
- proto-list
- qs
- read
- node_modules/mute-stream
- test
- read-cmd-shim
- read-installed
- node_modules/util-extend
- read-package-json
- node_modules/json-parse-helpfulerror
- node_modules/jju
- lib
- test
- read-package-tree
- readable-stream
- readdir-scoped-modules
- realize-package-specifier
- request
- lib
- node_modules
- aws-sign2
- bl
- node_modules/readable-stream
- doc
- wg-meetings
- lib
- node_modules
- core-util-is
- lib
- isarray
- build
- process-nextick-args
- string_decoder
- util-deprecate
- test
- caseless
- combined-stream
- lib
- node_modules/delayed-stream
- lib
- extend
- forever-agent
- form-data
- lib
- node_modules/async
- lib
- har-validator
- bin
- lib
- schemas
- node_modules
- chalk
- node_modules
- ansi-styles
- escape-string-regexp
- has-ansi
- supports-color
- commander
- node_modules/graceful-readlink
- is-my-json-valid
- node_modules
- generate-function
- generate-object-property
- node_modules/is-property
- jsonpointer
- xtend
- test
- fixtures
- json-schema-draft4
- pinkie-promise
- node_modules/pinkie
- hawk
- example
- images
- lib
- node_modules
- boom
- images
- lib
- test
- cryptiles
- lib
- test
- hoek
- images
- lib
- test
- modules
- sntp
- examples
- lib
- test
- test
- http-signature
- lib
- node_modules
- asn1
- lib
- ber
- tst/ber
- assert-plus
- ctype
- man/man3ctype
- tools
- isstream
- json-stringify-safe
- test
- mime-types
- node_modules/mime-db
- node-uuid
- benchmark
- bin
- test
- oauth-sign
- qs
- dist
- lib
- test
- stringstream
- tough-cookie
- lib
- tunnel-agent
- retry
- rimraf
- semver
- sha
- node_modules/readable-stream
- node_modules
- core-util-is
- lib
- isarray
- build
- process-nextick-args
- string_decoder
- util-deprecate
- sigmund
- slide
- sntp
- sorted-object
- spdx-exceptions
- string_decoder
- strip-ansi
- supports-color
- tar
- node_modules/block-stream
- bench
- test
- text-table
- tough-cookie
- lib
- test
- ietf_data
- dates
- tunnel-agent
- typedarray
- uid-number
- umask
- unique-filename
- node_modules/unique-slug
- test
- unpipe
- util-deprecate
- validate-npm-package-license
- node_modules
- spdx-correct
- spdx-expression-parse
- node_modules/spdx-exceptions
- spdx-license-ids
- validate-npm-package-name
- node_modules/builtins
- which
- bin
- node_modules/is-absolute
- node_modules/is-relative
- test
- wrappy
- write-file-atomic
- xtend
- scripts
- test
- fixtures/config
- packages
- npm-test-array-bin
- npm-test-dir-bin
- npm-test-shrinkwrap
- tap
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
1,484 files changed
lines changedOriginal file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
43 | 43 |
| |
44 | 44 |
| |
45 | 45 |
| |
| 46 | + | |
46 | 47 |
| |
| 48 | + | |
47 | 49 |
| |
48 | 50 |
| |
49 | 51 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
1 | 1 |
| |
2 | 2 |
| |
| 3 | + | |
| 4 | + | |
3 | 5 |
| |
4 | 6 |
| |
5 | 7 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
313 | 313 |
| |
314 | 314 |
| |
315 | 315 |
| |
| 316 | + | |
| 317 | + | |
| 318 | + | |
| 319 | + | |
| 320 | + | |
| 321 | + | |
| 322 | + | |
| 323 | + | |
| 324 | + | |
| 325 | + | |
| 326 | + |
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