| 1 | +v2.9.0 - April 29, 2016 |
| 2 | + |
| 3 | +* a8a2cd8 Fix: Avoid autoconfig crashes from inline comments (fixes #5992) (#5999) (Ian VanSchooten) |
| 4 | +* 23b00e0 Upgrade: npm-license to 0.3.2 (fixes #5996) (#5998) (alberto) |
| 5 | +* 377167d Upgrade: ignore to 3.1.2 (fixes #5979) (#5988) (alberto) |
| 6 | +* 141b778 Fix: no-control-regex literal handling fixed. (fixes #5737) (#5943) (Efe Gürkan YALAMAN) |
| 7 | +* 577757d Fix: Clarify color option (fixes #5928) (#5974) (Grant Snodgrass) |
| 8 | +* e7e6581 Docs: Update CLA link (#5980) (Gustav Nikolaj) |
| 9 | +* 0be26bc Build: Add nodejs 6 to travis (fixes #5971) (#5973) (Gyandeep Singh) |
| 10 | +* e606523 New: Rule `no-unsafe-finally` (fixes #5808) (#5932) (Onur Temizkan) |
| 11 | +* 42d1ecc Chore: Add metadata to existing rules - Batch 7 (refs #5417) (#5969) (Vitor Balocco) |
| 12 | +* e2ad1ec Update: object-shorthand lints computed methods (fixes #5871) (#5963) (Chris Sauvé) |
| 13 | +* d24516a Chore: Add metadata to existing rules - Batch 6 (refs #5417) (#5966) (Vitor Balocco) |
| 14 | +* 1e7a3ef Fix: `id-match` false positive in property values (fixes #5885) (#5960) (Mike Sherov) |
| 15 | +* 51ddd4b Update: Use process @abstract when processing @return (fixes #5941) (#5945) (Simon Schick) |
| 16 | +* 52a4bea Update: Add autofix for `no-whitespace-before-property` (fixes #5927) (#5951) (alberto) |
| 17 | +* 46e058d Docs: Correct typo in configuring.md (#5957) (Nick S. Plekhanov) |
| 18 | +* 5f8abab Chore: Add metadata to existing rules - Batch 5 (refs #5417) (#5944) (Vitor Balocco) |
| 19 | +* 0562f77 Chore: Add missing newlines to test cases (fixes #5947) (Rich Trott) |
| 20 | +* fc78e78 Chore: Enable quote-props rule in eslint-config-eslint (refs #5188) (#5938) (Gyandeep Singh) |
| 21 | +* 43f6d05 Docs: Update docs to refer to column (#5937) (Sashko Stubailo) |
| 22 | +* 586478e Update: Add autofix for `comma-dangle` (fixes #3805) (#5925) (alberto) |
| 23 | +* a4f9c5a Docs: Distinguish examples in rules under Stylistic Issues part 3 (Kenneth Williams) |
| 24 | +* e7c0737 Chore: Enable no-console rule in eslint-config-eslint (refs #5188) (Kevin Partington) |
| 25 | +* 0023fe6 Build: Add “chore” to commit tags (fixes #5880) (#5929) (Mike Sherov) |
| 26 | +* 25d626a Upgrade: espree 3.1.4 (fixes #5923, fixes #5756) (Kai Cataldo) |
| 27 | +* a01b412 New: Add `no-useless-computed-key` rule (fixes #5402) (Burak Yigit Kaya) |
| 28 | +* 9afb9cb Chore: Remove workaround for espree and escope bugs (fixes #5852) (alberto) |
| 29 | +* 3ffc582 Chore: Update copyright and license info (alberto) |
| 30 | +* 249eb40 Docs: Clarify init sets up local installation (fixes #5874) (Kai Cataldo) |
| 31 | +* 6cd8c86 Docs: Describe options in rules under Possible Errors part 1 (Mark Pedrotti) |
| 32 | +* f842d18 Fix: `no-this-before-super` crash on unreachable paths (fixes #5894) (Toru Nagashima) |
| 33 | +* a02960b Docs: Fix missing delimiter in README links (Kevin Partington) |
| 34 | +* 3a9e72c Docs: Update developer guide with new standards (Nicholas C. Zakas) |
| 35 | +* cb78585 Update: Add `allowUnboundThis` to `prefer-arrow-callback` (fixes #4668) (Burak Yigit Kaya) |
| 36 | +* 02be29f Chore: Remove CLA check from bot (Nicholas C. Zakas) |
| 37 | +* 220713e Chore: Add metadata to existing rules - Batch 4 (refs #5417) (Vitor Balocco) |
| 38 | +* df53414 Chore: Include jQuery Foundation info (Nicholas C. Zakas) |
| 39 | +* f1b2992 Fix: `no-useless-escape` false positive in JSXAttribute (fixes #5882) (Toru Nagashima) |
| 40 | +* 74674ad Docs: Move `sort-imports` to 'ECMAScript 6' (Kenneth Williams) |
| 41 | +* ae69ddb Docs: Fix severity type in example (Kenneth Williams) |
| 42 | +* 19f6fff Update: Autofixing does multiple passes (refs #5329) (Nicholas C. Zakas) |
| 43 | +* 1e4b0ca Docs: Reduce length of paragraphs in rules index (Mark Pedrotti) |
| 44 | +* 8cfe1eb Docs: Fix a wrong option (Zach Orlovsky) |
| 45 | +* 8f6739f Docs: Add alberto as reviewer (alberto) |
| 46 | +* 2ae4938 Docs: Fix message for `inline-config` option (alberto) |
| 47 | +* 089900b Docs: Fix a wrong rule name in an example (Toru Nagashima) |
| 48 | +* c032b41 Docs: Fix emphasis (Toru Nagashima) |
| 49 | +* ae606f0 Docs: Update JSCS info in README (alberto) |
| 50 | +* a9c5323 Fix: Install ESLint on init if not installed (fixes #5833) (Kai Cataldo) |
| 51 | +* ed38358 Docs: Removed incorrect example (James M. Greene) |
| 52 | +* af3113c Docs: Fix config comments in indent docs (Brandon Mills) |
| 53 | +* 2b39461 Update: `commentPattern` option for `default-case` rule (fixes #5803) (Artyom Lvov) |
| 54 | + |
| 55 | +v2.8.0 - April 15, 2016 |
| 56 | + |
| 57 | +* a8821a5 Docs: Distinguish examples in rules under Stylistic Issues part 2 (Kenneth Williams) |
| 58 | +* 76913b6 Update: Add metadata to existing rules - Batch 3 (refs #5417) (Vitor Balocco) |
| 59 | +* 34ad8d2 Fix: Check that module.paths exists (fixes #5791) (Nicholas C. Zakas) |
| 60 | +* 37239b1 Docs: Add new members of the team (Ilya Volodin) |
| 61 | +* fb3c2eb Update: allow template literals (fixes #5234) (Jonathan Haines) |
| 62 | +* 5a4a935 Update: Add metadata to existing rules - Batch 2 (refs #5417) (Vitor Balocco) |
| 63 | +* ea2e625 Fix: newline-before-return handles return as first token (fixes #5816) (Kevin Partington) |
| 64 | +* f8db9c9 Update: add nestedBinaryExpressions to no-extra-parens (fixes #3065) (Ilya Volodin) |
| 65 | +* 0045d57 Update: `allowNamedFunctions` in `prefer-arrow-callback` (fixes #5675) (alberto) |
| 66 | +* 19da72a Update: Add metadata to existing rules - Batch 1 (refs #5417) (Vitor Balocco) |
| 67 | +* cc14e43 Fix: `no-fallthrough` empty case with comment (fixes #5799) (alberto) |
| 68 | +* 13c8b14 Fix: LogicalExpression checks for short circuit (fixes #5693) (Vamshi krishna) |
| 69 | +* 73b225e Fix: Document and fix metadata (refs #5417) (Ilya Volodin) |
| 70 | +* 882d199 Docs: Improve options description in `no-redeclare` (alberto) |
| 71 | +* 6a71ceb Docs: Improve options description in `no-params-reassign` (alberto) |
| 72 | +* 24b6215 Update: Include 'typeof' in rule 'no-constant-condition' (fixes #5228) (Vamshi krishna) |
| 73 | +* a959063 Docs: Remove link to deprecated ESLintTester project (refs #3110) (Trey Thomas) |
| 74 | +* 6fd7d82 Update: Change order in `eslint --init` env options (fixes #5742) (alberto) |
| 75 | +* c59d909 Fix: Extra paren check around object arrow bodies (fixes #5789) (Brandon Mills) |
| 76 | +* 6f88546 Docs: Use double quotes for better Win compatibility (fixes #5796) (alberto) |
| 77 | +* 02743d5 Fix: catch self-assignment operators in `no-magic-number` (fixes #4400) (alberto) |
| 78 | +* c94e74e Docs: Make rule descriptions more consistent (Kenneth Williams) |
| 79 | +* 6028252 Docs: Distinguish examples in rules under Stylistic Issues part 1 (Mark Pedrotti) |
| 80 | +* ccd8ca9 Fix: Added property onlyDeclaration to id-match rule (fixes #3488) (Gajus Kuizinas) |
| 81 | +* 6703c02 Update: no-useless-escape / exact locations of errors (fixes #5751) (Onur Temizkan) |
| 82 | +* 3d84b91 Fix: ignore trailing whitespace in template literal (fixes #5786) (Kai Cataldo) |
| 83 | +* b0e6bc4 Update: add allowEmptyCatch option to no-empty (fixes #5800) (Kai Cataldo) |
| 84 | +* f1f1dd7 Docs: Add @pedrottimark as a committer (Brandon Mills) |
| 85 | +* 228f201 Update: `commentPattern` option for `no-fallthrough` rule (fixes #5757) (Artyom Lvov) |
| 86 | +* 41db670 Docs: Clarify disable inline comments (Kai Cataldo) |
| 87 | +* 9c9a295 Docs: Add note about shell vs node glob parameters in cli (alberto) |
| 88 | +* 5308ff9 Docs: Add code backticks to sentence in fixable rules (Mark Pedrotti) |
| 89 | +* 965ec06 Docs: fix the examples for space-before-function-paren. (Craig Silverstein) |
| 90 | +* 2b202fc Update: Add ignore option to space-before-function-parens (fixes #4127) (Craig Silverstein) |
| 91 | +* 24c12ba Fix: improve `constructor-super` errors for literals (fixes #5449) (Toru Nagashima) |
| 92 | + |
1 | 93 | v2.7.0 - April 4, 2016
2 | 94 |
3 | 95 | * 134cb1f Revert "Update: adds nestedBinaryExpressions for no-extra-parens rule (fixes #3065)" (Ilya Volodin)
0 commit comments