diff --git a/doc/api/errors.md b/doc/api/errors.md
index 0e28b9b91d196e..d68640d82ca707 100644
--- a/doc/api/errors.md
+++ b/doc/api/errors.md
@@ -1639,6 +1639,43 @@ entry types were found.
Superseded by `ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE`
+The module attempted to be linked is not eligible for linking, because of one of
+the following reasons:
+- It has already been linked (`linkingStatus` is `'linked'`)
+- It is being linked (`linkingStatus` is `'linking'`)
+- Linking has failed for this module (`linkingStatus` is `'errored'`)
+The module being returned from the linker function is from a different context
+than the parent module. Linked modules must share the same context.
+The linker function returned a module for which linking has failed.
+The module must be successfully linked before instantiation.
+The fulfilled value of a linking promise is not a `vm.Module` object.
+The current module's status does not allow for this operation. The specific
+meaning of the error depends on the specific function.
diff --git a/doc/api/vm.md b/doc/api/vm.md
index 3ac70091e58552..516e18b6a0fc6c 100644
--- a/doc/api/vm.md
+++ b/doc/api/vm.md
@@ -43,6 +43,322 @@ console.log(x); // 1; y is not defined.
*Note*: The vm module is not a security mechanism.
**Do not use it to run untrusted code**.
+## Class: vm.Module
+> Stability: 1 - Experimental
+*This feature is only available with the `--experimental-vm-modules` command
+flag enabled.*
+The `vm.Module` class provides a low-level interface for using ECMAScript
+modules in VM contexts. It is the counterpart of the `vm.Script` class that
+closely mirrors [Source Text Module Record][]s as defined in the ECMAScript
+Unlike `vm.Script` however, every `vm.Module` object is bound to a context from
+its creation. Operations on `vm.Module` objects are intrinsically asynchronous,
+in contrast with the synchronous nature of `vm.Script` objects. With the help
+of async functions, however, manipulating `vm.Module` objects is fairly
+Using a `vm.Module` object requires four distinct steps: creation/parsing,
+linking, instantiation, and evaluation. These four steps are illustrated in the
+following example.
+*Note*: This implementation lies at a lower level than the [ECMAScript Module
+loader][]. There is also currently no way to interact with the Loader, though
+support is planned.
+const vm = require('vm');
+const contextifiedSandbox = vm.createContext({ secret: 42 });
+(async () => {
+ // Step 1
+ //
+ // Create a Module by constructing a new `vm.Module` object. This parses the
+ // provided source text, throwing a `SyntaxError` if anything goes wrong. By
+ // default, a Module is created in the top context. But here, we specify
+ // `contextifiedSandbox` as the context this Module belongs to.
+ //
+ // Here, we attempt to obtain the default export from the module "foo", and
+ // put it into local binding "secret".
+ const bar = new vm.Module(`
+ import s from 'foo';
+ s;
+ `, { context: contextifiedSandbox });
+ // Step 2
+ //
+ // "Link" the imported dependencies of this Module to it.
+ //
+ // The provided linking callback (the "linker") accepts two arguments: the
+ // parent module (`bar` in this case) and the string that is the specifier of
+ // the imported module. The callback is expected to return a Module that
+ // corresponds to the provided specifier, with certain requirements documented
+ // in `module.link()`.
+ //
+ // If linking has not started for the returned Module, the same linker
+ // callback will be called on the returned Module.
+ //
+ // Even top-level Modules without dependencies must be explicitly linked. The
+ // callback provided would never be called, however.
+ //
+ // The link() method returns a Promise that will be resolved when all the
+ // Promises returned by the linker resolve.
+ //
+ // Note: This is a contrived example in that the linker function creates a new
+ // "foo" module every time it is called. In a full-fledged module system, a
+ // cache would probably be used to avoid duplicated modules.
+ async function linker(referencingModule, specifier) {
+ if (specifier === 'foo') {
+ return new vm.Module(`
+ // The "secret" variable refers to the global variable we added to
+ // "contextifiedSandbox" when creating the context.
+ export default secret;
+ `, { context: referencingModule.context });
+ // Using `contextifiedSandbox` instead of `referencingModule.context`
+ // here would work as well.
+ }
+ throw new Error(`Unable to resolve dependency: ${specifier}`);
+ }
+ await bar.link(linker);
+ // Step 3
+ //
+ // Instantiate the top-level Module.
+ //
+ // Only the top-level Module needs to be explicitly instantiated; its
+ // dependencies will be recursively instantiated by instantiate().
+ bar.instantiate();
+ // Step 4
+ //
+ // Evaluate the Module. The evaluate() method returns a Promise with a single
+ // property "result" that contains the result of the very last statement
+ // executed in the Module. In the case of `bar`, it is `s;`, which refers to
+ // the default export of the `foo` module, the `secret` we set in the
+ // beginning to 42.
+ const { result } = await bar.evaluate();
+ console.log(result);
+ // Prints 42.
+### Constructor: new vm.Module(code[, options])
+* `code` {string} JavaScript Module code to parse
+* `options`
+ * `url` {string} URL used in module resolution and stack traces. **Default**:
+ `'vm:module(i)'` where `i` is a context-specific ascending index.
+ * `context` {Object} The [contextified][] object as returned by the
+ `vm.createContext()` method, to compile and evaluate this Module in.
+ * `lineOffset` {integer} Specifies the line number offset that is displayed
+ in stack traces produced by this Module.
+ * `columnOffset` {integer} Spcifies the column number offset that is displayed
+ in stack traces produced by this Module.
+Creates a new ES `Module` object.
+### module.dependencySpecifiers
+* {string[]}
+The specifiers of all dependencies of this module. The returned array is frozen
+to disallow any changes to it.
+Corresponds to the [[RequestedModules]] field of [Source Text Module Record][]s
+in the ECMAScript specification.
+### module.error
+* {any}
+If the `module.status` is `'errored'`, this property contains the exception thrown
+by the module during evaluation. If the status is anything else, accessing this
+property will result in a thrown exception.
+*Note*: `undefined` cannot be used for cases where there is not a thrown
+exception due to possible ambiguity with `throw undefined;`.
+Corresponds to the [[EvaluationError]] field of [Source Text Module Record][]s
+in the ECMAScript specification.
+### module.linkingStatus
+* {string}
+The current linking status of `module`. It will be one of the following values:
+- `'unlinked'`: `module.link()` has not yet been called.
+- `'linking'`: `module.link()` has been called, but not all Promises returned by
+ the linker function have been resolved yet.
+- `'linked'`: `module.link()` has been called, and all its dependencies have
+ been successfully linked.
+- `'errored'`: `module.link()` has been called, but at least one of its
+ dependencies failed to link, either because the callback returned a Promise
+ that is rejected, or because the Module the callback returned is invalid.
+### module.namespace
+* {Object}
+The namespace object of the module. This is only available after instantiation
+(`module.instantiate()`) has completed.
+Corresponds to the [GetModuleNamespace][] abstract operation in the ECMAScript
+### module.status
+* {string}
+The current status of the module. Will be one of:
+- `'uninstantiated'`: The module is not instantiated. It may because of any of
+ the following reasons:
+ - The module was just created.
+ - `module.instantiate()` has been called on this module, but it failed for
+ some reason.
+ This status does not convey any information regarding if `module.link()` has
+ been called. See `module.linkingStatus` for that.
+- `'instantiating'`: The module is currently being instantiated through a
+ `module.instantiate()` call on itself or a parent module.
+- `'instantiated'`: The module has been instantiated successfully, but
+ `module.evaluate()` has not yet been called.
+- `'evaluating'`: The module is being evaluated through a `module.evaluate()` on
+ itself or a parent module.
+- `'evaluated'`: The module has been successfully evaluated.
+- `'errored'`: The module has been evaluated, but an exception was thrown.
+Other than `'errored'`, this status string corresponds to the specification's
+[Source Text Module Record][]'s [[Status]] field. `'errored'` corresponds to
+`'evaluated'` in the specification, but with [[EvaluationError]] set to a value
+that is not `undefined`.
+### module.url
+* {string}
+The URL of the current module, as set in the constructor.
+### module.evaluate([options])
+* `options` {Object}
+ * `timeout` {number} Specifies the number of milliseconds to evaluate
+ before terminating execution. If execution is interrupted, an [`Error`][]
+ will be thrown.
+ * `breakOnSigint` {boolean} If `true`, the execution will be terminated when
+ `SIGINT` (Ctrl+C) is received. Existing handlers for the event that have
+ been attached via `process.on("SIGINT")` will be disabled during script
+ execution, but will continue to work after that. If execution is
+ interrupted, an [`Error`][] will be thrown.
+* Returns: {Promise}
+Evaluate the module.
+This must be called after the module has been instantiated; otherwise it will
+throw an error. It could be called also when the module has already been
+evaluated, in which case it will do one of the following two things:
+- return `undefined` if the initial evaluation ended in success (`module.status`
+ is `'evaluated'`)
+- rethrow the same exception the initial evaluation threw if the initial
+ evaluation ended in an error (`module.status` is `'errored'`)
+This method cannot be called while the module is being evaluated
+(`module.status` is `'evaluating'`) to prevent infinite recursion.
+Corresponds to the [Evaluate() concrete method][] field of [Source Text Module
+Record][]s in the ECMAScript specification.
+### module.instantiate()
+Instantiate the module. This must be called after linking has completed
+(`linkingStatus` is `'linked'`); otherwise it will throw an error. It may also
+throw an exception if one of the dependencies does not provide an export the
+parent module requires.
+However, if this function succeeded, further calls to this function after the
+initial instantiation will be no-ops, to be consistent with the ECMAScript
+Unlike other methods operating on `Module`, this function completes
+synchronously and returns nothing.
+Corresponds to the [Instantiate() concrete method][] field of [Source Text
+Module Record][]s in the ECMAScript specification.
+### module.link(linker)
+* `linker` {Function}
+* Returns: {Promise}
+Link module dependencies. This method must be called before instantiation, and
+can only be called once per module.
+Two parameters will be passed to the `linker` function:
+- `referencingModule` The `Module` object `link()` is called on.
+- `specifier` The specifier of the requested module:
+ ```js
+ import foo from 'foo';
+ // ^^^^^ the module specifier
+ ```
+The function is expected to return a `Module` object or a `Promise` that
+eventually resolves to a `Module` object. The returned `Module` must satisfy the
+following two invariants:
+- It must belong to the same context as the parent `Module`.
+- Its `linkingStatus` must not be `'errored'`.
+If the returned `Module`'s `linkingStatus` is `'unlinked'`, this method will be
+recursively called on the returned `Module` with the same provided `linker`
+`link()` returns a `Promise` that will either get resolved when all linking
+instances resolve to a valid `Module`, or rejected if the linker function either
+throws an exception or returns an invalid `Module`.
+The linker function roughly corresponds to the implementation-defined
+[HostResolveImportedModule][] abstract operation in the ECMAScript
+specification, with a few key differences:
+- The linker function is allowed to be asynchronous while
+ [HostResolveImportedModule][] is synchronous.
+- The linker function is executed during linking, a Node.js-specific stage
+ before instantiation, while [HostResolveImportedModule][] is called during
+ instantiation.
+The actual [HostResolveImportedModule][] implementation used during module
+instantiation is one that returns the modules linked during linking. Since at
+that point all modules would have been fully linked already, the
+[HostResolveImportedModule][] implementation is fully synchronous per
## Class: vm.Script