diff --git a/doc/api/errors.md b/doc/api/errors.md
index c0773caf7c9bbc..0ac092e04e39a6 100644
--- a/doc/api/errors.md
+++ b/doc/api/errors.md
@@ -1371,6 +1371,31 @@ multiple of the element size.
While calling `napi_create_typedarray()`, `(length * size_of_element) +
byte_offset` was larger than the length of given `buffer`.
+An error occurred while invoking the JavaScript portion of the thread-safe
+An error occurred while attempting to retrieve the JavaScript `undefined`
+On the main thread, values are removed from the queue associated with the
+thread-safe function in an idle loop. This error indicates that an error
+has occurred when attemping to start the loop.
+Once no more items are left in the queue, the idle loop must be suspended. This
+error indicates that the idle loop has failed to stop.
diff --git a/doc/api/n-api.md b/doc/api/n-api.md
index ef2396409b45a3..609ebfd17a85e0 100644
--- a/doc/api/n-api.md
+++ b/doc/api/n-api.md
@@ -75,7 +75,11 @@ typedef enum {
- napi_callback_scope_mismatch
+ napi_callback_scope_mismatch,
+ napi_queue_full,
+ napi_closing,
} napi_status;
If additional information is required upon an API returning a failed status,
@@ -113,6 +117,43 @@ not allowed.
### napi_value
This is an opaque pointer that is used to represent a JavaScript value.
+### napi_threadsafe_function
+> Stability: 1 - Experimental
+This is an opaque pointer that represents a JavaScript function which can be
+called asynchronously from multiple threads via
+### napi_threadsafe_function_release_mode
+> Stability: 1 - Experimental
+A value to be given to `napi_release_threadsafe_function()` to indicate whether
+the thread-safe function is to be closed immediately (`napi_tsfn_abort`) or
+merely released (`napi_tsfn_release`) and thus available for subsequent use via
+`napi_acquire_threadsafe_function()` and `napi_call_threadsafe_function()`.
+typedef enum {
+ napi_tsfn_release,
+ napi_tsfn_abort
+} napi_threadsafe_function_release_mode;
+### napi_threadsafe_function_call_mode
+> Stability: 1 - Experimental
+A value to be given to `napi_call_threadsafe_function()` to indicate whether
+the call should block whenever the queue associated with the thread-safe
+function is full.
+typedef enum {
+ napi_tsfn_nonblocking,
+ napi_tsfn_blocking
+} napi_threadsafe_function_call_mode;
### N-API Memory Management types
#### napi_handle_scope
This is an abstraction used to control and modify the lifetime of objects
@@ -194,6 +235,43 @@ typedef void (*napi_async_complete_callback)(napi_env env,
void* data);
+#### napi_threadsafe_function_call_js
+> Stability: 1 - Experimental
+Function pointer used with asynchronous thread-safe function calls. The callback
+will be called on the main thread. Its purpose is to use a data item arriving
+via the queue from one of the secondary threads to construct the parameters
+necessary for a call into JavaScript, usually via `napi_call_function`, and then
+make the call into JavaScript.
+The data arriving from the secondary thread via the queue is given in the `data`
+parameter and the JavaScript function to call is given in the `js_callback`
+N-API sets up the environment prior to calling this callback, so it is
+sufficient to call the JavaScript function via `napi_call_function` rather than
+via `napi_make_callback`.
+Callback functions must satisfy the following signature:
+typedef void (*napi_threadsafe_function_call_js)(napi_env env,
+ napi_value js_callback,
+ void* context,
+ void* data);
+- `[in] env`: The environment to use for API calls, or `NULL` if the thread-safe
+function is being torn down and `data` may need to be freed.
+- `[in] js_callback`: The JavaScript function to call, or `NULL` if the
+thread-safe function is being torn down and `data` may need to be freed.
+- `[in] context`: The optional data with which the thread-safe function was
+- `[in] data`: Data created by the secondary thread. It is the responsibility of
+the callback to convert this native data to JavaScript values (with N-API
+functions) that can be passed as parameters when `js_callback` is invoked. This
+pointer is managed entirely by the threads and this callback. Thus this callback
+should free the data.
## Error Handling
N-API uses both return values and JavaScript exceptions for error handling.
The following sections explain the approach for each case.
@@ -3852,6 +3930,298 @@ NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_get_uv_event_loop(napi_env env,
- `[in] env`: The environment that the API is invoked under.
- `[out] loop`: The current libuv loop instance.
+## Asynchronous Thread-safe Function Calls
+> Stability: 1 - Experimental
+JavaScript functions can normally only be called from a native addon's main
+thread. If an addon creates additional threads, then N-API functions that
+require a `napi_env`, `napi_value`, or `napi_ref` must not be called from those
+When an addon has additional threads and JavaScript functions need to be invoked
+based on the processing completed by those threads, those threads must
+communicate with the addon's main thread so that the main thread can invoke the
+JavaScript function on their behalf. The thread-safe function APIs provide an
+easy way to do this.
+These APIs provide the type `napi_threadsafe_function` as well as APIs to
+create, destroy, and call objects of this type.
+`napi_create_threadsafe_function()` creates a persistent reference to a
+`napi_value` that holds a JavaScript function which can be called from multiple
+threads. The calls happen asynchronously. This means that values with which the
+JavaScript callback is to be called will be placed in a queue, and, for each
+value in the queue, a call will eventually be made to the JavaScript function.
+Upon creation of a `napi_threadsafe_function` a `napi_finalize` callback can be
+provided. This callback will be invoked on the main thread when the thread-safe
+function is about to be destroyed. It receives the context and the finalize data
+given during construction, and provides an opportunity for cleaning up after the
+threads e.g. by calling `uv_thread_join()`. **It is important that, aside from
+the main loop thread, there be no threads left using the thread-safe function
+after the finalize callback completes.**
+The `context` given during the call to `napi_create_threadsafe_function()` can
+be retrieved from any thread with a call to
+`napi_call_threadsafe_function()` can then be used for initiating a call into
+JavaScript. `napi_call_threadsafe_function()` accepts a parameter which controls
+whether the API behaves blockingly. If set to `napi_tsfn_nonblocking`, the API
+behaves non-blockingly, returning `napi_queue_full` if the queue was full,
+preventing data from being successfully added to the queue. If set to
+`napi_tsfn_blocking`, the API blocks until space becomes available in the queue.
+`napi_call_threadsafe_function()` never blocks if the thread-safe function was
+created with a maximum queue size of 0.
+The actual call into JavaScript is controlled by the callback given via the
+`call_js_cb` parameter. `call_js_cb` is invoked on the main thread once for each
+value that was placed into the queue by a successful call to
+`napi_call_threadsafe_function()`. If such a callback is not given, a default
+callback will be used, and the resulting JavaScript call will have no arguments.
+The `call_js_cb` callback receives the JavaScript function to call as a
+`napi_value` in its parameters, as well as the `void*` context pointer used when
+creating the `napi_threadsafe_function`, and the next data pointer that was
+created by one of the secondary threads. The callback can then use an API such
+as `napi_call_function()` to call into JavaScript.
+The callback may also be invoked with `env` and `call_js_cb` both set to `NULL`
+to indicate that calls into JavaScript are no longer possible, while items
+remain in the queue that may need to be freed. This normally occurs when the
+Node.js process exits while there is a thread-safe function still active.
+It is not necessary to call into JavaScript via `napi_make_callback()` because
+N-API runs `call_js_cb` in a context appropriate for callbacks.
+Threads can be added to and removed from a `napi_threadsafe_function` object
+during its existence. Thus, in addition to specifying an initial number of
+threads upon creation, `napi_acquire_threadsafe_function` can be called to
+indicate that a new thread will start making use of the thread-safe function.
+Similarly, `napi_release_threadsafe_function` can be called to indicate that an
+existing thread will stop making use of the thread-safe function.
+`napi_threadsafe_function` objects are destroyed when every thread which uses
+the object has called `napi_release_threadsafe_function()` or has received a
+return status of `napi_closing` in response to a call to
+`napi_call_threadsafe_function`. The queue is emptied before the
+`napi_threadsafe_function` is destroyed. It is important that
+`napi_release_threadsafe_function()` be the last API call made in conjunction
+with a given `napi_threadsafe_function`, because after the call completes, there
+is no guarantee that the `napi_threadsafe_function` is still allocated. For the
+same reason it is also important that no more use be made of a thread-safe
+function after receiving a return value of `napi_closing` in response to a call
+to `napi_call_threadsafe_function`. Data associated with the
+`napi_threadsafe_function` can be freed in its `napi_finalize` callback which
+was passed to `napi_create_threadsafe_function()`.
+Once the number of threads making use of a `napi_threadsafe_function` reaches
+zero, no further threads can start making use of it by calling
+`napi_acquire_threadsafe_function()`. In fact, all subsequent API calls
+associated with it, except `napi_release_threadsafe_function()`, will return an
+error value of `napi_closing`.
+The thread-safe function can be "aborted" by giving a value of `napi_tsfn_abort`
+to `napi_release_threadsafe_function()`. This will cause all subsequent APIs
+associated with the thread-safe function except
+`napi_release_threadsafe_function()` to return `napi_closing` even before its
+reference count reaches zero. In particular, `napi_call_threadsafe_function()`
+will return `napi_closing`, thus informing the threads that it is no longer
+possible to make asynchronous calls to the thread-safe function. This can be
+used as a criterion for terminating the thread. **Upon receiving a return value
+of `napi_closing` from `napi_call_threadsafe_function()` a thread must make no
+further use of the thread-safe function because it is no longer guaranteed to
+be allocated.**
+Similarly to libuv handles, thread-safe functions can be "referenced" and
+"unreferenced". A "referenced" thread-safe function will cause the event loop on
+the thread on which it is created to remain alive until the thread-safe function
+is destroyed. In contrast, an "unreferenced" thread-safe function will not
+prevent the event loop from exiting. The APIs `napi_ref_threadsafe_function` and
+`napi_unref_threadsafe_function` exist for this purpose.
+### napi_create_threadsafe_function
+> Stability: 1 - Experimental
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status
+napi_create_threadsafe_function(napi_env env,
+ napi_value func,
+ napi_value async_resource,
+ napi_value async_resource_name,
+ size_t max_queue_size,
+ size_t initial_thread_count,
+ void* thread_finalize_data,
+ napi_finalize thread_finalize_cb,
+ void* context,
+ napi_threadsafe_function_call_js call_js_cb,
+ napi_threadsafe_function* result);
+- `[in] env`: The environment that the API is invoked under.
+- `[in] func`: The JavaScript function to call from another thread.
+- `[in] async_resource`: An optional object associated with the async work that
+will be passed to possible `async_hooks` [`init` hooks][].
+- `[in] async_resource_name`: A javaScript string to provide an identifier for
+the kind of resource that is being provided for diagnostic information exposed
+by the `async_hooks` API.
+- `[in] max_queue_size`: Maximum size of the queue. 0 for no limit.
+- `[in] initial_thread_count`: The initial number of threads, including the main
+thread, which will be making use of this function.
+- `[in] thread_finalize_data`: Data to be passed to `thread_finalize_cb`.
+- `[in] thread_finalize_cb`: Function to call when the
+`napi_threadsafe_function` is being destroyed.
+- `[in] context`: Optional data to attach to the resulting
+- `[in] call_js_cb`: Optional callback which calls the JavaScript function in
+response to a call on a different thread. This callback will be called on the
+main thread. If not given, the JavaScript function will be called with no
+parameters and with `undefined` as its `this` value.
+- `[out] result`: The asynchronous thread-safe JavaScript function.
+### napi_get_threadsafe_function_context
+> Stability: 1 - Experimental
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status
+napi_get_threadsafe_function_context(napi_threadsafe_function func,
+ void** result);
+- `[in] func`: The thread-safe function for which to retrieve the context.
+- `[out] context`: The location where to store the context.
+This API may be called from any thread which makes use of `func`.
+### napi_call_threadsafe_function
+> Stability: 1 - Experimental
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status
+napi_call_threadsafe_function(napi_threadsafe_function func,
+ void* data,
+ napi_threadsafe_function_call_mode is_blocking);
+- `[in] func`: The asynchronous thread-safe JavaScript function to invoke.
+- `[in] data`: Data to send into JavaScript via the callback `call_js_cb`
+provided during the creation of the thread-safe JavaScript function.
+- `[in] is_blocking`: Flag whose value can be either `napi_tsfn_blocking` to
+indicate that the call should block if the queue is full or
+`napi_tsfn_nonblocking` to indicate that the call should return immediately with
+a status of `napi_queue_full` whenever the queue is full.
+This API will return `napi_closing` if `napi_release_threadsafe_function()` was
+called with `abort` set to `napi_tsfn_abort` from any thread. The value is only
+added to the queue if the API returns `napi_ok`.
+This API may be called from any thread which makes use of `func`.
+### napi_acquire_threadsafe_function
+> Stability: 1 - Experimental
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status
+napi_acquire_threadsafe_function(napi_threadsafe_function func);
+- `[in] func`: The asynchronous thread-safe JavaScript function to start making
+use of.
+A thread should call this API before passing `func` to any other thread-safe
+function APIs to indicate that it will be making use of `func`. This prevents
+`func` from being destroyed when all other threads have stopped making use of
+This API may be called from any thread which will start making use of `func`.
+### napi_release_threadsafe_function
+> Stability: 1 - Experimental
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status
+napi_release_threadsafe_function(napi_threadsafe_function func,
+ napi_threadsafe_function_release_mode mode);
+- `[in] func`: The asynchronous thread-safe JavaScript function whose reference
+count to decrement.
+- `[in] mode`: Flag whose value can be either `napi_tsfn_release` to indicate
+that the current thread will make no further calls to the thread-safe function,
+or `napi_tsfn_abort` to indicate that in addition to the current thread, no
+other thread should make any further calls to the thread-safe function. If set
+to `napi_tsfn_abort`, further calls to `napi_call_threadsafe_function()` will
+return `napi_closing`, and no further values will be placed in the queue.
+A thread should call this API when it stops making use of `func`. Passing `func`
+to any thread-safe APIs after having called this API has undefined results, as
+`func` may have been destroyed.
+This API may be called from any thread which will stop making use of `func`.
+### napi_ref_threadsafe_function
+> Stability: 1 - Experimental
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status
+napi_ref_threadsafe_function(napi_env env, napi_threadsafe_function func);
+- `[in] env`: The environment that the API is invoked under.
+- `[in] func`: The thread-safe function to reference.
+This API is used to indicate that the event loop running on the main thread
+should not exit until `func` has been destroyed. Similar to [`uv_ref`][] it is
+also idempotent.
+This API may only be called from the main thread.
+### napi_unref_threadsafe_function
+> Stability: 1 - Experimental
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status
+napi_unref_threadsafe_function(napi_env env, napi_threadsafe_function func);
+- `[in] env`: The environment that the API is invoked under.
+- `[in] func`: The thread-safe function to unreference.
+This API is used to indicate that the event loop running on the main thread
+may exit before `func` is destroyed. Similar to [`uv_unref`][] it is also
+This API may only be called from the main thread.
[ECMAScript Language Specification]: https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/
[Error Handling]: #n_api_error_handling
[Native Abstractions for Node.js]: https://github.com/nodejs/nan
@@ -3914,6 +4284,8 @@ NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_get_uv_event_loop(napi_env env,
[`napi_throw_type_error`]: #n_api_napi_throw_type_error
[`napi_unwrap`]: #n_api_napi_unwrap
[`napi_wrap`]: #n_api_napi_wrap
+[`uv_ref`]: http://docs.libuv.org/en/v1.x/handle.html#c.uv_ref
+[`uv_unref`]: http://docs.libuv.org/en/v1.x/handle.html#c.uv_unref
[`process.release`]: process.html#process_process_release
[`init` hooks]: async_hooks.html#async_hooks_init_asyncid_type_triggerasyncid_resource
diff --git a/src/node_api.cc b/src/node_api.cc
index b1b498958b85df..c32e63ea2331ba 100644
--- a/src/node_api.cc
+++ b/src/node_api.cc
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
#include "node_api.h"
#include "node_internals.h"
#include "env.h"
@@ -923,7 +924,10 @@ const char* error_messages[] = {nullptr,
"The async work item was cancelled",
"napi_escape_handle already called on scope",
"Invalid handle scope usage",
- "Invalid callback scope usage"};
+ "Invalid callback scope usage",
+ "Thread-safe function queue is full",
+ "Thread-safe function handle is closing"
static inline napi_status napi_clear_last_error(napi_env env) {
env->last_error.error_code = napi_ok;
@@ -954,7 +958,7 @@ napi_status napi_get_last_error_info(napi_env env,
// We don't have a napi_status_last as this would result in an ABI
// change each time a message was added.
- node::arraysize(error_messages) == napi_callback_scope_mismatch + 1,
+ node::arraysize(error_messages) == napi_closing + 1,
"Count of error messages must match count of error values");
CHECK_LE(env->last_error.error_code, napi_callback_scope_mismatch);
@@ -3553,3 +3557,435 @@ napi_status napi_run_script(napi_env env,
*result = v8impl::JsValueFromV8LocalValue(script_result.ToLocalChecked());
return GET_RETURN_STATUS(env);
+class TsFn: public node::AsyncResource {
+ public:
+ TsFn(v8::Local func,
+ v8::Local resource,
+ v8::Local name,
+ size_t thread_count_,
+ void* context_,
+ size_t max_queue_size_,
+ napi_env env_,
+ void* finalize_data_,
+ napi_finalize finalize_cb_,
+ napi_threadsafe_function_call_js call_js_cb_):
+ AsyncResource(env_->isolate,
+ resource,
+ *v8::String::Utf8Value(env_->isolate, name)),
+ thread_count(thread_count_),
+ is_closing(false),
+ context(context_),
+ max_queue_size(max_queue_size_),
+ env(env_),
+ finalize_data(finalize_data_),
+ finalize_cb(finalize_cb_),
+ idle_running(false),
+ call_js_cb(call_js_cb_ == nullptr ? CallJs : call_js_cb_),
+ handles_closing(false) {
+ ref.Reset(env->isolate, func);
+ node::AddEnvironmentCleanupHook(env->isolate, Cleanup, this);
+ }
+ ~TsFn() {
+ node::RemoveEnvironmentCleanupHook(env->isolate, Cleanup, this);
+ }
+ // These methods can be called from any thread.
+ napi_status Push(void* data, napi_threadsafe_function_call_mode mode) {
+ node::Mutex::ScopedLock lock(this->mutex);
+ while (queue.size() >= max_queue_size &&
+ max_queue_size > 0 &&
+ !is_closing) {
+ if (mode == napi_tsfn_nonblocking) {
+ return napi_queue_full;
+ }
+ cond->Wait(lock);
+ }
+ if (is_closing) {
+ if (thread_count == 0) {
+ return napi_invalid_arg;
+ } else {
+ thread_count--;
+ return napi_closing;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (uv_async_send(&async) != 0) {
+ return napi_generic_failure;
+ }
+ queue.push(data);
+ return napi_ok;
+ }
+ }
+ napi_status Acquire() {
+ node::Mutex::ScopedLock lock(this->mutex);
+ if (is_closing) {
+ return napi_closing;
+ }
+ thread_count++;
+ return napi_ok;
+ }
+ napi_status Release(napi_threadsafe_function_release_mode mode) {
+ node::Mutex::ScopedLock lock(this->mutex);
+ if (thread_count == 0) {
+ return napi_invalid_arg;
+ }
+ thread_count--;
+ if (thread_count == 0 || mode == napi_tsfn_abort) {
+ if (!is_closing) {
+ is_closing = (mode == napi_tsfn_abort);
+ if (is_closing) {
+ cond->Signal(lock);
+ }
+ if (uv_async_send(&async) != 0) {
+ return napi_generic_failure;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return napi_ok;
+ }
+ void EmptyQueueAndDelete() {
+ for (; !queue.empty() ; queue.pop()) {
+ call_js_cb(nullptr, nullptr, context, queue.front());
+ }
+ delete this;
+ }
+ // These methods must only be called from the loop thread.
+ napi_status Init() {
+ TsFn* ts_fn = this;
+ if (uv_async_init(env->loop, &async, AsyncCb) == 0) {
+ if (max_queue_size > 0) {
+ cond.reset(new node::ConditionVariable);
+ }
+ if ((max_queue_size == 0 || cond.get() != nullptr) &&
+ uv_idle_init(env->loop, &idle) == 0) {
+ return napi_ok;
+ }
+ node::Environment::GetCurrent(env->isolate)->CloseHandle(
+ reinterpret_cast(&async),
+ [] (uv_handle_t* handle) -> void {
+ TsFn* ts_fn =
+ node::ContainerOf(&TsFn::async,
+ reinterpret_cast(handle));
+ delete ts_fn;
+ });
+ // Prevent the thread-safe function from being deleted here, because
+ // the callback above will delete it.
+ ts_fn = nullptr;
+ }
+ delete ts_fn;
+ return napi_generic_failure;
+ }
+ napi_status Unref() {
+ uv_unref(reinterpret_cast(&async));
+ uv_unref(reinterpret_cast(&idle));
+ return napi_ok;
+ }
+ napi_status Ref() {
+ uv_ref(reinterpret_cast(&async));
+ uv_ref(reinterpret_cast(&idle));
+ return napi_ok;
+ }
+ void DispatchOne() {
+ void* data;
+ bool popped_value = false;
+ bool idle_stop_failed = false;
+ {
+ node::Mutex::ScopedLock lock(this->mutex);
+ if (is_closing) {
+ CloseHandlesAndMaybeDelete();
+ } else {
+ size_t size = queue.size();
+ if (size > 0) {
+ data = queue.front();
+ queue.pop();
+ popped_value = true;
+ if (size == max_queue_size && max_queue_size > 0) {
+ cond->Signal(lock);
+ }
+ size--;
+ }
+ if (size == 0) {
+ if (thread_count == 0) {
+ is_closing = true;
+ cond->Signal(lock);
+ CloseHandlesAndMaybeDelete();
+ } else {
+ if (uv_idle_stop(&idle) != 0) {
+ idle_stop_failed = true;
+ } else {
+ idle_running = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (popped_value || idle_stop_failed) {
+ v8::HandleScope scope(env->isolate);
+ CallbackScope cb_scope(this);
+ if (idle_stop_failed) {
+ CHECK(napi_throw_error(env,
+ "Failed to stop the idle loop") == napi_ok);
+ } else {
+ v8::Local js_cb =
+ v8::Local::New(env->isolate, ref);
+ call_js_cb(env,
+ v8impl::JsValueFromV8LocalValue(js_cb),
+ context,
+ data);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ node::Environment* NodeEnv() {
+ // For some reason grabbing the Node.js environment requires a handle scope.
+ v8::HandleScope scope(env->isolate);
+ return node::Environment::GetCurrent(env->isolate);
+ }
+ void MaybeStartIdle() {
+ if (!idle_running) {
+ if (uv_idle_start(&idle, IdleCb) != 0) {
+ v8::HandleScope scope(env->isolate);
+ CallbackScope cb_scope(this);
+ CHECK(napi_throw_error(env,
+ "Failed to start the idle loop") == napi_ok);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void Finalize() {
+ v8::HandleScope scope(env->isolate);
+ if (finalize_cb) {
+ CallbackScope cb_scope(this);
+ finalize_cb(env, finalize_data, context);
+ }
+ EmptyQueueAndDelete();
+ }
+ inline void* Context() {
+ return context;
+ }
+ void CloseHandlesAndMaybeDelete(bool set_closing = false) {
+ if (set_closing) {
+ node::Mutex::ScopedLock lock(this->mutex);
+ is_closing = true;
+ cond->Signal(lock);
+ }
+ if (handles_closing) {
+ return;
+ }
+ handles_closing = true;
+ NodeEnv()->CloseHandle(
+ reinterpret_cast(&async),
+ [] (uv_handle_t* handle) -> void {
+ TsFn* ts_fn = node::ContainerOf(&TsFn::async,
+ reinterpret_cast(handle));
+ ts_fn->NodeEnv()->CloseHandle(
+ reinterpret_cast(&ts_fn->idle),
+ [] (uv_handle_t* handle) -> void {
+ TsFn* ts_fn = node::ContainerOf(&TsFn::idle,
+ reinterpret_cast(handle));
+ ts_fn->Finalize();
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ // Default way of calling into JavaScript. Used when TsFn is constructed
+ // without a call_js_cb_.
+ static void CallJs(napi_env env, napi_value cb, void* context, void* data) {
+ if (!(env == nullptr || cb == nullptr)) {
+ napi_value recv;
+ napi_status status;
+ status = napi_get_undefined(env, &recv);
+ if (status != napi_ok) {
+ napi_throw_error(env, "ERR_NAPI_TSFN_GET_UNDEFINED",
+ "Failed to retrieve undefined value");
+ return;
+ }
+ status = napi_call_function(env, recv, cb, 0, nullptr, nullptr);
+ if (status != napi_ok && status != napi_pending_exception) {
+ napi_throw_error(env, "ERR_NAPI_TSFN_CALL_JS",
+ "Failed to call JS callback");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ static void IdleCb(uv_idle_t* idle) {
+ TsFn* ts_fn =
+ node::ContainerOf(&TsFn::idle, idle);
+ ts_fn->DispatchOne();
+ }
+ static void AsyncCb(uv_async_t* async) {
+ TsFn* ts_fn =
+ node::ContainerOf(&TsFn::async, async);
+ ts_fn->MaybeStartIdle();
+ }
+ static void Cleanup(void* data) {
+ reinterpret_cast(data)->CloseHandlesAndMaybeDelete(true);
+ }
+ private:
+ // These are variables protected by the mutex.
+ node::Mutex mutex;
+ std::unique_ptr cond;
+ std::queue queue;
+ uv_async_t async;
+ uv_idle_t idle;
+ size_t thread_count;
+ bool is_closing;
+ // These are variables set once, upon creation, and then never again, which
+ // means we don't need the mutex to read them.
+ void* context;
+ size_t max_queue_size;
+ // These are variables accessed only from the loop thread.
+ node::Persistent ref;
+ napi_env env;
+ void* finalize_data;
+ napi_finalize finalize_cb;
+ bool idle_running;
+ napi_async_context async_context;
+ napi_threadsafe_function_call_js call_js_cb;
+ bool handles_closing;
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status
+napi_create_threadsafe_function(napi_env env,
+ napi_value func,
+ napi_value async_resource,
+ napi_value async_resource_name,
+ size_t max_queue_size,
+ size_t initial_thread_count,
+ void* thread_finalize_data,
+ napi_finalize thread_finalize_cb,
+ void* context,
+ napi_threadsafe_function_call_js call_js_cb,
+ napi_threadsafe_function* result) {
+ CHECK_ENV(env);
+ CHECK_ARG(env, func);
+ CHECK_ARG(env, async_resource_name);
+ RETURN_STATUS_IF_FALSE(env, initial_thread_count > 0, napi_invalid_arg);
+ CHECK_ARG(env, result);
+ napi_status status = napi_ok;
+ v8::Local v8_func;
+ CHECK_TO_FUNCTION(env, v8_func, func);
+ v8::Local v8_context = env->isolate->GetCurrentContext();
+ v8::Local v8_resource;
+ if (async_resource == nullptr) {
+ v8_resource = v8::Object::New(env->isolate);
+ } else {
+ CHECK_TO_OBJECT(env, v8_context, v8_resource, async_resource);
+ }
+ v8::Local v8_name;
+ CHECK_TO_STRING(env, v8_context, v8_name, async_resource_name);
+ TsFn* ts_fn = new TsFn(v8_func,
+ v8_resource,
+ v8_name,
+ initial_thread_count,
+ context,
+ max_queue_size,
+ env,
+ thread_finalize_data,
+ thread_finalize_cb,
+ call_js_cb);
+ if (ts_fn == nullptr) {
+ status = napi_generic_failure;
+ } else {
+ // Init deletes ts_fn upon failure.
+ status = ts_fn->Init();
+ if (status == napi_ok) {
+ *result = reinterpret_cast(ts_fn);
+ }
+ }
+ return napi_set_last_error(env, status);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status
+napi_get_threadsafe_function_context(napi_threadsafe_function func,
+ void** result) {
+ CHECK(func != nullptr);
+ CHECK(result != nullptr);
+ *result = reinterpret_cast(func)->Context();
+ return napi_ok;
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status
+napi_call_threadsafe_function(napi_threadsafe_function func,
+ void* data,
+ napi_threadsafe_function_call_mode is_blocking) {
+ CHECK(func != nullptr);
+ return reinterpret_cast(func)->Push(data, is_blocking);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status
+napi_acquire_threadsafe_function(napi_threadsafe_function func) {
+ CHECK(func != nullptr);
+ return reinterpret_cast(func)->Acquire();
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status
+napi_release_threadsafe_function(napi_threadsafe_function func,
+ napi_threadsafe_function_release_mode mode) {
+ CHECK(func != nullptr);
+ return reinterpret_cast(func)->Release(mode);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status
+napi_unref_threadsafe_function(napi_env env, napi_threadsafe_function func) {
+ CHECK(func != nullptr);
+ return reinterpret_cast(func)->Unref();
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status
+napi_ref_threadsafe_function(napi_env env, napi_threadsafe_function func) {
+ CHECK(func != nullptr);
+ return reinterpret_cast(func)->Ref();
diff --git a/src/node_api.h b/src/node_api.h
index 91c2775a03ed76..84706ac3ed6769 100644
--- a/src/node_api.h
+++ b/src/node_api.h
@@ -614,6 +614,44 @@ NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_run_script(napi_env env,
NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_get_uv_event_loop(napi_env env,
struct uv_loop_s** loop);
+// Calling into JS from other threads
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status
+napi_create_threadsafe_function(napi_env env,
+ napi_value func,
+ napi_value async_resource,
+ napi_value async_resource_name,
+ size_t max_queue_size,
+ size_t initial_thread_count,
+ void* thread_finalize_data,
+ napi_finalize thread_finalize_cb,
+ void* context,
+ napi_threadsafe_function_call_js call_js_cb,
+ napi_threadsafe_function* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status
+napi_get_threadsafe_function_context(napi_threadsafe_function func,
+ void** result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status
+napi_call_threadsafe_function(napi_threadsafe_function func,
+ void* data,
+ napi_threadsafe_function_call_mode is_blocking);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status
+napi_acquire_threadsafe_function(napi_threadsafe_function func);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status
+napi_release_threadsafe_function(napi_threadsafe_function func,
+ napi_threadsafe_function_release_mode mode);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status
+napi_unref_threadsafe_function(napi_env env, napi_threadsafe_function func);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status
+napi_ref_threadsafe_function(napi_env env, napi_threadsafe_function func);
#endif // SRC_NODE_API_H_
diff --git a/src/node_api_types.h b/src/node_api_types.h
index f7f3ee62755b11..af7d7c7f95331d 100644
--- a/src/node_api_types.h
+++ b/src/node_api_types.h
@@ -20,6 +20,9 @@ typedef struct napi_callback_info__* napi_callback_info;
typedef struct napi_async_context__* napi_async_context;
typedef struct napi_async_work__* napi_async_work;
typedef struct napi_deferred__* napi_deferred;
+typedef struct napi_threadsafe_function__* napi_threadsafe_function;
typedef enum {
napi_default = 0,
@@ -72,9 +75,25 @@ typedef enum {
- napi_callback_scope_mismatch
+ napi_callback_scope_mismatch,
+ napi_queue_full,
+ napi_closing,
} napi_status;
+typedef enum {
+ napi_tsfn_release,
+ napi_tsfn_abort
+} napi_threadsafe_function_release_mode;
+typedef enum {
+ napi_tsfn_nonblocking,
+ napi_tsfn_blocking
+} napi_threadsafe_function_call_mode;
typedef napi_value (*napi_callback)(napi_env env,
napi_callback_info info);
typedef void (*napi_finalize)(napi_env env,
@@ -86,6 +105,13 @@ typedef void (*napi_async_complete_callback)(napi_env env,
napi_status status,
void* data);
+typedef void (*napi_threadsafe_function_call_js)(napi_env env,
+ napi_value js_callback,
+ void* context,
+ void* data);
typedef struct {
// One of utf8name or name should be NULL.
const char* utf8name;
diff --git a/test/addons-napi/test_threadsafe_function/binding.c b/test/addons-napi/test_threadsafe_function/binding.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..5aae021372c21b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/addons-napi/test_threadsafe_function/binding.c
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+// For the purpose of this test we use libuv's threading library. When deciding
+// on a threading library for a new project it bears remembering that in the
+// future libuv may introduce API changes which may render it non-ABI-stable,
+// which, in turn, may affect the ABI stability of the project despite its use
+// of N-API.
+#include "../common.h"
+#define ARRAY_LENGTH 10
+static uv_thread_t uv_threads[2];
+static napi_threadsafe_function ts_fn;
+typedef struct {
+ napi_threadsafe_function_call_mode block_on_full;
+ napi_threadsafe_function_release_mode abort;
+ bool start_secondary;
+ napi_ref js_finalize_cb;
+} ts_fn_hint;
+static ts_fn_hint ts_info;
+// Thread data to transmit to JS
+static int ints[ARRAY_LENGTH];
+static void secondary_thread(void* data) {
+ napi_threadsafe_function ts_fn = data;
+ if (napi_release_threadsafe_function(ts_fn, napi_tsfn_release) != napi_ok) {
+ napi_fatal_error("secondary_thread", NAPI_AUTO_LENGTH,
+ "napi_release_threadsafe_function failed", NAPI_AUTO_LENGTH);
+ }
+// Source thread producing the data
+static void data_source_thread(void* data) {
+ napi_threadsafe_function ts_fn = data;
+ int index;
+ void* hint;
+ ts_fn_hint *ts_fn_info;
+ napi_status status;
+ bool queue_was_full = false;
+ bool queue_was_closing = false;
+ if (napi_get_threadsafe_function_context(ts_fn, &hint) != napi_ok) {
+ napi_fatal_error("data_source_thread", NAPI_AUTO_LENGTH,
+ "napi_get_threadsafe_function_context failed", NAPI_AUTO_LENGTH);
+ }
+ ts_fn_info = (ts_fn_hint *)hint;
+ if (ts_fn_info != &ts_info) {
+ napi_fatal_error("data_source_thread", NAPI_AUTO_LENGTH,
+ "thread-safe function hint is not as expected", NAPI_AUTO_LENGTH);
+ }
+ if (ts_fn_info->start_secondary) {
+ if (napi_acquire_threadsafe_function(ts_fn) != napi_ok) {
+ napi_fatal_error("data_source_thread", NAPI_AUTO_LENGTH,
+ "napi_acquire_threadsafe_function failed", NAPI_AUTO_LENGTH);
+ }
+ if (uv_thread_create(&uv_threads[1], secondary_thread, ts_fn) != 0) {
+ napi_fatal_error("data_source_thread", NAPI_AUTO_LENGTH,
+ "failed to start secondary thread", NAPI_AUTO_LENGTH);
+ }
+ }
+ for (index = ARRAY_LENGTH - 1; index > -1 && !queue_was_closing; index--) {
+ status = napi_call_threadsafe_function(ts_fn, &ints[index],
+ ts_fn_info->block_on_full);
+ switch (status) {
+ case napi_queue_full:
+ queue_was_full = true;
+ index++;
+ // fall through
+ case napi_ok:
+ continue;
+ case napi_closing:
+ queue_was_closing = true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ napi_fatal_error("data_source_thread", NAPI_AUTO_LENGTH,
+ "napi_call_threadsafe_function failed", NAPI_AUTO_LENGTH);
+ }
+ }
+ // Assert that the enqueuing of a value was refused at least once, if this is
+ // a non-blocking test run.
+ if (!ts_fn_info->block_on_full && !queue_was_full) {
+ napi_fatal_error("data_source_thread", NAPI_AUTO_LENGTH,
+ "queue was never full", NAPI_AUTO_LENGTH);
+ }
+ // Assert that the queue was marked as closing at least once, if this is an
+ // aborting test run.
+ if (ts_fn_info->abort == napi_tsfn_abort && !queue_was_closing) {
+ napi_fatal_error("data_source_thread", NAPI_AUTO_LENGTH,
+ "queue was never closing", NAPI_AUTO_LENGTH);
+ }
+ if (!queue_was_closing &&
+ napi_release_threadsafe_function(ts_fn, napi_tsfn_release) != napi_ok) {
+ napi_fatal_error("data_source_thread", NAPI_AUTO_LENGTH,
+ "napi_release_threadsafe_function failed", NAPI_AUTO_LENGTH);
+ }
+// Getting the data into JS
+static void call_js(napi_env env, napi_value cb, void* hint, void* data) {
+ if (!(env == NULL || cb == NULL)) {
+ napi_value argv, undefined;
+ NAPI_CALL_RETURN_VOID(env, napi_create_int32(env, *(int*)data, &argv));
+ NAPI_CALL_RETURN_VOID(env, napi_get_undefined(env, &undefined));
+ NAPI_CALL_RETURN_VOID(env, napi_call_function(env, undefined, cb, 1, &argv,
+ NULL));
+ }
+// Cleanup
+static napi_value StopThread(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info) {
+ size_t argc = 2;
+ napi_value argv[2];
+ NAPI_CALL(env, napi_get_cb_info(env, info, &argc, argv, NULL, NULL));
+ napi_valuetype value_type;
+ NAPI_CALL(env, napi_typeof(env, argv[0], &value_type));
+ NAPI_ASSERT(env, value_type == napi_function,
+ "StopThread argument is a function");
+ NAPI_ASSERT(env, (ts_fn != NULL), "Existing threadsafe function");
+ NAPI_CALL(env,
+ napi_create_reference(env, argv[0], 1, &(ts_info.js_finalize_cb)));
+ bool abort;
+ NAPI_CALL(env, napi_get_value_bool(env, argv[1], &abort));
+ NAPI_CALL(env,
+ napi_release_threadsafe_function(ts_fn,
+ abort ? napi_tsfn_abort : napi_tsfn_release));
+ ts_fn = NULL;
+ return NULL;
+// Join the thread and inform JS that we're done.
+static void join_the_threads(napi_env env, void *data, void *hint) {
+ uv_thread_t *the_threads = data;
+ ts_fn_hint *the_hint = hint;
+ napi_value js_cb, undefined;
+ uv_thread_join(&the_threads[0]);
+ if (the_hint->start_secondary) {
+ uv_thread_join(&the_threads[1]);
+ }
+ napi_get_reference_value(env, the_hint->js_finalize_cb, &js_cb));
+ NAPI_CALL_RETURN_VOID(env, napi_get_undefined(env, &undefined));
+ napi_call_function(env, undefined, js_cb, 0, NULL, NULL));
+ NAPI_CALL_RETURN_VOID(env, napi_delete_reference(env,
+ the_hint->js_finalize_cb));
+static napi_value StartThreadInternal(napi_env env,
+ napi_callback_info info,
+ napi_threadsafe_function_call_js cb,
+ bool block_on_full) {
+ size_t argc = 3;
+ napi_value argv[3];
+ ts_info.block_on_full =
+ (block_on_full ? napi_tsfn_blocking : napi_tsfn_nonblocking);
+ NAPI_ASSERT(env, (ts_fn == NULL), "Existing thread-safe function");
+ NAPI_CALL(env, napi_get_cb_info(env, info, &argc, argv, NULL, NULL));
+ napi_value async_name;
+ NAPI_CALL(env, napi_create_string_utf8(env, "N-API Thread-safe Function Test",
+ NAPI_AUTO_LENGTH, &async_name));
+ NAPI_CALL(env, napi_create_threadsafe_function(env, argv[0], NULL, async_name,
+ 2, 2, uv_threads, join_the_threads, &ts_info, cb, &ts_fn));
+ bool abort;
+ NAPI_CALL(env, napi_get_value_bool(env, argv[1], &abort));
+ ts_info.abort = abort ? napi_tsfn_abort : napi_tsfn_release;
+ NAPI_CALL(env, napi_get_value_bool(env, argv[2], &(ts_info.start_secondary)));
+ (uv_thread_create(&uv_threads[0], data_source_thread, ts_fn) == 0),
+ "Thread creation");
+ return NULL;
+static napi_value Unref(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info) {
+ NAPI_ASSERT(env, ts_fn != NULL, "No existing thread-safe function");
+ NAPI_CALL(env, napi_unref_threadsafe_function(env, ts_fn));
+ return NULL;
+static napi_value Release(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info) {
+ NAPI_ASSERT(env, ts_fn != NULL, "No existing thread-safe function");
+ NAPI_CALL(env, napi_release_threadsafe_function(ts_fn, napi_tsfn_release));
+ return NULL;
+// Startup
+static napi_value StartThread(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info) {
+ return StartThreadInternal(env, info, call_js, true);
+static napi_value StartThreadNonblocking(napi_env env,
+ napi_callback_info info) {
+ return StartThreadInternal(env, info, call_js, false);
+static napi_value StartThreadNoNative(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info) {
+ return StartThreadInternal(env, info, NULL, true);
+// Module init
+static napi_value Init(napi_env env, napi_value exports) {
+ size_t index;
+ for (index = 0; index < ARRAY_LENGTH; index++) {
+ ints[index] = index;
+ }
+ napi_value js_array_length;
+ napi_create_uint32(env, ARRAY_LENGTH, &js_array_length);
+ napi_property_descriptor properties[] = {
+ {
+ js_array_length,
+ napi_enumerable,
+ },
+ DECLARE_NAPI_PROPERTY("StartThread", StartThread),
+ DECLARE_NAPI_PROPERTY("StartThreadNoNative", StartThreadNoNative),
+ DECLARE_NAPI_PROPERTY("StartThreadNonblocking", StartThreadNonblocking),
+ DECLARE_NAPI_PROPERTY("StopThread", StopThread),
+ DECLARE_NAPI_PROPERTY("Release", Release),
+ };
+ NAPI_CALL(env, napi_define_properties(env, exports,
+ sizeof(properties)/sizeof(properties[0]), properties));
+ return exports;
diff --git a/test/addons-napi/test_threadsafe_function/binding.gyp b/test/addons-napi/test_threadsafe_function/binding.gyp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..b60352e05af103
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/addons-napi/test_threadsafe_function/binding.gyp
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ 'targets': [
+ {
+ 'target_name': 'binding',
+ 'sources': ['binding.c']
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/test/addons-napi/test_threadsafe_function/test.js b/test/addons-napi/test_threadsafe_function/test.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..8d8a6d9d8c6827
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/addons-napi/test_threadsafe_function/test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+'use strict';
+const common = require('../../common');
+const assert = require('assert');
+const binding = require(`./build/${common.buildType}/binding`);
+const { fork } = require('child_process');
+const expectedArray = (function(arrayLength) {
+ const result = [];
+ for (let index = 0; index < arrayLength; index++) {
+ result.push(arrayLength - 1 - index);
+ }
+ return result;
+// Handle the rapid teardown test case as the child process. We unref the
+// thread-safe function after we have received two values. This causes the
+// process to exit and the environment cleanup handler to be invoked.
+if (process.argv[2] === 'child') {
+ let callCount = 0;
+ binding.StartThread((value) => {
+ callCount++;
+ console.log(value);
+ if (callCount === 2) {
+ binding.Unref();
+ }
+ }, false /* abort */, true /* launchSecondary */);
+ // Release the thread-safe function from the main thread so that it may be
+ // torn down via the environment cleanup handler.
+ binding.Release();
+ return;
+function testWithJSMarshaller({
+ threadStarter,
+ quitAfter,
+ abort,
+ launchSecondary }) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ const array = [];
+ binding[threadStarter](function testCallback(value) {
+ array.push(value);
+ if (array.length === quitAfter) {
+ setImmediate(() => {
+ binding.StopThread(common.mustCall(() => {
+ resolve(array);
+ }), !!abort);
+ });
+ }
+ }, !!abort, !!launchSecondary);
+ if (threadStarter === 'StartThreadNonblocking') {
+ // Let's make this thread really busy for a short while to ensure that
+ // the queue fills and the thread receives a napi_queue_full.
+ const start = Date.now();
+ while (Date.now() - start < 200);
+ }
+ });
+new Promise(function testWithoutJSMarshaller(resolve) {
+ let callCount = 0;
+ binding.StartThreadNoNative(function testCallback() {
+ callCount++;
+ // The default call-into-JS implementation passes no arguments.
+ assert.strictEqual(arguments.length, 0);
+ if (callCount === binding.ARRAY_LENGTH) {
+ setImmediate(() => {
+ binding.StopThread(common.mustCall(() => {
+ resolve();
+ }), false);
+ });
+ }
+ }, false /* abort */, false /* launchSecondary */);
+// Start the thread in blocking mode, and assert that all values are passed.
+// Quit after it's done.
+.then(() => testWithJSMarshaller({
+ threadStarter: 'StartThread',
+ quitAfter: binding.ARRAY_LENGTH
+.then((result) => assert.deepStrictEqual(result, expectedArray))
+// Start the thread in non-blocking mode, and assert that all values are passed.
+// Quit after it's done.
+.then(() => testWithJSMarshaller({
+ threadStarter: 'StartThreadNonblocking',
+ quitAfter: binding.ARRAY_LENGTH
+.then((result) => assert.deepStrictEqual(result, expectedArray))
+// Start the thread in blocking mode, and assert that all values are passed.
+// Quit early, but let the thread finish.
+.then(() => testWithJSMarshaller({
+ threadStarter: 'StartThread',
+ quitAfter: 1
+.then((result) => assert.deepStrictEqual(result, expectedArray))
+// Start the thread in non-blocking mode, and assert that all values are passed.
+// Quit early, but let the thread finish.
+.then(() => testWithJSMarshaller({
+ threadStarter: 'StartThreadNonblocking',
+ quitAfter: 1
+.then((result) => assert.deepStrictEqual(result, expectedArray))
+// Start the thread in blocking mode, and assert that all values are passed.
+// Quit early, but let the thread finish. Launch a secondary thread to test the
+// reference counter incrementing functionality.
+.then(() => testWithJSMarshaller({
+ threadStarter: 'StartThread',
+ quitAfter: 1,
+ launchSecondary: true
+.then((result) => assert.deepStrictEqual(result, expectedArray))
+// Start the thread in non-blocking mode, and assert that all values are passed.
+// Quit early, but let the thread finish. Launch a secondary thread to test the
+// reference counter incrementing functionality.
+.then(() => testWithJSMarshaller({
+ threadStarter: 'StartThreadNonblocking',
+ quitAfter: 1,
+ launchSecondary: true
+.then((result) => assert.deepStrictEqual(result, expectedArray))
+// Start the thread in blocking mode, and assert that it could not finish.
+// Quit early and aborting.
+.then(() => testWithJSMarshaller({
+ threadStarter: 'StartThread',
+ quitAfter: 1,
+ abort: true
+.then((result) => assert.strictEqual(result.indexOf(0), -1))
+// Start the thread in non-blocking mode, and assert that it could not finish.
+// Quit early and aborting.
+.then(() => testWithJSMarshaller({
+ threadStarter: 'StartThreadNonblocking',
+ quitAfter: 1,
+ abort: true
+.then((result) => assert.strictEqual(result.indexOf(0), -1))
+// Start a child process to test rapid teardown
+.then(() => {
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ let output = '';
+ const child = fork(__filename, ['child'], {
+ stdio: [process.stdin, 'pipe', process.stderr, 'ipc']
+ });
+ child.on('close', (code) => {
+ if (code === 0) {
+ resolve(output.match(/\S+/g));
+ } else {
+ reject(new Error('Child process died with code ' + code));
+ }
+ });
+ child.stdout.on('data', (data) => (output += data.toString()));
+ });
+.then((result) => assert.strictEqual(result.indexOf(0), -1));