diff --git a/doc/guides/maintaining-openssl.md b/doc/guides/maintaining-openssl.md
index 1b59c24f8c32d4..1e75831482a260 100644
--- a/doc/guides/maintaining-openssl.md
+++ b/doc/guides/maintaining-openssl.md
@@ -2,6 +2,21 @@
 This document describes how to update `deps/openssl/`.
+If you need to provide updates across all active release lines you will
+currently need to generate three PRs as follows:
+* a PR for master which is generated following the instructions
+  below which include the QUIC patch.
+* a PR for 14.x following the instruction below based on the
+  14,x branch but skipping the step to apply the QUICK patch.
+  This PR should cherry pick back to the active release lines
+  except for the 10.x line.
+* a PR which uses the same commit from the second PR to apply the
+  updates to the openssl source code, with a new commit generated
+  by following steps 2 onwards on the 10.x line. This is
+  necessary because differences in 10.x requires that the
+  configuration files be regenerated specifically for 10.x.
 ## Requirements
 * Linux environment.
 * `perl` Only Perl version 5 is tested.