The following is a blog series introducing the AVCDL and the concepts behind it.
Purpose-driven Security [PDF]
how we have chosen to apply security in a way that supports vehicle safety
Certifiably Secure: Does it Matter? [PDF]
you can make thing secure without getting outside approval, so why bother?
Policy - Process - Procedure [PDF]
coming to terms with the terms
Aligning the Organization with the AVPDL [PDF]
how do you bring the multitude of development practices together?
Traceability: Making the Case for Security [PDF]
how do you ensure follow through?
The AVCDL: Autonomous Vehicle Cybersecurity Development Lifecycle [PDF]
an overview of the AVCDL
Turtles All the Way Down: Security at Every Level [PDF]
security is critical at every level of the supply chain
AVCMDS - Autonomous Vehicle Cybersecurity Manufacturer Disclosure Statement [PDF]
an overview of the AVCMDS
Where are You at? Level Setting Supplier Cybersecurity Maturity [PDF]
establishing the supplier's organizational product security posture
Yours, Mine, and Ours - The AVCDL and Cybersecurity Interface Agreements [PDF]
who is responsible for security when components come from outside