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136 lines (106 loc) · 6.28 KB


Modular multithreading HTTP/1.1 + WebSocket upstream server framework for POSIXy OSs (Linux, BSD, MacOS).


Example 1: hello world

import guildenstern/[dispatcher, httpserver]
let server = newHttpServer(proc() = reply "hello world")
if server.start(8080): joinThread(server.thread)

Example 2: Partitioning work to fine-tuned servers

# nim r --d:release --mm:atomicArc thisexample

import cgi, guildenstern/[dispatcher, epolldispatcher, httpserver]
proc handleGet() =
  echo "method: ", getMethod()
  echo "uri: ", getUri()
  if isUri("/favicon.ico"): reply(Http204)
    reply """
      <!doctype html><title>GuildenStern Example</title><body>
      <form action="http://localhost:5051" method="post" accept-charset="utf-8">
      <input name="say" value="Hi"><button>Send"""

proc handlePost() =
  echo "client said: ", readData(getBody()).getOrDefault("say")
  reply(Http303, ["location: " & http.headers.getOrDefault("origin")])
let getserver = newHttpServer(handleGet, contenttype = NoBody)
let postserver = newHttpServer(handlePost, loglevel = INFO, headerfields = ["origin"])
if not dispatcher.start(getserver, 5050): quit()
if not epolldispatcher.start(postserver, 5051, threadpoolsize = 20): quit()
joinThreads(getserver.thread, postserver.thread)

Example 3: Websocket server and multiple clients discussing

const ClientCount = 10
from os import sleep


import guildenstern/websocketserver
when epollSupported(): import guildenstern/epolldispatcher
else: import guildenstern/dispatcher

proc serverReceive() =
  let message = getMessage()
  echo "server got: ", message
  if message == "close?": wsserver.send(thesocket, "close!")
  else: wsserver.send(thesocket, "Ok!")

let server = newWebsocketServer(receive = serverReceive)
if not server.start(8080): quit()


import guildenstern/websocketclient

proc clientReceive(client: WebsocketClient) =
  let message = getMessage()
  echo "client ", $, " got: ",message
  if message == "close!": shutdown()

let clientele = newWebsocketClientele()

proc run() =
  for i in 1..ClientCount:
    let client = clientele.newWebsocketClient("ws://", clientReceive)
    if not client.connect(): quit()
    client.send("this comes from client " & $


if clientele.start():

Release notes, 8.1.0 (2025-02-10)

  • Servers are now pointers to objects instead of references, as a workaround to a race condition inside Nim's default memory manager
  • servers now have a name field, for better logging in multi-server configurations
  • websocketserver regression fix: canceling upgrade by returning false works again

Release notes, 8.0.1 (2025-01-22)

  • epolldispatcher bug fix: always unregister sockets on close
  • websocketserver bug fix: do not mess the statuscode of sendClose
  • websocketserver improvement: remove a memory allocation bottleneck by casting instead of converting bytes in maskMessage proc

Release notes, 8.0.0 (2025-01-17)

breaking changes

  • dispatcher's start proc now returns bool that has to be handled
  • LogCallback takes also source as parameter (breaking only if you have been using a custom logger procedure)
  • socketdata flags parameter is not directly accessible anymore, but there are new getFlags and setFlags procs (only affects those who created new server components)
  • new global convenience template thesocket, so you don't need write socketcontext.socket, http.socket or ws.socket (breaking only if you were already using a variable named thesocket)

major changes

  • new robust epolldispatcher available for platforms that support epoll (e.g. Linux)
  • new websocketclient module available, that let's you test your websocket servers easily (for inspiration, check the new wsclienttest and wsmulticasttest files in the examples folder)
  • SocketData is not anymore available in socketcontext. Instead, server, socket and customdata are directly available in the socketcontext.There is a convenience socketdata proc that makes the redirection, so existing code should not break
  • OnCloseSocketCallback that offers socketdata as parameter is deprecated (but works). Switch to new OnCloseSocketCallback that offers server and socket directly as parameters
  • new threadFinalizerCallback that is triggered for every worker thread just before they stop running
  • various stability improvements

minor changes

  • the --d:threadsafe compiler switch is not needed anymore
  • all-around better logging
  • log messages also include server id and thread id
  • servers can work in client mode when port number 0 is used
  • new dispatcher proc registerSocket for adding sockets to servers working in client mode
  • dispatchers close themselves more gracefully, waiting up to 10 seconds for workerthreads to finish
  • if dispatcher fails to start, returns false instead of shutting down everything
  • various internal improvements for those who write new server components
  • new error code EFault for detecting memory corruption (faulty pointer inputs to posix procs)
  • new static func epollSupported in guildenserver for checking if epoll is supported
  • suspend proc now needs also the server as parameter. The old suspend exists for backward compatibility, but it always only sleeps
  • socket closing is always logged, with suitable log level depending on cause
  • closeOtherSocket renamed to closeSocket (closeOthersocket is deprecated, and just redirects to closeSocket)
  • HttpServers do not close the socket, if an empty request is received (because it might be a keep-alive packet)
  • reply messages do not need to have and address anymore (constants accepted)
  • WebsocketServer supports running in client mode (triggered, when new clientmaskkey parameter is set in initWebsocketServer proc)
  • WebsocketServer now hails the sockettimeoutms parameter when receiving messages
  • WebsocketServer has new send proc for sending a message to many clients simultaneously, that takes failedsockets: var seq[SocketHandle] parameter, and returns in it all sockets that failed to receive the message. Consult serverHandler proc in wsmulticasttest as an example