File tree
3,381 files changed
lines changed- vendor
- bin
- composer
- phpstan/phpstan
- conf
- rector
- rector
- bin
- config
- phpstan
- set
- level
- docs
- packages
- BetterPhpDocParser
- Annotation
- Attributes
- Comment
- Contract
- PhpDocParser
- DataProvider
- Guard
- PhpDoc
- PhpDocInfo
- PhpDocManipulator
- PhpDocNodeFinder
- PhpDocNodeVisitor
- PhpDocParser
- StaticDoctrineAnnotationParser
- Printer
- ValueObject
- DoctrineAnnotation
- Parser
- PhpDoc
- DoctrineAnnotation
- Type
- Caching
- Config
- Contract/ValueObject/Storage
- Detector
- Enum
- FileSystem
- ValueObject
- Storage
- ChangesReporting
- Annotation
- Collector
- Contract/Output
- Output
- ValueObject
- ValueObjectFactory
- Comments
- NodeDocBlock
- NodeTraverser
- NodeVisitor
- Config
- Defluent/NodeAnalyzer
- FamilyTree
- NodeAnalyzer
- Reflection
- FileSystemRector
- Contract
- Parser
- ValueObject
- NodeCollector
- NodeAnalyzer
- ScopeResolver
- ValueObject
- NodeNameResolver
- Contract
- Error
- NodeNameResolver
- Regex
- NodeNestingScope
- NodeFinder
- ValueObject
- NodeRemoval
- NodeTypeResolver
- Contract
- DependencyInjection
- Node
- NodeTypeCorrector
- NodeTypeResolver
- NodeVisitor
- PHPStan
- Scope
- NodeVisitor
- Type
- PhpDoc
- NodeAnalyzer
- PhpDocNodeVisitor
- Reflection/BetterReflection
- SourceLocator
- SourceLocatorProvider
- TypeAnalyzer
- TypeComparator
- ValueObject
- PHPStanStaticTypeMapper
- Contract
- Enum
- TypeAnalyzer
- TypeMapper
- Utils
- ValueObject
- Parallel
- Application
- Command
- ValueObject
- PhpAttribute
- AnnotationToAttributeMapper
- Contract
- Enum
- NodeAnalyzer
- NodeFactory
- ValueObject
- PhpDocParser
- NodeTraverser
- NodeVisitor
- PhpDocParser
- Contract
- Exception
- PhpDocNodeVisitor
- ValueObject
- Ast/PhpDoc
- PhpParser
- TypeAnalyzer
- ValueObject
- PostRector
- Application
- Collector
- Contract
- Collector
- Rector
- NodeAnalyzer
- Rector
- ValueObject
- ReadWrite
- Contract
- Guard
- NodeAnalyzer
- NodeFinder
- ParentNodeReadAnalyzer
- ReadNodeAnalyzer
- Set
- Contract
- ValueObject
- Skipper
- Contract
- Enum
- FileSystem
- Matcher
- SkipCriteriaResolver
- SkipVoter
- Skipper
- StaticTypeMapper
- Contract
- PhpDocParser
- PhpParser
- Mapper
- Naming
- PhpDoc
- PhpDocParser
- PhpParser
- ValueObject/Type
- Testing
- Contract
- Fixture
- PHPUnit
- Behavior
- TestingParser
- VendorLocker
- NodeVendorLocker
- VersionBonding
- Contract
- rules
- Arguments
- Contract
- NodeAnalyzer
- Rector
- ClassMethod
- FuncCall
- MethodCall
- ValueObject
- CodeQuality
- NodeAnalyzer
- NodeFactory
- NodeManipulator
- Rector
- Array_
- Assign
- BooleanAnd
- BooleanNot
- Catch_
- ClassConstFetch
- ClassMethod
- Class_
- Concat
- Empty_
- Equal
- Expression
- For_
- Foreach_
- FuncCall
- FunctionLike
- Identical
- If_
- Include_
- Isset_
- LogicalAnd
- New_
- NotEqual
- PropertyFetch
- Switch_
- Ternary
- TypeResolver
- ValueObject
- CodingStyle
- Application
- ClassNameImport
- ClassNameImportSkipVoter
- Contract/ClassNameImport
- Enum
- Guard
- Naming
- Node
- NodeAnalyzer
- NodeFactory
- Rector
- ArrowFunction
- Assign
- Catch_
- ClassConst
- ClassMethod
- Class_
- Closure
- Encapsed
- FuncCall
- If_
- MethodCall
- Plus
- PostInc
- Property
- Stmt
- String_
- Switch_
- Ternary
- Use_
- Reflection
- TypeAnalyzer
- ValueObject
- Compatibility
- NodeAnalyzer
- NodeFactory
- Rector/Class_
- ValueObject
- DeadCode
- Comparator
- Parameter
- Contract
- NodeAnalyzer
- NodeCollector
- NodeManipulator
- PhpDoc
- Guard
- TagRemover
- Rector
- Array_
- Assign
- BinaryOp
- BooleanAnd
- Cast
- ClassConst
- ClassLike
- ClassMethod
- Class_
- Concat
- ConstFetch
- Expression
- For_
- Foreach_
- FunctionLike
- If_
- MethodCall
- Node
- Plus
- Property
- PropertyProperty
- Return_
- StaticCall
- Stmt
- StmtsAwareInterface
- Switch_
- Ternary
- TryCatch
- SideEffect
- TypeNodeAnalyzer
- ValueObject
- DependencyInjection
- Collector
- NodeManipulator
- Rector
- ClassMethod
- Class_
- EarlyReturn
- NodeAnalyzer
- NodeFactory
- NodeTransformer
- Rector
- Foreach_
- If_
- Return_
- StmtsAwareInterface
- MysqlToMysqli/Rector
- Assign
- FuncCall
- Naming
- AssignVariableNameResolver
- Contract
- Guard
- ExpectedNameResolver
- Guard
- PropertyConflictingNameGuard
- Matcher
- Naming
- NamingConvention
- ParamRenamer
- PhpArray
- PhpDoc
- PropertyRenamer
- Rector
- Assign
- ClassMethod
- Class_
- Foreach_
- RenameGuard
- ValueObject
- ValueObjectFactory
- PSR4
- Composer
- Contract
- FileInfoAnalyzer
- NodeManipulator
- Rector
- FileWithoutNamespace
- Namespace_
- Php52/Rector
- Property
- Switch_
- Php53/Rector
- FuncCall
- Ternary
- Variable
- Php54/Rector
- Array_
- Break_
- FuncCall
- Php55
- Rector
- Class_
- FuncCall
- String_
- Php56
- NodeAnalyzer
- Rector
- FuncCall
- FunctionLike
- Php70
- Exception
- NodeAnalyzer
- Rector
- Assign
- Break_
- ClassMethod
- FuncCall
- FunctionLike
- If_
- List_
- MethodCall
- StaticCall
- Switch_
- Ternary
- Variable
- Php71
- NodeAnalyzer
- Rector
- Assign
- BinaryOp
- BooleanOr
- ClassConst
- FuncCall
- List_
- Name
- TryCatch
- ValueObject
- Php72
- NodeFactory
- NodeManipulator
- Rector
- Assign
- FuncCall
- Unset_
- While_
- Php73/Rector
- BooleanOr
- ConstFetch
- FuncCall
- String_
- Php74
- Guard
- NodeAnalyzer
- Rector
- ArrayDimFetch
- Assign
- Closure
- Double
- FuncCall
- LNumber
- MethodCall
- Property
- StaticCall
- Ternary
- Tokenizer
- Php80
- AttributeDecorator
- Contract
- ValueObject
- Enum
- Guard
- MatchAndRefactor/StrStartsWithMatchAndRefactor
- NodeAnalyzer
- NodeFactory
- NodeManipulator
- NodeResolver
- Rector
- Catch_
- ClassConstFetch
- ClassMethod
- Class_
- FuncCall
- FunctionLike
- Identical
- NotIdentical
- Property
- Switch_
- Ternary
- ValueObject
- ValueObjectFactory
- Php81
- Enum
- NodeAnalyzer
- NodeFactory
- Rector
- Array_
- ClassConst
- ClassMethod
- Class_
- FuncCall
- FunctionLike
- MethodCall
- Property
- Php82/Rector
- Class_
- FuncCall
- New_
- Privatization
- Guard
- Naming
- NodeFactory
- NodeManipulator
- NodeReplacer
- Rector
- ClassMethod
- Class_
- MethodCall
- Property
- TypeManipulator
- VisibilityGuard
- Removing
- NodeManipulator
- Rector
- ClassMethod
- Class_
- FuncCall
- ValueObject
- RemovingStatic/Rector/ClassMethod
- Renaming
- Contract
- Helper
- NodeManipulator
- Rector
- ClassConstFetch
- ClassMethod
- ConstFetch
- FileWithoutNamespace
- FuncCall
- MethodCall
- Name
- Namespace_
- PropertyFetch
- StaticCall
- String_
- ValueObject
- Restoration/Rector
- ClassConstFetch
- ClassLike
- Class_
- Property
- Strict
- NodeFactory
- Rector
- BooleanNot
- Empty_
- If_
- Ternary
- Transform
- Contract/ValueObject
- NodeAnalyzer
- NodeFactory
- NodeTypeAnalyzer
- Rector
- Assign
- Attribute
- ClassMethod
- Class_
- FuncCall
- FunctionLike
- Isset_
- MethodCall
- New_
- StaticCall
- String_
- ValueObject
- TypeDeclaration
- AlreadyAssignDetector
- Contract/PHPStan
- Guard
- Helper
- Matcher
- NodeAnalyzer
- ReturnFilter
- ReturnTypeAnalyzer
- NodeTypeAnalyzer
- PHPStan
- TypeSpecifier
- PhpDocParser
- Rector
- ArrowFunction
- ClassMethod
- Class_
- Closure
- Empty_
- FunctionLike
- Param
- Property
- TypeAnalyzer
- TypeInferer
- PropertyTypeInferer
- ReturnTypeInferer
- ValueObject
- Visibility
- Rector
- ClassConst
- ClassMethod
- ValueObject
- src
- Application
- FileDecorator
- FileProcessor
- FileSystem
- Autoloading
- Bootstrap
- Config/Loader
- Configuration
- Parameter
- Console
- Command
- Formatter
- Output
- Style
- Contract
- Console
- PHPStan/Reflection/TypeToCallReflectionResolver
- PhpParser
- Node
- Processor
- Rector
- DependencyInjection
- Collector
- CompilerPass
- DocBlock
- Exception
- Loader
- Skipper
- TypeResolver
- Differ
- Enum
- Error
- Exception
- Cache
- Configuration
- Reflection
- FileSystem
- Kernel
- Logging
- NodeAnalyzer
- NodeDecorator
- NodeManipulator
- Dependency
- NonPhpFile
- Rector
- PHPStan/Reflection/TypeToCallReflectionResolver
- Php
- PhpVersionResolver
- Regex
- PhpParser
- Comparing
- Node
- CustomNode
- Value
- NodeFinder
- NodeTraverser
- Parser
- Printer
- ValueObject
- ProcessAnalyzer
- Provider
- Rector
- Reflection
- StaticReflection
- Util
- Reflection
- Validation
- Collector
- ValueObject
- Application
- Bootstrap
- Error
- Reporting
- ValueObjectFactory
- Application
- functions
- stubs-rector
- Internal
- PHPUnit/Framework
- templates
- vendor
- bin
- clue/ndjson-react
- src
- composer
- pcre
- src
- semver
- src
- Constraint
- xdebug-handler
- src
- doctrine/inflector
- docs/en
- lib/Doctrine/Inflector
- Rules
- English
- French
- NorwegianBokmal
- Portuguese
- Spanish
- Turkish
- evenement/evenement
- doc
- examples
- src/Evenement
- tests/Evenement/Tests
- fidry/cpu-core-counter
- bin
- src
- Executor
- Finder
- nette
- neon
- bin
- src/Neon
- Node
- utils
- src
- Iterators
- Utils
- nikic/php-parser
- bin
- grammar
- lib/PhpParser
- Builder
- Comment
- ErrorHandler
- Internal
- Lexer
- TokenEmulator
- Node
- Expr
- AssignOp
- BinaryOp
- Cast
- Name
- Scalar
- MagicConst
- Stmt
- TraitUseAdaptation
- NodeVisitor
- Parser
- PrettyPrinter
- ondram/ci-detector
- src
- Ci
- Exception
- phpstan
- phpdoc-parser
- src
- Ast
- ConstExpr
- PhpDoc
- Type
- Lexer
- Parser
- phpstan
- conf
- phpstan-phpunit
- src
- PhpDoc/PHPUnit
- Rules/PHPUnit
- Type/PHPUnit
- Assert
- stubs
- psr
- cache
- src
- container
- src
- event-dispatcher
- src
- log
- src
- react
- cache
- src
- child-process
- src
- dns
- src
- Config
- Model
- Protocol
- Query
- Resolver
- event-loop
- src
- Tick
- Timer
- promise
- src
- Exception
- promise-timer
- src
- socket
- src
- stream
- src
- rector
- extension-installer
- src
- rector-doctrine
- config
- sets
- docs
- src
- NodeAnalyzer
- NodeFactory
- NodeManipulator
- PhpDoc
- PhpDocParser
- Rector
- ClassMethod
- Class_
- MethodCall
- Property
- Set
- Type
- TypeAnalyzer
- ValueObject
- rector-downgrade-php
- config
- set
- level
- docs
- rules
- DowngradePhp53/Rector/Dir
- DowngradePhp54/Rector
- Array_
- Closure
- FuncCall
- FunctionLike
- LNumber
- MethodCall
- DowngradePhp55/Rector
- ClassConstFetch
- Foreach_
- FuncCall
- Isset_
- DowngradePhp56
- NodeManipulator
- Rector
- CallLike
- FuncCall
- Pow
- Use_
- DowngradePhp70
- NodeFactory
- Rector
- ClassMethod
- Coalesce
- Declare_
- Expr
- Expression
- FuncCall
- FunctionLike
- GroupUse
- Instanceof_
- MethodCall
- New_
- Spaceship
- TryCatch
- Tokenizer
- DowngradePhp71/Rector
- Array_
- ClassConst
- ConstFetch
- FuncCall
- FunctionLike
- List_
- StaticCall
- String_
- TryCatch
- DowngradePhp72
- NodeAnalyzer
- NodeManipulator
- PhpDoc
- Rector
- ClassMethod
- ConstFetch
- FuncCall
- FunctionLike
- snippet
- DowngradePhp73
- Rector
- ConstFetch
- FuncCall
- List_
- String_
- Unset_
- Tokenizer
- DowngradePhp74/Rector
- Array_
- ArrowFunction
- ClassMethod
- Coalesce
- FuncCall
- Identical
- Interface_
- LNumber
- MethodCall
- Property
- DowngradePhp80
- NodeAnalyzer
- Rector
- ArrayDimFetch
- Catch_
- ClassConstFetch
- ClassMethod
- Class_
- Enum_
- Expression
- FuncCall
- FunctionLike
- Instanceof_
- MethodCall
- New_
- NullsafeMethodCall
- Property
- StaticCall
- Reflection
- ValueObject
- DowngradePhp81
- NodeAnalyzer
- NodeFactory
- NodeManipulator
- Rector
- Array_
- ClassConst
- FuncCall
- FunctionLike
- Instanceof_
- Property
- snippet
- DowngradePhp82/Rector/Class_
- src
- NodeAnalyzer
- NodeFactory
- NodeManipulator
- PhpDocDecorator
- Set/ValueObject
- ValueObject
- stubs/Symfony/Component/Annotation
- rector-phpunit
- config
- sets
- level
- docs
- src
- Naming
- NodeAnalyzer
- NodeFactory
- NodeFinder
- NodeManipulator
- PhpDoc
- Rector
- ClassLike
- ClassMethod
- Class_
- Foreach_
- MethodCall
- StaticCall
- Set
- ValueObject
- rector-symfony
- bin
- config
- sets
- fosrest
- jms
- sensiolabs
- swiftmailer
- symfony
- level
- symfony6
- twig
- level
- docs
- src
- ApplicationMetadata
- Bridge
- NodeAnalyzer
- Symfony
- Routing
- Contract
- Bridge/Symfony/Routing
- Tag
- DataProvider
- Enum
- Exception
- FormHelper
- Helper
- NodeAnalyzer
- Annotations
- FormType
- InvokableAnalyzer
- NodeFactory
- Annotations
- FormType
- InvokableController
- NodeFinder
- NodeManipulator
- NodeRemover
- PhpDocNode
- Printer
- Rector
- BinaryOp
- ClassConstFetch
- ClassMethod
- Class_
- Closure
- ConstFetch
- FuncCall
- MethodCall
- New_
- Property
- Return_
- StaticCall
- StaticPropertyFetch
- Set
- TypeAnalyzer
- TypeDeclaration
- ValueObject
- ConstantMap
- InvokableController
- ServiceMap
- Tag
- ValidatorAssert
- ValueObjectFactory
- utils/ValueObject
- sebastian/diff
- src
- Exception
- Output
- symfony
- config
- Builder
- Definition
- Builder
- Configurator
- Dumper
- Exception
- Loader
- Exception
- Loader
- Resource
- Util
- Exception
- console
- Attribute
- CI
- Command
- CommandLoader
- Completion
- Output
- DependencyInjection
- Descriptor
- Exception
- Formatter
- Helper
- Input
- Logger
- Output
- Question
- Resources
- bin
- SignalRegistry
- Style
- contracts
- Cache
- Deprecation
- EventDispatcher
- HttpClient
- Exception
- rector-phpoffice
- .github/workflows
- config
- sets
- docs
- src
- Rector
- MethodCall
- StaticCall
- Set
- ValueObject
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
3,381 files changed
lines changed+117-152
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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1 | 1 |
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2 |
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3 |
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4 | 5 |
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5 | 6 |
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6 | 7 |
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7 | 8 |
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8 | 9 |
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9 | 10 |
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10 |
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11 |
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13 |
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14 | 11 |
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15 | 12 |
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16 | 13 |
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24 | 21 |
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25 | 22 |
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26 | 23 |
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27 | 25 |
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28 | 26 |
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29 | 27 |
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30 |
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35 | 28 |
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36 |
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45 | 32 |
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46 | 33 |
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47 | 34 |
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48 | 35 |
| |
| 36 | + | |
| 37 | + | |
49 | 38 |
| |
50 |
| - | |
51 | 39 |
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52 | 40 |
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53 | 41 |
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61 | 49 |
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62 | 50 |
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63 | 51 |
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65 | 52 |
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70 |
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72 |
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73 |
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| 53 | + | |
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74 | 56 |
| |
75 | 57 |
| |
76 | 58 |
| |
| |||
86 | 68 |
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87 | 69 |
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88 | 70 |
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89 |
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98 |
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| 71 | + | |
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99 | 75 |
| |
100 | 76 |
| |
101 |
| - | |
| 77 | + | |
102 | 78 |
| |
103 | 79 |
| |
104 | 80 |
| |
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134 | 110 |
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135 | 111 |
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136 | 112 |
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137 |
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138 |
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139 | 113 |
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148 | 117 |
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149 | 118 |
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150 | 119 |
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156 | 125 |
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157 | 126 |
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158 | 127 |
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159 | 131 |
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160 | 132 |
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