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audiovisual_emotion_learner module

The audiovisual_emotion_learner module contains the AudiovisualEmotionLearner class, which inherits from the abstract class Learner.

Class AudiovisualEmotionLearner

Bases: opendr.engine.learners.Learner

The AudiovisualEmotionLearner class provides an implementation of audiovisual emotion recognition method using audio and video (frontal face) inputs. The implementation follows the method described in 'Self-attention fusion for audiovisual emotion recognition with incomplete data'. Three fusion methods are provided.

AudiovisualEmotionLearner relies on EfficientFace model implementation [1]. Parts of training pipeline are modified from [2].

The AudiovisualEmotionLearner class has the following public methods:

AudiovisualEmotionLearner constructor

AudiovisualEmotionLearner(self, num_class, seq_length, fusion, mod_drop, pretr_ef, lr, lr_steps, momentum, dampening, weight_decay, iters, batch_size, n_workers, checkpoint_after_ietr, checkpoint_load_iter, temp_path, device)


  • num_class: int, default=8
    Specifies the number of classes.

  • seq_length: int, default=15
    Length of frame sequence representing a video.

  • fusion: str, default='ia'
    Modality fusion method. Options are 'ia', 'it', 'lt', referring to 'intermediate attention', 'intermediate transformer', and 'late transformer' fusion. Refer here for details.

  • mod_dropout: str, default='zerodrop', {'nodrop', 'noisedrop', 'zerodrop'} Modality dropout method. Refer to here for details.

  • pretr_ef: str, default=None Checkpoint of the pre-trained EfficientFace model that is used to initialize the weights of the vision backbone. Default is None or no initialization. It is recommended to use pre-trained model for initialization and the pre-trained model can be obtained e.g. from here (EfficientFace_Trained_on_AffectNet7.pth.tar is recommended)

  • lr : float, default=0.04
    Specifies the learning rate of the optimizer.

  • lr_steps: list of ints, default=[40, 55, 65, 70, 200, 250]
    Specifies the epochs on which learning rate is reduced by the factor of 10.

  • momentum: float, default=0.9
    Specifies the momentum of SGD optimizer.

  • dampening: float, default=0.9
    Specifies the dampening factor coefficient.

  • weight_decay: float, default=1e-3
    Specifies the weight decay coefficient.

  • iters: int, default=100
    Specifies the number of epochs used to train the classifier.

  • batch-size: int, default=8
    Specifies the minibatch size.

  • n_workers: int, default=4
    Specifies number of threads to be used in data loading.

  • device: str, default='cpu', {'cuda', 'cpu'}
    Specifies the computation device., dataset, val_dataset, logging_path, silent, verbose, eval_mode, restore_best):

Method to train the audiovisual emotion recognition model. After calling this method the model is trained for specified number of iterations and the last checkpoint is saved. If the validation set is provided, the best checkpoint on validation set is saved in addition.

Returns a dictionary containing a list of cross entropy measures (dict keys: "train_loss", "val_loss") and a list of accuracy (dict key: "train_acc", "val_acc") during the entire optimization process.


  • dataset: engine.datasets.DatasetIterator
    OpenDR dataset object that holds the training set. The __get_item__ should return audio data of shape (C x N), video data of shape (C x N x H x W).

  • val_dataset: engine.datasets.DatasetIterator, default=None
    OpenDR dataset object that holds the validation set. The __get_item__ should return audio data of shape (C x N), video data of shape (C x N x H x W). If val_dataset is not None, it is used to select the model's weights that produce the best validation accuracy and save these weights.

  • logging_path: str, default='logs/'
    Path for saving Tensorboard logs and model checkpoints.

  • silent: bool, default=False
    If set to True, disables all printing, otherwise, the performance statistics are printed to STDOUT after every 10th epoch.

  • verbose: bool, default=True
    If set to True, the performance statistics are printed after every epoch.

  • eval_mode: str, default='audiovisual', {'audiovisual', 'noisyaudio', 'noisyvideo', 'onlyaudio', 'onlyvideo'}
    Evaluation mode of the model. Check here for details.

  • restore_best: bool, default=False If set to true, best weights on validation set are restored in the end of training if validation set is provided, otherwise best weights on train set.


  • performance: dict
    A dictionary that holds the lists of performance curves with the following keys: "train_acc", "train_loss", "val_acc", "val_loss".


AudiovisualEmotionLearner.eval(self, dataset, silent, verbose, mode)

This method is used to evaluate the current audiovisual emotion recognition model given a dataset.


  • dataset: engine.datasets.DatasetIterator
    OpenDR dataset object that holds the training set. The __get_item__ should return audio data of shape (C x N), video data of shape (C x N x H x W).

  • silent: bool, default=False
    If set to True, disables all prints

  • verbose: bool, default=True
    If set to True, prints the accuracy and performance of the model

  • mode: *str, default='audiovisual', {'audiovisual', 'noisyaudio', 'noisyvideo', 'onlyaudio', 'onlyvideo'}
    Evaluation mode of the model. Check here for details.


  • performance: dict
    Dictionary that contains "cross_entropy" and "acc" as keys.


AudiovisualEmotionLearner.infer(self, audio, video)

This method is used to generate the emotion prediction given an audio and a video.
Returns an instance of representing the prediction.


  • audio:
    Object of type that holds the input audio data.

  • video:
    Object of type that holds the input video data.


  • prediction:
    Object of type that contains the prediction., verbose)

This method is used to save the current model instance under a given path.
The saved model can be loaded later by calling AudiovisualEmotionLearner.load(path).
Two files are saved under the given directory path, namely "path/metadata.json" and "path/".
The former keeps the metadata and the latter keeps the model weights.


  • path: str
    Directory path to save the model.
  • verbose: bool, default=True
    If set to True, print acknowledge message when saving is successful., path)  

This method is used to download a pretrained model from a given directory. Pretrained models are provided for the 'ia' fusion with 'zerodrop' modality dropout. The pretrained model is trained on RAVDESS dataset which is under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.


  • path: str
    Directory path to download the model. Under this path, "metadata.json" and "" will be downloaded. The weights of the downloaded pretrained model can be loaded by calling the AudiovisualEmotionLearner.load method.


AudiovisualEmotionLearner.load(self, path, verbose)  

This method is used to load a previously saved model (by calling from a given directory.
Note that under the given directory path, "metadata.json" and "" must exist.


  • path: str
    Directory path of the model to be loaded.

  • verbose: bool, default=True
    If set to True, print acknowledge message when model loading is successful., sr, n_mfcc, preprocess, target_time=, input_fps, save_frames, target_im_size, device


  • path: str
    Specifies the directory path where the dataset resides. For training on Ravdess dataset please download the data from here.

  • sr: int, default=22050
    Specifies sampling rate for audio processing.

  • n-mfcc: int, default=10
    Specifies number of MFCC featuers to extract from audio.

  • preprocess: bool, default=False
    Preprocesses the downloaded Ravdess dataset for training and saves the processed data files.

  • target_time: float, default=3.6
    Target in seconds time to which the videos and audios are cropped/padded.

  • input_fps: int, default=30
    Frames per second of input video file

  • save_frames: int, defauult=15
    Number of frames from the video to keep for training

  • target_im_size: int, default=224
    Target height and width of video to which the video is reshaped

  • device: {'cpu', 'cuda'}
    Device on which to run the preprocessing (has no effect if preprocess=False)


  • train_set: opendr.engine.datasets.DatasetIterator
    The training set object that can be used with the fit() method to train the hand gesture classifier.

  • val_set: opendr.engine.datasets.DatasetIterator
    The validation set object that can be used with the fit() method to train the hand gesture classifier.

  • test_set: opendr.engine.datasets.DatasetIterator\
    The test set object that can be used with the fit() method to train the hand gesture classifier.


  • Training an audio and vision emotion recognition model.
    In this example, we will train an audiovisual emotion recognition model on Ravdess dataset. First, the dataset needs to be downloaded (the files Video_Speech_Actor_[01-24].zip and The directory should be organized as follows:

    │   │  01-01-01-01-01-01-01.mp4
    │   │  01-01-01-01-01-02-01.mp4
    │   │  ...
    │   │  03-01-01-01-01-01-01.wav
    │   │  03-01-01-01-01-02-01.wav
    │   │  ...

    The training, validation, and testing data objects can be constructed easily by using our method get_audiovisual_emotion_dataset() as follows:

    from opendr.perception.multimodal_human_centric import get_audiovisual_emotion_dataset
    from opendr.perception.multimodal_human_centric import AudiovisualEmotionLearner
    train_set, val_set, test_set = get_audiovisual_emotion_dataset('RAVDESS/', preprocess=True)

    When the data is downloaded and processed for the first time, it has to be preprocessed by setting the argument preprocess=True in get_audiovisual_emotion_dataset(). This will preprocess the audio and video files and save the preprocessed files as numpy arrays, as well as create a random train-val-test split. The preprocessing should be ran once and preprocess=False should be used in subsequent runs on the same dataset.

    Then, we can construct the emotion recognition model, and train the learner for 100 iterations as follows:

    learner = AudiovisualEmotionLearner(iters=100, device='cuda')
    performance =, val_set, logging_path = 'logs', restore_best=True)'model')

    Here, we restore the best performance on the validation set and save the model. The training logs are saved under logs/.

    Additionally, pretrained EfficientFace model can be obtained from here and used for weight initialization of the vision backbone by setting pretr_ef='EfficientFace_Trained_on_AffectNet7.pth.tar'.

  • Using pretrained audiovisual emotion recognition model

    In this example, we will demonstrate how a pretrained audiovisual emotion recognition model can be used. First, we will download the pre-trained model. The model is trained on RAVDESS [3] dataset under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.

    from opendr.perception.multimodal_human_centric.audiovisual_emotion_learner.avlearner import AudiovisualEmotionLearner 
    learner = AudiovisualEmotionLearner()'model')

    Given an input video and audio, we can preprocess the data and make inference using the pretrained model as follows:

    audio, video = avlearner.load_inference_data(args.input_audio, args.input_video)
    prediction = avlearner.infer(audio, video)


[1] [2] [3]