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voxel_object_detection_3d module

The voxel_object_detection_3d module contains the VoxelObjectDetection3DLearner class, which inherits from the abstract class Learner.

Class VoxelObjectDetection3DLearner

Bases: engine.learners.Learner

The VoxelObjectDetection3DLearner class is a wrapper of the TANet[1] and PointPillars[2] implementation found on happinesslz/TANet[3]. It can be used to perform voxel-based 3d object detection on point clouds and train new models.

The VoxelObjectDetection3DLearner class has the following public methods:

VoxelObjectDetection3DLearner constructor

VoxelObjectDetection3DLearner(self, model_config_path, lr, iters, batch_size, optimizer, lr_schedule, backbone, network_head, checkpoint_after_iter, checkpoint_load_iter, temp_path, device, threshold, scale, tanet_config_path, optimizer_params, lr_schedule_params)

Constructor parameters:

  • model_config_path: string
    Specifies the path to the proto file describing the model structure and the training procedure.
  • lr: float, default=0.0002
    Specifies the initial learning rate to be used during training.
  • optimizer: str {'rms_prop_optimizer', 'momentum_optimizer', 'adam_optimizer'}, default=adam_optimizer
    Specifies the optimizer type that should be used.
  • lr_schedule: str {'constant_learning_rate', 'exponential_decay_learning_rate', 'manual_step_learning_rate', 'cosine_decay_learning_rate'}, default='exponential_decay_learning_rate'
    Specifies the learning rate scheduler.
  • checkpoint_after_iter: int, default=0
    Specifies per how many training iterations a checkpoint should be saved. If it is set to 0 no checkpoints will be saved.
  • checkpoint_load_iter: int, default=0
    Specifies which checkpoint should be loaded. If it is set to 0, no checkpoints will be loaded.
  • temp_path: str, default=''
    Specifies a path where the algorithm saves the onnx optimized model (if needed).
  • device: {'cpu', 'cuda', 'cuda:x'}, default='cuda:0'
    Specifies the device to be used.
  • tanet_config_path: str, default=None
    Specifies if the configuration file for TANet should be different from the standard one (None for standard).
  • optimizer_params: dict, default={"weight_decay": 0.0001}
    Specifies the parameters for the used optimizer.
    • adam_optimizer uses "weight_decay" values
    • momentum_optimizer uses "momentum_optimizer_value", "weight_decay" values
    • rms_prop_optimizer uses "decay", "momentum_optimizer_value", "epsilon", "weight_decay" values
  • iters: int, default=10
    Skipped. The number of training iterations is described in a proto file.
  • batch_size: int, default=64
    Skipped. The batch size is described in a proto file.
  • backbone: str, default='tanet_16'
    Skipped. The structure of a model is described in a proto file.
  • network_head: str, default='tanet_16'
    Skipped. The structure of a model is described in a proto file.
  • threshold: float, default=0.0
    Skipped. The structure of a model is described in a proto file.
  • scale: float, default=1.0
    Skipped. The structure of a model is described in a proto file., dataset, val_dataset, refine_weight, ground_truth_annotations, logging_path, silent, verbose, model_dir, image_shape, evaluate)

This method is used for training the algorithm on a train dataset and validating on a val dataset.


  • dataset: object
    Object that holds the training dataset. Can be of type ExternalDataset (with type="kitti") or a custom dataset inheriting from DatasetIterator.
  • val_dataset: object, default=None
    Object that holds the validation dataset. If None, and the dataset is an ExternalDataset, dataset will be used to sample evaluation inputs. Can be of type ExternalDataset (with type="kitti") or a custom dataset inheriting from DatasetIterator.
  • refine_weight: float, default=2**
    Defines the weight for the refinement part in the loss (for TANet).
  • ground_truth_annotations: list of BoundingBox3DList, default=None
    Can be used to provide modified ground truth annotations.
  • logging_path: str, default=None
    Path to save log files. If set to None, only the console will be used for logging.
  • silent: bool, default=False
    If set to True, disables all printing of training progress reports and other information to STDOUT.
  • verbose: bool, default=False
    If set to True, enables maximum verbosity.
  • model_dir: str, default=None**
    Can be used for storing and loading checkpoints.
  • image_shape: (int, int), default=(1224, 370)**
    Camera image shape for KITTI evaluation.
  • evaluate: bool, default=True
    Should the evaluation be run during training.


VoxelObjectDetection3DLearner.eval(self, dataset, ground_truth_annotations, logging_path, silent, verbose, image_shape, count)

This method is used to evaluate a trained model on an evaluation dataset. Returns a dictionary containing stats regarding evaluation.


  • dataset: object
    Object that holds the evaluation dataset. Can be of type ExternalDataset or a custom dataset inheriting from DatasetIterator.
  • ground_truth_annotations: list of BoundingBox3DList, default=None
    Can be used to provide modified ground truth annotations.
  • silent: bool, default=False
    If set to True, disables all printing of evaluation progress reports and other information to STDOUT.
  • verbose: bool, default=False
    If set to True, enables the maximum verbosity.
  • image_shape: (int, int), default=(1224, 370)**
    Camera image shape for KITTI evaluation.
  • count: int, default=None**
    Specifies the number of frames to be used for evaluation. If None, the full dataset is used.


VoxelObjectDetection3DLearner.infer(self, point_clouds)

This method is used to perform 3D object detection on a point cloud. Returns a list of BoundingBox3DList objects if the list of PointCloud is given or a single BoundingBox3DList if a single PointCloud is given.


  • point_clouds: or []**
    Input data., path, verbose)

This method is used to save a trained model. Provided with the path "/my/path/name" (absolute or relative), it creates the "name" directory, if it does not already exist. Inside this folder, the model is saved as "name_vfe.pth", "name_mfe.pth", and "name_rpn.pth" or "name_rpn.onnx" and the metadata file as "name.json". If the directory already exists, the files are overwritten.

If self.optimize was run previously, it saves the optimized ONNX model in a similar fashion with an ".onnx" extension, by copying it from the self.temp_path it was saved previously during conversion.


  • path: str
    Path to save the model, including the filename.
  • verbose: bool, default=False
    If set to True, prints a message on success.


VoxelObjectDetection3DLearner.load(self, path, verbose)

This method is used to load a previously saved model from its saved folder. Loads the model from inside the directory of the path provided, using the metadata .json file included.


  • path: str
    Path of the model to be loaded.
  • verbose: bool, default=False
    If set to True, prints a message on success.


VoxelObjectDetection3DLearner.optimize(self, do_constant_folding)

This method is used to optimize a trained model to ONNX format which can be then used for inference.


  • do_constant_folding: bool, default=False
    ONNX format optimization. If True, the constant-folding optimization is applied to the model during export. Constant-folding optimization will replace some of the operations that have all constant inputs, with pre-computed constant nodes.

@staticmethod, model_name, path, server_url)

Download utility for pretrained models.


  • model_name: str {'pointpillars_car_xyres_16', 'pointpillars_ped_cycle_xyres_16', 'tanet_car_xyres_16', 'tanet_ped_cycle_xyres_16'}
    The name of the model to download.
  • path: str
    Local path to save the downloaded files.
  • server_url: str, default=None
    URL of the pretrained models directory on an FTP server. If None, OpenDR FTP URL is used.


  • Training example using an ExternalDataset. Mini and nano KITTI dataset can be downloaded from OpenDR server. The batch_size argument should be adjusted according to available memory.

    import os
    import torch
    from opendr.perception.object_detection_3d import VoxelObjectDetection3DLearner
    from opendr.perception.object_detection_3d import KittiDataset
    DEVICE = "cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
    name = "tanet_car"
    config = os.path.join(
      ".", "src", "opendr", "perception",
      "second_detector", "configs", "tanet",
      "car", "test_short.proto")
    temp_dir = "temp"
    model_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, "test_fit_" + name)
    subsets_path = os.path.join(
      ".", "src", "opendr", "perception", "object_detection_3d",
      "datasets", "nano_kitti_subsets")
    dataset = KittiDataset.download_nano_kitti(
        temp_dir, True, subsets_path
    learner = VoxelObjectDetection3DLearner(
        model_config_path=config, device=DEVICE,
  • Training example using a DatasetIterator. If the DatasetIterator is given as a dataset, val_dataset should be specified. The batch_size argument should be adjusted according to available memory.

    import os
    import torch
    from opendr.perception.object_detection_3d import VoxelObjectDetection3DLearner
    from opendr.perception.object_detection_3d import LabeledPointCloudsDatasetIterator
    DEVICE = "cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
    name = "tanet_car"
    config = os.path.join(
      ".", "src", "opendr", "perception",
      "second_detector", "configs", "tanet",
      "car", "test_short.proto")
    temp_dir = "temp"
    model_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, "test_fit_" + name)
    subsets_path = os.path.join(
      ".", "src", "opendr", "perception", "object_detection_3d",
      "datasets", "nano_kitti_subsets")
    dataset_path = KittiDataset.download_nano_kitti(
        temp_dir, True, subsets_path
    dataset = LabeledPointCloudsDatasetIterator(
      dataset_path + "/training/velodyne_reduced",
      dataset_path + "/training/label_2",
      dataset_path + "/training/calib",
    val_dataset = LabeledPointCloudsDatasetIterator(
      dataset_path + "/training/velodyne_reduced",
      dataset_path + "/training/label_2",
      dataset_path + "/training/calib",
    learner = VoxelObjectDetection3DLearner(
      model_config_path=config, device=DEVICE,
  • Inference example.

    import os
    import torch
    from opendr.perception.object_detection_3d import VoxelObjectDetection3DLearner
    from opendr.engine.datasets import PointCloudsDatasetIterator
    DEVICE = "cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
    name = "tanet_car"
    config = os.path.join(
      ".", "src", "opendr", "perception",
      "second_detector", "configs", "tanet",
      "car", "test_short.proto")
    temp_dir = "temp"
    model_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, "test_fit_" + name)
    subsets_path = os.path.join(
      ".", "src", "opendr", "perception", "object_detection_3d",
      "datasets", "nano_kitti_subsets")
    dataset_path = KittiDataset.download_nano_kitti(
        temp_dir, True, subsets_path
    dataset = PointCloudsDatasetIterator(dataset_path + "/testing/velodyne_reduced")
    learner = VoxelObjectDetection3DLearner(
        model_config_path=config, device=DEVICE
    result = learner.infer(
    result = learner.infer(
        [dataset[0], dataset[1], dataset[2]]
  • Optimization example for a previously trained model. Inference can be run with the trained model after running self.optimize.

    import os
    import torch
    from opendr.perception.object_detection_3d import VoxelObjectDetection3DLearner
    from opendr.engine.datasets import PointCloudsDatasetIterator
    DEVICE = "cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
    name = "tanet_car"
    config = os.path.join(
      ".", "src", "opendr", "perception",
      "second_detector", "configs", "tanet",
      "car", "test_short.proto")
    temp_dir = "temp"
    model_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, "test_fit_" + name)
    subsets_path = os.path.join(
      ".", "src", "opendr", "perception", "object_detection_3d",
      "datasets", "nano_kitti_subsets")
    dataset_path = KittiDataset.download_nano_kitti(
        temp_dir, True, subsets_path
    dataset = PointCloudsDatasetIterator(dataset_path + "/testing/velodyne_reduced")
    learner = VoxelObjectDetection3DLearner(
        model_config_path=config, device=DEVICE,
    result = learner.infer(

Proto files can be found in voxel_object_detection_3d/second_detector/configs

  • model:
    Specifies the model architecture under the "second" block.

    • voxel_generator:
      Specifies the parameters of the voxel generation.
      • point_cloud_range:
        Specifies the limit range of the points to be used in the [minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz] format in meters.
      • voxel_size:
        Specifies the size of each voxel in the [x, y, z] format in meters.
      • max_number_of_points_per_voxel:
        Specifies the maximum number of points to be used in one voxel.
    • num_class:
      Specifies the number of classes to detect.
    • voxel_feature_extractor:
      Specifies the name and parameters of the voxel feature extractor layer that generates voxel-wise features.
    • middle_feature_extractor:
      Specifies the name and parameters of the middle feature extractor layer that creates 2D pseudo-image.
    • rpn:
      Specifies the name and parameters of the main layer that uses 2D pseudo-image to generate predictions.
    • loss:
      Specifies the loss function and its parameters.
    • use_sigmoid_score:
      Specifies if the sigmoid function should be used for score.
    • encode_background_as_zeros:
      Specifies if the background class should be encoded as zeros or as a separate class.
    • encode_rad_error_by_sin:
      Specifies if the sin function should be used for rad error.
    • use_direction_classifier:
      Specifies if a separate branch should be created to classify direction of the object.
    • direction_loss_weight:
      Specifies the loss weight for direction classifier.
    • pos_class_weight:
      Specifies the loss weight for positive classes.
    • neg_class_weight:
      Specifies the loss weight for negative classes.
    • loss_norm_type:
      Specifies the loss normalization type.
    • post_center_limit_range:
      Specifies the limit range of the predicted object centers in [minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz] format in meters.
    • use_rotate_nms:
      Specifies if the rotate_nms function should be used for non-max suppression.
    • use_multi_class_nms:
      Specifies if the multi_class_nms function should be used for non-max suppression.
    • use_bev:
      Specifies if the Birds Eye View (BEV) data should be used in RPN.
    • box_coder:
      Specifies the box encoding strategy.
    • target_assigner:
      Specifies the target generator.
      • anchor_generators:
        Specifies the strategy for anchor generation.
        • sizes:
          Specifies anchor sizes in [w, l, h] format in meters.
        • strides:
          Specifies anchor strides in [x, y, z] format in meters.
        • offsets:
          Specifies anchor offsets in [x, y, z] format in meters.
        • rotations:
          Specifies anchor rotation range in [min, max] format in radiances.
  • train_input_reader:
    Specifies tha data generation process for training.

    • record_file_path:
      Specifies the relative file path for kitti_train.tfrecord generated during data preprocessing.
    • class_names:
      Specifies the class names that should be used in the training of a current model.
    • max_num_epochs:
      Specifies the max number of epochs for training.
    • batch_size:
      Specifies the batch size.
    • prefetch_size:
      Specifies the number of prefetched data.
    • max_number_of_voxels:
      Specifies the max number of voxels that can be generated for one point cloud.
    • shuffle_points:
      Specifies if the points should be shuffled.
    • num_workers:
      Specifies the number of workers for the data loader.
    • groundtruth_localization_noise_std:
      Specifies the noise std for ground truth location.
    • groundtruth_rotation_uniform_noise:
      Specifies the noise range for ground truth rotation.
    • global_scaling_uniform_noise:
      Specifies the noise range for ground truth scale.
    • groundtruth_points_drop_percentage:
      Specifies the percentage of points that can be discarded.
    • database_sampler:
      Specifies the sapling strategy from the dataset
  • train_config:
    Specifies the training procedure parameters.

    • steps:
      Specifies the number of steps to train the model.
    • steps_per_eval:
      Specifies the number of steps for evaluation.
  • eval_input_reader:
    Specifies tha data generation process for evaluation.

    • record_file_path:
      Specifies the relative file path for kitti_val.tfrecord generated during data preprocessing.
    • class_names:
      Specifies the class names that should be used in the training of a current model.
    • max_num_epochs:
      Specifies the max number of epochs for training.
    • batch_size:
      Specifies the batch size.
    • prefetch_size:
      Specifies the number of prefetched data.
    • max_number_of_voxels:
      Specifies the max number of voxels that can be generated for one point cloud.
    • shuffle_points:
      Specifies if the points should be shuffled.
    • num_workers:
      Specifies the number of workers for the data loader.

Performance Evaluation

The tests were conducted on the following computational devices:

  • Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6230R CPU on server
  • Nvidia Jetson TX2
  • Nvidia Jetson Xavier AGX
  • Nvidia RTX 2080 Ti GPU on server with Intel Xeon Gold processors

Inference time is measured as the time taken to transfer the input to the model (e.g., from CPU to GPU), run inference using the algorithm, and return results to CPU. Inner FPS refers to the speed of the model when the data is ready. We report FPS (single sample per inference) as the mean of 100 runs.

Full FPS Evaluation of PointPillars and TANet for classes Car, Pedestrian, Cyclist on KITTI dataset. TANet Near represents evaluation on the near sub-scene [4].

Model Object Class TX2 (FPS) Xavier (FPS) RTX 2080 Ti (FPS)
PointPillars Car 1.73 6.29 21.06
PointPillars Pedestrian + Cyclist 1.40 5.00 13.87
TANet Car 0.71 2.60 13.66
TANet Near Car 1.50 5.41 21.52
TANet Pedestrian + Cyclist 0.60 2.41 9.98

Inner FPS Evaluation (model only) of PointPillars and TANet for classes Car, Pedestrian, Cyclist on KITTI dataset.

Model Object Class TX2 (FPS) Xavier (FPS) RTX 2080 Ti (FPS)
PointPillars Car 1.81 7.68 46.42
PointPillars Pedestrian + Cyclist 1.75 7.16 43.93
TANet Car 0.75 2.84 21.64
TANet Near Car 1.58 5.94 33.51
TANet Pedestrian + Cyclist 0.66 2.85 19.51

Energy (Joules) of PointPillars and TANet on embedded devices.

Model Object Class TX2 (Joules) Xavier (Joules)
PointPillars Car 17.89 3.22
PointPillars Pedestrian + Cyclist 21.01 4.43
TANet Car 45.96 11.40
TANet Near Car 20.78 4.78
TANet Pedestrian + Cyclist 54.50 12.67

3D Object Detection platform compatibility evaluation.

Platform Test results
x86 - Ubuntu 20.04 (bare installation - CPU) Pass
x86 - Ubuntu 20.04 (bare installation - GPU) Pass
x86 - Ubuntu 20.04 (pip installation) Pass
x86 - Ubuntu 20.04 (CPU docker) Pass
x86 - Ubuntu 20.04 (GPU docker) Pass
NVIDIA Jetson TX2 Pass
NVIDIA Jetson Xavier AGX Pass


[1] TANet: Robust 3D Object Detection from Point Clouds with Triple Attention, arXiv.

[2] PointPillars: Fast Encoders for Object Detection from Point Clouds, arXiv.

[3] Github: TANet.

[4] I. Oleksiienko and A. Iosifidis, "Analysis of voxel-based 3D object detection methods efficiency for real-time embedded systems," 2021 International Conference on Emerging Techniques in Computational Intelligence (ICETCI), 2021, pp. 59-64.