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Aaron Ximm ximm
Software generalist, sound artist, principal engineer at @internetarchive.

San Francisco

Tiago Lubiana lubianat
likes things and strings and facts and claims

São Paulo, Brazil

Sheldon sheldonmmu
Library Systems and Discovery Adviser at Man Met Uni working with Python and Javascript to make useful stuff
Archives nationales du monde du travail ANMTFrance
Les Archives nationales du monde du travail (ministère de la Culture) collectent les archives d'acteurs de la vie économique et professionnelle.

Archives nationales du monde du travail Roubaix, France

Oksana Dereza ancatmara
Celtic Studies, NLP for Ancient and Historical Languages, Collections as Data

University of Galway Library / Insight Centre for Data Anaytics Galway, Ireland

Lynn Cherny arnicas

Consultant / DS & NLP & Vis France

Y11 XiaomingX
Software Dev @ X | Linux, Java, Spring, Python, Go, Next.js | Open Source Enthusiast | LLM Innovator | M.Sc. in Software Engineering 🚀

uhaka japan

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Brittny Lapierre brittnylapierre
Full Stack Developer | UX Evangelist | Project Manager

Canadian Research Knowledge Network Ottawa

nelbetancur nelbetancur
art & architectural historian

National University of Colombia

Sindre Østrem Sindrir


Timothy Mansfield timjmansfield

The Interaction Consortium Sydney, Australia

김병준 ByungjunKim
Digital Humanities and Computational Social Science Researcher

Department of Cultural Informatics, Graduate School of Korean Studies, The Academy of Korean Studies

Kathy Reid KathyReid
Does #opensource goodness. Currently @ANUcybernetics in Canberra, AU and @common-voice. Ex @NVIDIA @mozilla @Deakin @MycroftAI @linuxaustralia she/her pronouns

@anucybernetics Geelong, Australia

Geoff Scholl Geoffsc
Software Engineer

Greater Philadelphia

Tiny Archives TinyArchives
We design and build adaptable Archives Tech solutions for web and mobile (in production), AI, iOS, spatial computing and permaweb (on roadmap)

Tiny Archives Planet Earth

Gillian Macdonald gilliansmac92
Director of Lab for Education and Advancement in Digital Research

Michigan State University East Lansing

John Pilbeam johnpilbeam
Web/Digital Officer based @sainsburylibrary, @said-business-school and @bodleian, University of Oxford. Interests include Python, Django and library technology.

University of Oxford Oxford, UK

Tawanda tawanda263

Bulawayo Zimbabwe

Florence Clavaud florenceclavaud

National Archives of France Pierrefitte-sur-Seine (France)

Parsa Azari parsaa74

Tehran, Iran

Joshua Wilson Black JoshuaWilsonBlack
Lecturer at @nzilbb. Interested in open science practices, modelling linguistic data and digital humanities.

University of Canterbury Christchurch

Jennifer Mitchell JenJelly

CSUF fullerton, california

Nay San fauxneticien

Stanford University Berkeley, CA

David Arredondo darredo1
Collection Librarian in Nebraska.
Jonathan Manton motropuk
Associate Director for Special Collections, Gilmore Music Library

@yalelibrary New Haven, CT