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Jimmy Huang jimmyolo

Ubiquiti Inc. Taiwan

Elijah Lopez elibroftw
Still have a ways to go monero:84PR6SkYd5zaFLKDjAFrQfbaAg2c7SV3q3XDZ15QCpEZUggrN4YzY7n8m9XC3deXjo41yWHTm1LrsUpPTYGnRQbD9Cwp8


Antti Kivi anttikivi

@visiosto Helsinki

Yongbin Feng yongbinfeng

Texas Tech Lubbock, Texas

Lewin Kelly Heliodex
Svelte, TS, Luau, Go etc. The Unlicense is the greatest piece of text that humanity has ever been blessed with. 🟩 💚

@tp-link-extender Scotland

Darin Luckie luckied
Inspired by Aaron Swartz to fight for open access


Coffee2926 HyunwooLee955
Male, Korean, 1991, July, master's degree, oceanography, Matlab, Python3, Raspberry Pi, Android,

Republic of Korea

Bandi BandiTheRenegade

Freelancing Wichita, KS

lab8010 Lab8010
Red HatでSenior Instructorをやっています。

Red Hat Yokohama

Frádely Diloné fradelycodes
Front End Developer | React/NextJs | UI/X Everyday Learner!

Dominican Republic

Eikonsphere Eikonsphere

Eikonsphere Eikonsphere

Sulu Edward Julianto SuluJulianto
Just Newbie

Jakarta, Indonesia

Nguyễn Dương duuoong

VGM.AI - Khoa học dữ liệu không gian Khu văn phòng Tầng 3, Toà CT1, Khu nhà ở Bộ Công An, Đường Phạm Văn Đồng, Phường Cổ Nhuế 2, Quận Bắc Từ Liêm, TP. Hà Nội

Abdulrasaq Lawani sheunl
Software Engineer working on AI and Infra solutions


Daniel Nowak haooxin
Tech & Homelab Nerd. #raspberrypi #ansible #k3s #terraform #ubuntu #proxmox


Nikola Hristov NikolaRHristov
Founder & CEO 🧔🏻 @PlayForm ☁️

@PlayForm Sofia, Bulgaria

Ventsislav Nikolov cardiforia
Linux/UNIX/network administrator and Senior DevOps Engineer

none Bulgaria

Mohamed Assaleh m-assaleh
﷽ Computer Science Student at TU Berlin 👨🏻‍💻

Arsenii K. workmail20
C#/C++, PHP, Python, HTML/CSS/JS. Malware researcher, study 150+ source codes of trojans🔍 I like to create 🕸️internet crawlers and robots

Freelance Ukraine

Enrique, MEngEE DSP perazaharmonics
Spectral Engineering from Puerto Rico. Digital Signal Processing and Deep Learning. Software Systems Engineer in the Satellite Communications industry.
So Momma Sol-momma
Yuan-Ze University _ Computer Science for Bachelor

Yuan-Ze University Japan

Mcfly1391 mcfly1391

Core_Fusion_Computing USA

Arnoldas Skinderis AScotM
EWW Citizen.

Nutrek SK (EWW_v2) Ember Waste Wasteland