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Jeisson Hernandez JeissonHrdz
System and Computing Engginer. Java, SpringBoot and Angular Developer


Gabriel Takuya Yamamoto Takkuya
Cursando Ciência da Computação na UNICID.

@codeleap-uk São Paulo

Lucas Cipriano Lima lucashcl
lorem ipsum

Pernambuco - Brasil

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


marcel marcelpkg
Motorsports & Aviation Enthusiast. I do stuff I find is fun/useful :)

United Kingdom

Maxwell Mapako wax911
Lover of all things technology related, a healthy curious mind and happy personality

@ClearScore / @AniTrend / Freelancer South Africa

Lucas Aquino AkinoLucas

@zazos-team São José dos Campos, SP - Brazil

Nate Barrett Helbram
My name is Nate. I'm just here to code.


Highly interested in Applications related to Anime/Manga
Melissa Schmidt melmae
On a journey to learn as much as I can.


Amer Mulabegovic AMulabeg
American-Born Bosnian living in Germany. Looking for fun projects and neovim pluggins

TU Berlin Berlin, Germany

saemyyy saemyyy
self teaching developer


@simplr-sh simplr-sh
Everything web, but just simplr ! Earth

Sam Hart tofuprogrammer
Currently in my first year of Computer Games Programming with @StaffsUniGames, looking to specialise in audio or graphics programming in the future.

University of Staffordshire Stoke-on-Trent, UK

gonzyui gonzyui
welcome :)

@Niji-Network Montpellier, France

Anthony Baptiste AntBap23
Machine Learner and Dashboarder by day. Anime enthusiast by night.

Innovation Dupage Illinois

Harsh Telang TECH-NINJA06
Btech at GEC Goa || Self taught Software Developer from Goa, India || Currently exploring Next js and Typescript


Yusuf Bhaskara Adji yusufadji

Central Java, Indonesia

applepi apple12234
{I don't own any images I use}
Avaneesh Chopdekar Avaneesh-Chopdekar
I am a self-taught developer. I learned web development, app development, and graphic design on YouTube. I am always willing to learn new tech.

Maharashtra, India

Nikki H Serenitychic
Fuññ stack global software, analytics, compliance & deployment developer. Crypto development pro

[email protected] Wisconsin