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@ajm19826 (AJM) ajm19826
Founder of GOBCD | Passionate about clean, efficient code | Developer focused on C#, game dev, and making coding simple and accessible. Let's build together!!

castle prison

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Dillenhub github-world192
我是dillen 我寫軟體


Jhony Vidal mrjhonyvidal
<Senior Full-Stack Developer && System Analyst />

London, UK

óÔÔò ʕ·͡ᴥ·ʔ óÔÔò this is briiland full of briitiful code


Fadhil kolakkadan fadh1l
I love math and computers

Fiserv Perinthalmanna

Kevin Rojo KevRojo

Dominican Republic

Mason Tromblee MasonFiserv
Production release: 20th century, Earth EOL: 21st century, probably Earth

Fiserv, Inc. Atlanta, US

Hariom Maurya harrymaurya05
Specialist, Software Development Engineering

@fiserv India

LuUuLzZz LuUuLzZz
“I'm one of those regular weird people.” ― Janis Joplin
Tanmay Mishra tanmayarya29
Engineer @Fiserv | Ex FE intern @Inviz-AI | Ex SDE intern @crowdanalytix | Ex product engineering intern @HighRadius | Ai/ML Enthusiast

fiserv Jharkhand India

LearnLoop LearnLoop365
Hello World

United States


NY Metro Area

Jean Barbosa JeanBarbosa
Full-Stack Web & Mobile Developer with focus on Javascript, ReactJS, React Native and NodeJS

Brasil, Brasilia DF