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Hussein Kassir kassirhussein
MSc Genomic Medicine. Interested in genomic data sciences and computational biology.

@whri-phenogenomics London


Stockholm, Sweden

Sabbir Ahmed sabbircoder07
Full Stack Web Developer

Dohatec New Media Dhaka, Bangladesh

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Alejandro Vasquez Echeverri avasquee

Universidad Nacional de Colombia Medellin

Postdoc Associate

University of Minnesota Minneapolis

Patrick Blaney pblaney
Senior Bioinformatics Programmer, Ph.D. Student in Computational Biology & Bioinformatics

NYU Langone Health

Clinton DarkFM
Always thinking of the best solution

illumina San Diego

Berk Gonenc sbgonenc
Python developer and AI enthusiast

MDC Berlin

Zhao Yang yangzhao1230
ai phd student

Renmin University of China Beijing, China

BFam BibianaFam
Postdoc research at Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegrere, in DNA do Brasil project. Interest in Genetics, evolution an life sciences!

HCPA Porto Alegre

Silvia Cretoiu biosilviac
Microbial Systems | Biotech & Translational research | Data Science
Ashika Bangera Ash-2001-Bioinfo
Biotechnology | Bioinformatics

Bangalore, India

Renzo bonifazi
Researcher in Animal Breeding and Genomics at Wageningen Livestock Research | PhD thesis in international genetic and genomic evaluations of beef cattle.

Wageningen University & Research the Netherlands

Thalita Ferreira thalitacamelo
Full Stack Bioinformatician

São Paulo, Brazil

Mahmut Uludag uludag

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology Thuwal, Saudi Arabia

Lcollection Lcollection

Westlake University Hangzhou, Zhejiang

Nermin Ghith Nermin-Ghith
I am an epidemiologist and data scientist obsessed with using data to generate evidence to improve population and planetary health, equity, and biodiversity.

Danish Cancer Institute Denmark

Tonic Josephrp
Working on machine learning for back office admin and finance + software for biofabrication and research - contributing to collaborative datasets

@Tonic-AI territories of north america

Akash_Kumar akashkumar0001
NGS Lab Technician & Bioinformatics Enthusiast
Kozo Nishida kozo2
PyData Osaka organizer, Bioconductor Community Advisory Board, Software Carpentry Japanese Team

Tokyo, Japan

Abdelrahman Mahany AbdelrahmanMahany
Bioinformatician with love for biology, python and R

Bioinformatician, Biostatistician