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Aitor Chamizo aitorchagon
Per aspera ad astra. Antifragile.
Paul Owe paulowe
Data and ML Engineer - Designing cloud architecture and AI systems

Toronto, Canada

Hamza Safwan safwanhamza
BS Data Science Student with expertise in Machine Learning and Software Development. I love to figure out how systems work and how to engineer them.
Axel Riveros Axel-07
Full Stack Developer | Blockchain | ⋆Artificial Intelligence enthusiast⋆

Localhost Buenos Aires, Argentina

Xiaozhou Liu boat0

Bytedance Beijing, China

rafifmulia rafifmulia
Backend Developer


cao zhiqun yulongwanxue
student of Xinjiang University
yuki yamaguchi ukyamyam
graduated from Seikogakuin high school


Tianshu Wen wts0835
Dat is excellent

ND Aero & Mech Dept Notre Dame, IN, United States

Evo iivanov-code

Technologica Burgas, Bulgaria

Kenzel Kache Verborge KKVerborge
DEV FRONT-END e Design Gráfica
Wang Xiaofeng xiaofengwang01
Technology changes the world!
Rajkishore Behera Bablu08
👋 Hi, I am a Developer & a student in the branch of Computer Science and Engineering from Bhadrak, Odisha.

Bhadrak, Odisha

hgu siru02

42seoul, Sejong Univ Seoul, Republic of Korea

King Hua kinghua0629
My name is King Hua, A junior in the Shanghai NO.2 High School, enjoys programming
chx43 channelx43
We must know. We shall know.
Chen Yunle ErDong886

Harbin institue of technology Harbin