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Alex killergeek
just doing tech stuff
Rob elborro
Industrial cybersecurity specialist

Batenburg Magion Amsterdam, NL

Chronos Sackstools
Design,, maker, desenvolper
Jay Visschedijk JayVisschedijk

LumiGuide Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Michiel van den Anker michiel-van-den-anker
This is my new account after losing access to this other account:
Aschwin Marsman amarsman
My passion is the development of software in C++/Qt/QML on Linux and UNIX including macOS. I'm a long time Linux user (1993).

aYniK Software Solutions B.V. The Netherlands

Matthijs von Piekartz MatthijsvonPiekartz
Python & R enthusiast

Windesheim Enschede, the Netherlands

Govert Combée Hoxolotl
Member of hackerspace/makerspace Tkkrlab. Game designer at Catnip Games. Weird stuff and arts at GLOPOLY. Code crafter at Muze.

GLOPOLY Netherlands

School. I want to learn new things.