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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Dehann Fourie dehann
Founder of NavAbility(TM) by Technologies Inc. and JuliaRobotics/Caesar.jl.

NavAbility(TM) by San Francisco

4rzael 4rzael
Mostly CS, embedded, electronics

Bordeaux, France

embedded, php, js

rembong hcm

Christopher Smyth RossSmyth


Oliver Keller ozel
Engineer and applied physicist by education. Programmer and synthesizer enthusiast by passion. In a former life researching pixel detectors at CERN & GSI.


Anton Schreiner aschrein
Coder. Interested in graphics. This is my private GH account full of unfinished skeletons I'm using to explore terra incognita
Philip Zucker philzook58
A pretty cool dude who does things.

Draper Boston

Hugo Gonzalez hggz
Cross Platform iOS Developer
Arti Zirk artizirk
I'm a full stack dev (from bootloader to web design) who likes to build things with opensource software under @k-space-ee

@messente Tallinn, Estonia

Bjørn techniker
doing electronics, software and network stuff, aviator, sailing, CCC ,@c3roc_ - When it gets boring, I used to play piano. (These views be mine.) 🌈

Frachtwerk GmbH Berlin

James Tocknell aragilar
PhD Student in Astrophysics

AAO, Macquarie University Sydney, Australia

Ruslan Prakapchuk ul

@atlassian Sydney

Qijia Yang MrAMS
Always on the way to create something fun 😀

Institute of Computing Technology(ICT), Chinese Academy of Sciences QingDao China

Yuyang Miao myyerrol
A engineer who like robot and processor. Developer and Founder of @memdsl and @chipunion.

ICT CAS Beijing, China

Jovan Kostovski chombium

@SAP Walldorf, Germany

Vaibhav Wanere vbwanere
Learning Precision Machining, Embedded Systems, Robotics, IoT and still exploring..

Caterpillar Inc. Pontiac, IL, USA

Parth Parikh parthpower
Hacking systems!

Keysight Technologies, Inc CA

Darío Clavijo daedalus
Pilot karateka coder dad

Montevideo, Uruguay

Sven Sackers gridhawk
IBM client success engineer, passionate windsurfer, love spending time with my family and hacking InternetOfThings. he/him Ireland

Ferdinand Jamitzky jamitzky

Leibniz Supercomputing Centre Garching b. München

Jinyu Bai buaabai
ars longa, vita brevis

Beijing, China

Hakim Mazouz lrabbit

@Spotify Stockholm, Sweden

Goran Mahovlic goran-mahovlic

Intergalaktik d.o.o. Croatia

Renaldas Zioma rejunity
Neuromorphic chip enthusiast. Interested in Neuroscience. I used to code GPUs for living ;) I made Unity iOS and brought Physically Based Rendering to Unity.


Yukino Song ClassicOldSong
A jser, a music(noise) producer, a (cellphone)photographer, and... maybe a designer


Andreas Neuenschwander uparix

Uparix Baden AG

dunxen dunxen
PGP: 9484 44FC E03B 05BA 5AB0 591E C37B 1C1D 44C7 86EE ₿[email protected]

@nexedworks South Africa

Computer Security, Reverse Engineering, and Fuzzing; Training & Publications @; hacking the planet since 1995; Undercurrents BOFH
M. Edward (Ed) Borasky znmeb
Buck Borasky, Frontier Programmer: saving Earth for octothorpes since 2007. Former Boy Genius, Sit-down Comic, Thought Follower, Curmudgeon-in-Residence

Portland, Oregon, USA

Serhii Shyran sshyran
Independent Contractor

Independent Contractor Ukraine

Seonghyun Park shpark
Tired of mediocrity
Dmitry Murzinov iDoka
Hardware Imagineer | Digital IC Design Engineer | Automotive Electronics Enthusiast

@dokard @deepware-ai Error: Unable to resolve