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Anshuman Kumar anshumankmr
AI Consultant with experience in Designing Solutions with GCP, AWS and Fullstack Developement.

Deloitte Bangalore

Wanfah Diva wanfahdiva
"Keep Innovating, Keep Developing", Software Developer || Freelancer

West Java, Indonesia

reakise reakise
beginner - creative coding

Lighting Beetle Bratislava, Slovakia

Bio beginner | Linux lab | RESTful API player | 'To Be Educated Is To Be Changed -'—focusing on every project. I push through challenges. Reflect my light!

kmjBuCa Cambodia

Jose Roque JoseRoque
Love to solve problems and looking to add/create value for people through software.

Built On Crypto LLC. Dallas, TX

Alan Basilio alanbasilio
Senior Full Stack Enginner

Available to work São Paulo

Andy Chen amazingandyyy
🦄 CloudNative for job React/Node/Go/Solidity for fun

Turo - Find your drive SF, CA

Katerina Akilah H. xrockat
Infrastructure Technology Solutions


Jake Hash jhash
No-code enthusiast focused on building SaaS applications using Javascript

WorkHands New York, NY

codezzz codezzzc

@bytedance shenzhen, China

Jay Stillman jay-stillman
Building large scale things, mainly for enterprise


CS Student
Luke MathematicusLucian
Masters in Computer Science. Algo studies at Oxford Uni. Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Java. Angular, React, NgRx, Node. Flask, FastAPI, SciKit, Tensorflow

"The code shall set you free" Greater London... or backpacking

Yerzhan Beisembay CubergDev
We are a Cuberg Development Team. Мы команда разработки Cuberg

Kostanay, Kazakhstan

Vivek Tiwari arimanyus
Learning machines.

Gurgaon, HR

Atta Ur Rahman Farooqi iamfarooqi
MERN Stack | Next.js | Blockchain | Web 3.0 | Computer System Engineer

Bawdicsoft Karachi, Pakistan

Brett Peary b-d-m-p

Tokyo & Kyoto, Japan

Dillenhub github-world192
我是dillen 我寫軟體


梁仔 liangzai92
the source of truth

Beijing, China

uabidotfun uabidotfun

Chengdu, China

Nikollesan LuanderFarias
create stuff.

@atmonoliths localhost

Usama Moin usamamoinakhter
Fullstack Ninja - Technical Consultant - Project Manager


Gianni Hong kkpan11
Coder. Book lover. Enthusiastic cyclist. T1D.

Taipei, Taiwan

Guilherme de Deus Willzxxz
Slowly learning the ways of the Jedi.


jlca wootsbot
Doing this 'n' that.

@dd3tech Guerrero

Kenneth Choi schoi69821
Businessman, Electric Engineer, Software Engineer, Artificial Inteligent Programmer

Noa Korea Dongtan, Korea

$hibaKing tylerbishopdev
Script puppy that is also a genius and stronger than Hulk Hogan. 'Painfully creative' with a childlike sense of wonder. 1/20 repos work and even fewer deploy.

Ezoic California

Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI