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Kelvin kelvin1V10

Robert bosch

Weckyy702 Weckyy702
average cpp enjoyer but rust is also fine <3
Paulo Henrique Preciliano phfuark
Software Developer, 17 years old

Robert Bosch LTDA. Campinas, SP

Felix Hennerich FelixHennerich
Felix, 19y 🎂 - Application-, Game- and Web- Developer 💻 . Stuck in the Apple ecosystem 🍏 .

@bosch Stuttgart

Rafael Gaia rafagaia

Ensign Planet Earth

Joe Higgitt joehiggitt
💼 Software Engineer Grad at ETAS | 🎓 First in MEng (Hons) Computer Science from UoM

@etas Manchester, UK

Kálmán Neszlényi kamka427
Freelance full-stack and Gen AI App developer| Cloud Engineer and Innovation Trainee at Robert Bosch | MSc CS student at ELTE-IK

Robert Bosch Budapest, Hungary

Vargha Csongor vcscsvcscs

BOSCH Hungary, Budapest 1188

Silas Meyer silas229
Student @ Ostfalia

@bosch @greensteindesign Germany

Joe Higgitt JosephHiggitt
Software Engineer Graduate at @etas (@bosch) | Personal: @joehiggitt

@etas Manchester, UK

Luís Araújo luisaraujo99
Machine Learning @bosch


Khashayar (Khay) khashabri
Software Addict | -Nerd

App Store and Co Stuttgart, Germany

Martin Moellenbeck moellenbeck

5Minds IT-Solutions GmbH & Co.KG Gelsenkirchen, Germany

Mark Altmann markaltmann
IT Security consultant @etas

@etas Stuttgart

Raul Rosa raulvictorrosa
Front-End Developer • JavaScript • TypeScript • React Developer • NextJS

@Bosch Lisbon, PT

Ângelo Carnevale AngeloCarnevale
full-stack typescript developer

@bosch Campinas

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Debtanu Ganguly mylifebuglife
Full Stack Data Scientist - exploring Gen AI

Bosch Germany

Jean-Baptiste Maillet jbmaillet
PSIRT technical leader, embedded OSS

Paris, France

Rodrigo Piña RodrigoPinaLozano
Software Engineer & Consulting Architect
Rafael Rezende rafaelrezend

Robert Bosch GmbH Heilbronn, Germany


Robert Bosch GmbgH Germany, Renningen

Liubov Surint lyubov-s
IT Architect at Bosch Digital | DevOps | Product Management


Eugen Pirogoff eugenpirogoff
Proud husband and father. Interested in creating in general. Plastic, metal, wood or code. Mostly writing Swift for iOS. #mdrza
