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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Moteesh moteesh-reddy
I love coding and designing tools that make people productive
EitherySky eitherysky

Integrity Software Israel

Payable Accountant || Data Analyst || Flask Developer || React Developer || Node Developer
Hal Motley inferno986return
E-book developer and computer enthusiast who can sometimes code things. If I make something exceptional, buy me a coffee.

United Kingdom

Soumyadipta Das Soumyadipta2020
I'm a data science professional with professional experience in Statistics, R, and AI techniques. I excel in modeling and delivering strategic insights.

Wander Data India

Software Engineer-Data Engineer divithraju
Software Engineer | Data Engineer |

Freelancer India

Art&Fakt Art-Fakt
French Pentester / Red Teamer ([+.^]) HackinG, PwnZ & MuZik LoveR


0xfd FDlucifer
fd 2-bits..

Burning in the deepest hell... blackhole

Rick Dehlinger rickd4real

Northern California, USA

A guy who loves programming.
Bent Mathiesen bentmathiesen
Started with programming when teenager. From the start, the focus was programming methods, algorithms, AI/ML

Bern, Switzerland


Hyderabad, India

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Steve Chan stevechan1993
Your only limit is you


Jason Samuel JS2598
EUC & Security Houston, TX

Technical Specialist at Coffee Cup Solutions

Coffee Cup Solutions Ltd Reading, UK

David Fischer fischer-david
🪘 Huhu

Lower Austria

Sjoerd van den Nieuwenhof Sjoerdvdn
My name is Sjoerd van den Nieuwenhof, 40 years old, and I’m a Workspace enthusiast with a focus on Microsoft, Citrix, and VMware products.

New Yard Netherlands

Le BaymaxGroot
Front-End Engineer.

China - NKG