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Giulia gisolinha

Universidade Federal de Campina Grande Campina Grande

Δlex Santos alexsantos-dev
Autenticidade, Consistência e Inovação

Δlex Santos Santa Inês - MA

LucasAprigio LucasAprigio
Desenvolvedor Web | Programador
Armen devarmenchik1408
Dev Kiev

Kauan Bomfim wkauan
Desenvolvedor Full-Stack Node.JS | React.JS | Javascript | TailwindCSS | Java



Muhammad Ubaid Raza mubaidr
Full-stack developer specializing in modern web technologies, passionate about building scalable SaaS solutions and open-source contributions.

Rawalpindi, Pakistan

J M jmohan57
thrives on pushing boundaries, crafting innovative solutions, and bringing a touch of swag to the world of coding.
Chikita Isaac chikitai
New developer

Cash app United States

Dan Vitoriano 🌈 danvitoriano
Software Developer and Professor. I create content about programming, tech and LGBTQ diversity. Watch my Podcasts on YouTube.

@fiap São Paulo, Brazil

Gustavo Henrique eoguvo
I'm 19 years old and I love to program, I'm kind of new at it, but I give it all! Fullstack mid-leve dev at @smartgps-web

Itu, São Paulo, Brazil

Flavio Francisco flaviofrancisco
.NET (C#) Software Developer
Anderson 0x7An
Software Engineer
Michael Faleiro michaelfaleiro
C# | .NET | ASP NET | Web Developer

Dallong Parts Florianópolis

Douglas Pimentel DouglasPimentel
Never give up!

São Paulo, Brazil

Thiago Thiago-Mota-Santos
Fullstack developer at Woovi | React | Next | Node


Diogo Ferreira eu-diogo-ferreira
Hello, I'm Diogo, a software developer passionate about high-impact technological challenges and solutions, fascinated by serverless and AWS 🧙‍♂️

NCI Innova Mogi-Guaçu - SP

Vanderlei Silva DevFrontend-Kaio
I like to play sports, jogging, cycling, bodybuilding. Reading, traveling, interest in environmental issues, preservation, and recycling.
λf. (λx. f (x x))(λx. f (x x))

yo-lara Brazil

Igor F. Duca igorfelipeduca
Software Engineer


Lucas lucascampardo

Mogi Mirim, São Paulo, Brasil

Marcio Tanan MarcioTanan
Full Stack Developer || HTML | CSS | JAVASCRIPT | REACT | NODE | SQL


Clara Pacheco Clara-Pacheco
Front-End Developer and UX/UI Designer


Vinicius Blazius Goulart vinibgoulart
Software Engineer #node #react #graphql #typescript #relay #golang #react-native

@HighsoftWeb Santa Catarina

Neto Silveira netodotcom

Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Celio Junior celiovjunior
Brazilian web developer, now based in Australia. Here you will find some personal and academic projects, mostly built with JS/TS and other tools.

Darwin, Australia

Lucas Ferreira lucas98sf
Software Developer, enthusiastic about JavaScript and functional programming.

São Bernardo do Campo, SP

Guilherme Sousa guilherssousa
m8 from brazil. doing stuff since 2018.

@MaisEsportsTech Brazil

Sibelius Seraphini sibelius
Full Stack Developer #reactnative #redux #relay #graphql #webpack #koa #react

@woovibr São Paulo

Eduardo Florêncio JoKenPo
Dev Full Stack | JoKenPo#3227

São Paulo, Brazil