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Osman Zeki osmanzeki
Interactive Developer with interests for the web, cloud computing, game development, VR, AR and immersive environments (domes, mapping, etc.)

Montréal, Canada

Grigore Dutcovici Grigore147
Technical Lead | Solutions Architect | AWS Cloud Engineer

Chisinau, Moldova

Mateusz Nowak MateuszNaKodach
👨‍💻 Software Craftsman - Domain-Driven Design | Event Sourcing | EventStorming | Event Modeling | Kotlin | Java | C# .NET | Ruby | Node.js

Ready to work with DDD / CQRS / Event Sourcing / Kotlin / Java / Ruby / Node.js / .NET Wrocław, Poland

Jits jits
Full-stack product developer. Lifelong learner. Educator.

Brighton, UK

Zorak hygorzorak
software engineer & writer

@cloudbeds Brazil

William Koller williamkoller
Senior Software Engineer

@celebrar-com-br Curitiba, Paraná - Brazil

ZHS copyrighthero
Adept at full-stack development, fluent in JavaScript, Python, and SQL; can occasionally converse in Bash, PHP, and C.

Austin, TX

Andrzej Pacholik apacholik

Unity Group S.A. Wrocław, Poland

Marc G Marc-g-Z

Derisk Venture Studio

Arnaud Zheng arnaud-zg
while(isFailing()) tryHard();

Work From Anywhere

Chandu chandu

Ontario, Canada

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

genix PratikDhanave
Mentor for Google summer of code 2022, 2021,2020,2019, Intern for Google Summer of Code 2017-2018
Maxim Marshak bormaxi8080
Investigative Journalism | OSINT activities & Investigations | White Hacker | People, Companies & Incidents Data | Python | Ruby | JS | Perl | Bash

Self Employed Nowhere

Somkiat Puisungnoen up1

SiamChumnankit Bangkok, Thailand

Jordi Aragon Zaragoza jordiaragonzaragoza
Skilled software dev in C#, ASP .NET Core, Xamarin.Forms. I 'm a robust & scalable software lover.

Valencia, Spain

Miszo Radomski miszo
crafting internets at Housecall Pro #Gunner4Life #LuckyHusband #ProudDad #ASD #Neuroatypical #NeovimBTW

Housecall Pro Milanówek

Mateusz Stepaniuk stepaniukm
TypeScript Node.js Developer


Felix schnellert

Saxony, Germany

Santosh Shinde santoshshinde2012
Lead Software Engineer @ Syngenta | Cloud-Native Architecture, Cloud Application Development | ML, Data Science Enthusiast, Learner

Syngenta Pune

Marcin Zajkowski mzajkowski
CTO / Senior Solutions Architect / Country Manager PL at @Novicell, Team, Technology & Knowledge Wizard (CKO, CIO) / PedagoGEEK in WOW School.

Novicell (@novicell) Wasilków, Poland