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spotify Ariete :
Vee B veneciab
Having fun learning all things dev 👩‍💻


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Mark Oleson Marky00100
Econ background, work done at the Federal Reserve and CHRR/OERC at Ohio state. Main interests include Cliometrics and playing with R and Python.

Ohio State

Cong Le CongLeSolutionX
iOS Developer | Generative AI | Medium Tech Writer | Computer Science, B.S.


James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Derek Ardolf ScriptAutomate
Person on the Internet that wants to connect to your Second Brain | Automate and document all the things!

VMware by Broadcom USA

itsKayWat itsKayWat
👋 I'm Chris Loetz, I make stuff. Crafting tools to help stores and teams streamline operations and enhance efficiency - TikTok: @ll_kaywat_ll - OnPoint

NexusStream Project Ai One Click Away From You =P

Benny Tordrup bstordrup
Working as Software Architect at Visma Software A/S In my free time, I'm volunteer in Coding Pirates (@CodingPiratesHedehusene)

Visma Software AS (@Visma-Business, @vismagroup) Copenhagen

Owain Stratton owain-stratton
Owner and fullstack developer at @hartstrattoncreative. Mapping the startup landscape with Keys Ecosystems. Adventures with @angelicahl88 and Pascal

@hartstrattoncreative Stockholm, Sweden

nerd level mega

@acdh-oeaw Vienna

✠Crux_Sacra_Sit_Mihi_Lux✠ ✠Non_Draco_Sit_Mihi_Dux✠ ✠V.R.S.N.S.M.V.S.M.Q.L.I.V.B.✠ ✠Non nobis Domine nobis, sed nom ini tuo ad gloriam.✠

Artes do Sul Brasil

wizardom00 wizardom00
meno male che c'è git

Ein hakore, Rishon Lezion, Israel

Terry TechHobo

Never in one place

Iwan Aucamp aucampia

@Kron-AS Oslo, Norway

Laureline Paris LaurelineP
A JavaScript Developper ( ReactJS, NodeJS oriented ) & enthusiast and naturally curious about programming language . [Todo bucket: Python, Rust, Shell/Bash...]


Furkan Akkurt furkanakkurt1335

@bouncmpe Istanbul

Izzuddin Ahmad Afif izzuddinafif
A lifelong learner.

Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya Surabaya, Indonesia.

Brian Burns bburns
Interested in psychology and open source.

Austin, TX

Abdullah Khasawneh amkhasawneh
I am doing some scRNA-seq and scATAC-seq analysis for COVID-19 and AML.

That's how they get ya!

Otavio Augusto Gomes gmsotavio

Inobram Automações Paraná State, Brazil

Zine Eddine Zinoujoker
Algerian 🇩🇿 Gaming 🎮 & Tech Enthusiast 🧑‍💻


Lawrence "Menoko OG" Jefferson II MenokoOG
Web Developer - Software Engineer Co-Founder/Owner OkO Forge LLC

Back-end Engineer at Gunkustom and Volunteer Web Developer Military Order Purple Heart

Rafal W. kenorb

R3 London

myfeing(费旻昱) myfeing

no 中国上海康城维园道26号1501室

Shannon shannonmatloob

@Neat-Strategies Los Angeles, CA

Bryan A. S. bryanasdev000
Jack of all bytes.


Joshua Liebster jliebster

iland Internet Solutions

Victor Williams Vaporjawn
𝕀 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕧𝕒𝕡𝕠𝕣𝕨𝕒𝕧𝕖 (っ◔◡◔)っ ⬡ 𝟚𝟘𝕏𝕏 ⬡

@Vaporjawn Philadelphia, PA

Prithvi prithvirajkshatriya
A temporary manifestation of energy! ⚡

Sauntering in the Milky Way Galaxy