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JSDu JamesBonddu
To be a better man!
Flávio Pavim flaviopavim
Skills with lot types of softwares: Web, Desktop, Mobile - Php&MySql, Javascript, Html, Css, Python, Dart, Java, C, C++, C#, Arduino


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Sourajit Debnath acse-sd922

Imperial College London

Rian Prakoso m-rap

Surabaya, Indonesia

:Domai 🌳 domai-tb
🗡️ Pentester by Passion 🛸 Researcher by Curiosity 🪄 Developer by Team

AWARE7 | @awareseven Germany

Aleksander Konovalov kasandko
C++, Python, Lua programmer. Main activity - UI development. Interests: UI, low level programming, embedded, digital circuit design, electronics and more.
Nicolas RUFF newsoft

Google Zürich, Switzerland

the scriptest kid u know
Daniel Senff Dahie
Tech Lead, Product Engineer, Ruby-on-Rails, Visualization and Music

WhatAVenture Vienna, Europe

Artur :3 skillartur
👋 Hi! I am learning C++. I also enjoy animation and creating tools for my projects. I luv cats :3
Pwnzzz 💀 fckoo
⚠Just your ordinary wanna be sec person, CTFer 🚩 🐱‍👤


king kensou24
just learning
Cong Le CongLeSolutionX
iOS Developer | Generative AI | Medium Tech Writer | Computer Science, B.S.


i_virus chandanchowdhury
ex-mainframe-r, K-State alumni, ex- security & performance testing, Security Engineer, CTF fanatic, n00b forever

Corelight Inc. Columbus, Ohio

Alexander Trufanov trufanov-nok

Trolls Fabric Russian Federation

Daniil Mikhaylov danny-mhlv
Software engineer at C&R SPb. @Communication-and-Radionavigation-SPb


Cyber Threat Defence Center cybersecurity-dev
Cyber Security Solutions

KU Leuven - Computer Security and Industrial Cryptography Belgium

mbodmer mbodmer

Bern, Switzerland

Yassine MADDOURI maddouri
Software Engineer. I like creating tools that empower their users.

Paris, France

Swapnil swap2ag

Bengaluru, India

Jacqueline WenyaZhou
[headhunter]Hedge fund and high tech WeChat/Phone: 13486006201


0xTac xrivendell7
A taciturn ostrich. May be a human debugger. Forever anchored to October 1st, 2017. @Nu1LCTF @StrawHatCTF

Nu1L Peking

// TODO: Add a bio # TODO: Add a bio
GreenYoshi (Wang Han) 2659170494
I come from Fujian Economic School and am currently a Grade 22 e-commerce major. Like programming, music and other activities.

Fujian Economic School China,Fujian

Karim Ratib infojunkie
In another life, you might have been a genius

Vancouver, Canada

Ben Hazan ben-hazan

@surgi-ai Israel

Jevin Sweval jevinskie
Senior Security Researcher, compilers/optimizations/[de]obfuscation, SCA, program analysis, NFC ninja, HW hacker w/ FPGA hammer Previously Apple Pay Security

Lafayette, Indiana

Erich B ebirn

Vienna BioCenter Vienna