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Clark Terry apollon282
I am a senior full stack software engineer with 9 years of experience

Baxter Spring ,KS

Ben Frick benfrick
Technical writer, Jekyll enthusiast
Alexander Paul Wansiedler wansiedler
🧠 Professionally failing at algorithms and turning coffee into code since 2003.

Ippen Digital Media GmbH München, Bayern, Deutschland

Stelios Mavroudis smavroud

@telekom Athens, Greece

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Kendra Johng kendrajohng
Hey, I'm a Senior Technical Writer looking to contribute to open-source projects that need documentation.

Beus Freelance Writing and Design LLC Utah

Elizabeth Haworth elizabethhaworth
Telecommunications experience in accounting, finance, operations, project management and retail strategy. Excited to switch gears to software development.

Comcast NBCUniversal


J3NYC New York, NY

Hirad Rasoolinejad Hiiirad
DevSecOps Engineer | eBPF and XDP | Cyber Security Researcher | Telco Cloud | Rust | Open Source Contributor
richard randria
CNRS Research Engineer @ Nantes

CNRS Nantes, FR

Pedro Lourenço pfilourenco

@tentwentyone @nosportugal Lisbon

Jonah Kowall jkowall
SVP Product + Design at @PaesslerAG formerly @aiven | @logzio | @kentik | @Appdynamics | @gartner ❤️ Distributed tracing and observability along with 🤿 🌊

Seeking my next gig! Pompano Beach, FL


Life Somewhere over the rainbow...

George Nomikos gnomikos
Product Support Engineer @kentik. IXPs & Facilities enthusiast, Internet Measurements, Project Management

Kentik Greece

ds2600 ds2600


Leon Adato LeonAdato
DevOps Ferret. Insufferable know-it-some. #A11y && #O11y. Author of No #manels. He/him.

AdatoSystems Cleveland, Ohio

Paul Jerrold Biglete pbiglete
NOC Site Reliability Engineer @ Kentik

Menifee, CA

Justin P. Rohrer jrohrer-kentik

@kentik Coeur d'Alene, ID

Henry Wojcik hwojcik

New Relic Central - United States

benz28 041751132

Kandang babi

Ryan Panos iedevRyan
Staff Engineer

Kentik Scottsdale, AZ

Harvey harveyrandall
Frontend React Developer

No Isolation London

Sonali Kaushal kaushalsonali
Engineering Intern @kentik
