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Monica Wu giggomon
Quality Engineer living in the beautiful Cape Town. "Catch bugs, not feelings!"

Cape Town, South Africa

Shanmuga muthhus
Cloud Infrastructure / Cloud Security /Platform / Data Migration / Big Data / Data Analytics & Visualisation Consultant - Certified AWS & Kubernetes CKA | CKAD

Telekomatrix Ltd Kent, United Kingdom

Cương Nguyễn cuong0993
Self-taught engineer

Optimizely Ha Noi

chernistry chernistry
📍Code & Ops📍

Tel Aviv, Israel

Yutaro imyutaro

Tokyo, Japan

Data Governance for all
Data Architect with expertise across: dbt (certified), Airflow (certified), Snowflake (SnowPro core certified), AWS (certified solution architect)

Dublin, Ireland

Georvic Tur J0hnG4lt
A computer scientist who is interested in data science, big data, distributed systems, and scalability.


Muloka muloka
🔮 Casual DJ

Toronto, Canada

Carlo itscarlo-nobnos
Aspiring developer, I work with flight data / analytics. Loves sailboats, planes and motorcycles. Hoping to meet Arsene Wenger someday.

Pacific NW

Debra Duarte dduarte42
Fisheries Biologist with NOAA. Interested in machine learning and predictive analytics.


Payoj Baral payojbaral

Monte Carlo San Francisco, CA

bharath yarlagadda bharathy89

Mixpanel Inc San Francisco

C.J. Jameson cjcjameson
Engineering at Previously at Monte Carlo Data, Tableau-Salesforce, Greenplum DB, and Pivotal Labs Menlo Park

ALFONSO GALLARDO gallardo-rivilla
Data Engineer | 🙋‍♂️ Welcome to my channel! here you can get many resources with everything related to the world of data | + Info:

AVANADE Spain,Malaga

Leandro Humberto Vieira leandrohmvieira
Data Engineering, Machine Learning, DataOps, Python, Pyspark, Data Science, Google Cloud and Azure

Remote @ Brazil

Swapnil Sarkar S19S98
Electrical Enthusiast and Coding Rookie

Dhanbad, Jharkhand

Nicolaas Bosua NBosua

Perth Western Australia

Jonas Ferreira JnsFerreira
Machines take me by surprise with great frequency

Banco Itaú São Paulo

Vik bigdatavik
(graphs) - [:ARE] - > (everywhere)

Databricks Ohio

Santiago Aguiar santiagoaguiar

@monte-carlo-data Uruguay