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Andrew Lee Cruz omegaT4224
Packet Analysis Summary Analyzing captured packets... 1. Packet #1: ICMP Echo Request - **Source IP:** - **Destination IP:** 192.168.1.
Ali deadmarshal
I love Perl, Lua, Pascal, Oberon, Modula-2/3, C, Forth, Standard ML, Scheme and Assembly

deadmarshal Iran, Karaj

John Qing NoHeartPen
Computational linguist & Chinese, JavaScript & Japanese, Pythonista & Polyglot, TypeScript & Translator.




Latofat latofatbobojonova

RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau Germany

hundong2 hundong2
software engineer c, c++, c#, JAVA, Phyton, embedded, linux, VxWorks, c# wpf, .NET, c++ MFC, Automation Engineer

secret Seoul

Diego M-R diegomendez40
Machine Learning Engineer @arangodb | Co-founder, Agencia de Ingeniería | Obsessed with early detection of consequential abrupt changes


nate Brewstice
believe it's easier to support and learn about new projects with an account, but I'm personally not a developer.


Paul Tuck pau1tuck
Polyglot martian hacker specializing in educational technology, AI, and natural language processing (Python 🐍 | TypeScript | Rust).

University of Oxford Chiang Rai

lightyarn chenlexing

ShangHai. China

Serena Terra scatteredsky
Software Engineer is one of the hats I wear. LAMP.



Sout Korea

Gökdeniz Özkan gokdenizozkan
Self-taught. Fueled with passion.

InnoFERT Giresun/Türkiye

Dmitry DimitryIV

1C-Romania Bucharest

Angelo Meneghini AngeloMen
I'm an old programmer. I'm sixty. I still like programming and learning new languages.

Venezia, Italia

Diego Beraldin diegoberaldin
Always been working as a mobile app developer. Android Engineer.


Damien R damien-rembert
Working with: Java and Apex, JS and LWC
Danilo danilogmoura

Sumaré/São Paulo/Brazil


Bonn, Germany

Manuel Souto Pico msoutopico
Linguist · Translation technologist

@capstanlqc Brussels

Sebastián dadapunk

Catalonia, Spain