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Mayrain Tim-Devil
The rain is heavy. A magical girl is fighting.

Oriental Cambridge Institute of Magic, academy of Offensive Magic Wasteland of despair, Called Earth

winter continuous1024
I will continuous study learn. I want to come back again.
Wenwu Gong GongWenwuu
Tensor Data Analysis

SUSTech Shenzhen, China

Minesh A. Jethva minesh1291
Kaggle 2x Expert, Data Scientist focusing on deep sequence modeling for TimeSeries, Computer Vision and NLP

@Kaggle Gandhinagar

Xu Wang MichaelWangGo

University College London

Ayler H AylerH
Graduate student in natural language processing
QI ChaofeiQI
I am now a PhD student at HIT, working in the intersection of Brain Neuroscience, Constrained ML and AI.

Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin, China

.NET Developer
J.E. Alcalá jealcalat
Interests in mathematical and computational modelling in psychology. Open science enthusiast and free knowledge advocate.

Guadalajara, Jal, Mx

Rohit Mukati rohitmukati
Hi, I'm Rohit Mukati! I'm a developer with expertise in Python, Java, and cloud platforms like AWS.

Information Technology Indore

Shoaib Burq sabman
Building, Shiping, Sharing! | Geospatial Software Developer | Board of Directors @hotosm |

@decision-labs Berlin, Germany

Shuangzhen Kanekicn

东北大学 中国 沈阳