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antcorp baseSky


43trh 43trh
not a CS graduate. crypto & stock trader. i use code for trading. javascript + web tech + python. But mostly, almost all, python for finance. NOT A FINANCIER.


GreenYoshi (Wang Han) 2659170494
I come from Fujian Economic School and am currently a Grade 22 e-commerce major. Like programming, music and other activities.

Fujian Economic School China,Fujian

Kevin Tsai kevintsai1202
With 20+ years of Java experience, I specialize in AI applications, language model integration, RAG, and intelligent workflows.
Ciaran Ciaranio
Democratizing Game Data in an AI age at 🇮🇪 🇬🇷 Evolved Player participation on equitable terms 🎮 | Prev Google

@LZRBRD Dublin

Eriks Vitolins evitolins
Frontend Engineer @ AWS

Los Angeles, CA

Adam Hosker ahosker

@CyborgFinance Leeds, United Kingdom

Bo worldpeaceenginelabs
...the guy who links developers, specialists and users with WORLD PEACE ENGINE LABS peacebuilding business objectives...

World Peace Engine Labs Cologne

Andrew Wooldridge triptych
Javascript developer. RPG fan. Storyteller and game developer. Father and Husband.

eBay Oregon

Kelvin Pompey KelvinPompey-40718390
When I am not writing code I like to dance Kizomba! :)

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

John Magdy Lotfy Kamel Zorono
Founder and CEO of @BrownTurbo | interested in Multipurpose Programming and Gaming

@BrownTurbo Egypt, Alexandria

sambit soulsam480
engineering @revenuehero. js and ruby mostly. aspiring Farmer

@revenuehero Namma Bengaluru

PaulPlay therealPaulPlay
Indie-game developer and hobby programmer.
ebwood ebwood
Flutter + NextJS

Wood Tech

Joey Ma JoeJoeyMa

Maple Global LTD GZ

Freidzon Calderon freidzonCalderon
Software Engineer | React | Javascript | Typescript | Frontend Developer 💻👨🏽‍💻

San Jose, Costa Rica

স্নেহাংশু ফুকন psnehanshu
Fullstack web developer. Builds stuff.

Social Mobile Guwahati, India

Hector Ventura hectorvent
Software & VoIP Engineer


Pedro Sanders psanders
Voice Architect · Helping companies create Voice AI infrastructure in the cloud using open source.

Fonoster, Inc. USA

Abuthahir P M thahir-07
👋 Hey there! I'm Abuthahir PM , a Full Stack developer ,Passionate Programmer
AIKSXD aiksxd
cycle,circulation,loop. update,iteration,progress.
pom pompomdev

Minas Gerais, Brazil.

Ram ramonrails
SaaS Product Designer & Architect @ Product-Led-Growth * UX * SaaS * REST & GraphQL APIs * Full Stack * Web * PWA * iOS & Android apps * CyberSecurity

New Delhi, India

Aiden Berzins aidenberzins
Primarily a software engineer but I can't imagine living in a world without dogs.

@healthverity Pennsylvania

David Bau dgbau
Software Engineer and CS Graduate Student @ Georgia Tech OMSCS

dgbau Albuquerque NM, USA

Barkah Ade Kurnia barkahadekurnia
Junior Web Developer Junior Mobile Developer

Entwo Group Cilacap, Indonesia

Md Obidullah obiPlabon
A WordPress Poet, JS Enthusiast & Proactively Learning React

SovWare Bangladesh

Justin xonnu
UI/UX Developer

Keev Inc. Quezon City, Philippines

Keron Lewis Keron-Dev
#!/usr/bin/env python3 >>> :octocat:

@KeronDev Christmas Island