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James Robert Traub flyin-wheels
Data Management Specialist

State of Washington Bellevue, WA

Jaydien J4YD13N
Button Masher I have no idea what I'm doing

Northwest of Jade Cove

rinnathecat rinnathecat
Artist / Designer🍎Poptimistic Kawaii Anarchist🌸 Regen🌿 Cat Herder at Artgumi ✨Art Tech Fluffiness Obsessed 🎀 Pixel Art❄️ドット絵🍡Raspberry Pi


Noober R. Guinnans nooberrguinnans
just another code monkey planning my escape
Phil artisticnerd

West Midlands, UK

Lasse Latva llatva
DIY electronics, amateur radio, code. At work: @latva-fmi


Ben Theempireshrikesback
I put stuff here sometimes

Seattle, WA

George Lemon georgelemon
Open Source Enthusiast 🚀

@openpeeps @trytilda @getvasco

Marco marcusRB
#MachineLearningEngineer #DataScience #BigData #MLOps #ArtificialIntelligence #DataArchitect #TechLead

DSATech Consulting Ltd. London

Cuthbert Baines cuthbert86
I am "The Man of Many Moments". During the last few years I've been a mature student studying computing at Hallam University.

Student @ Hallam University Sheffield, UK

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Jean jeansweden

Sweedly Sweden

Non Available nonvaible
2022-05-19, 1:57 PM
Lee Fulmer LeeFulmer
Creative disrupter, data sorcerer, rehabilitated assembly programmer, Nethack lover, Apple ][ owner and nerd. @OpenUK @mckinsey @UniversityOfNottingham

@OpenUK Ireland

Dan DanDon01
Electronics engineer, build and code for fun.


James McNally JamesMc86

@WiresmithTech Newbury, UK

Austin aschen-builder

@synapsestudios Phoenix, AZ

Alexey Novikov velocityzen

@reaktor New York, NY

skooch skooch

Melbourne, Australia

Burkhard Eulenstein eulenstein

idem telematics GmbH Aachen, Germany

Spitfire gcspitfire
Your average Linux Sysadmin
Christian Heindel cheindel
I help enterprises work in teams and across locations and digitizing their business.

Christian Heindel - IT Solutions & Consulting Dresden, Germany

kire 📚 PollinaKire-FS
full time dev & student at Full Sail University
Joel joii9
At my university period I really hated coding but now I'm doing my best to dominate it.


YvesShen Yvees
FullStack Developer | Software Architect | Indie Game Developer
Lupin3000 Lupin3000

Zurich, Switzerland

Brian Tomlinson darthlukan
Human, Sith, Software Engineer, Live Tech Lead at ThatGameCompany, Linux lover, FOSS advocate.

thatgamecompany USA