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Precious Singletary Luxury Estates Group PreciousSingletary
Welcome to Precious Singletary Luxury Estates Group, INC. where luxury living is redefined and a team of experienced and dedicated professionals.

Precious Singletary Luxury Estates Group Beverly Hills, CA

Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Subhadeep Bhattacharyya imjuoy
KiiT'12 , Carnegie Mellon'18

@Proofpoint Mountain View, California

Unicorn ivankharak
Python | Django | React | Javascript | AWS | Typescript | Webpack | MySQL | Github |
Pierre Riblet Cahurel prc-github-prc
Hello, I'm Pierre Riblet Cahurel, a passionate development and cybersecurity apprentice from France 🇫🇷
姜忠良 CodeNewman
One Coder of CoderLeague. Believe the technical change human history.

CodeNewman.Corp Hong Kong

Harish Sangireddy harish2rb
Sr Data Scientist

The Climate Corporation Seattle, WA

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Tony Bye tbye-pfp

@EmergingThreats Indianapolis, IN

smck83 smck83
I am an IT professional with over 18 years experience in networking, infra & security working as a Solution Architect for a leading cybersecurity vendor

Sydney, Australia

know your stuff
Kilian kilianw
Dev-Ops Engineer W/ Proofpoint

Belfast, Ireland