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Gustavo Mori GustavoMori
Software engineer

@revelotech Remote

Gabriel Araujo gabrielaraujoz
Mobile Software Engineer

@revelotech Miami, FL

Osiris Mariano OsirisMariano
Programador web

Freelancer Brazil

Rafael Pinto rafaelpvs
Junior System Developer | Flutter | RoR

PRODEB Salvador-BA

Juliana Dias juuh42dias
#Ruby Software Craftswoman | Admin at | Impulso Expert | She/Ela | Made in Goiás


Henrique Munhoz HenriqueMunhoz
Back-end developer with main language in Ruby on Rails, always looking to learn new things, build clean code and improving my self as a developer.

Praso Santa Cruz do Sul

Otavio Coelho 0tt049
Late bloomer

@ONSTOQ SP - Brazil

Vitor D'Amico vitormd
Coding mostly with Ruby and Javascript. "A Web Developer codes HTML, CSS and Javascript among other things" - Some dude from Quora.

Brazil / São Paulo

Cesar Castro sezabass
Mobile developer

@contratadome São Paulo, Brazil

Celso Crivelaro celsocrivelaro
Engineering Manager @ Professor @ SENAC SP

@QuorumUS São Paulo, Brazil

Nelcifran NelcifranMagalhaes
Software engineer!! Fan of Python, Rails and games...XD

SOF.TO Timon-Maranhão-Brazil