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JSDu JamesBonddu
To be a better man!
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Chieh-Lee Hung JerryHung1030
Software Engineer & Cyber Security Developer

Cyber Security Technology Institute (CSTI) Taiwan

東方神山 TheBestHT

北京大学PKU China

Junhui Li gotorion
Big things have small beginnings.


Martin Stump globberwops

Mercedes-Benz AG on behalf of MBition GmbH Stuttgart

Minhazul Islam minhazulislam
PhD Candidate | Environmental Engineer | Water Resources Engineer | Environmental Data Scientist | GIS Analyst

Arizona State University Tempe, AZ

Alberto Robles albertorobles2000

Real-Time Innovations (RTI) Granada, Spain

Yevgeniy Simonov fmg-yevgeniy
"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows." - Epictetus

Fortescue Perth, WA

Alireza Nobakht alirezanobakht13
Computer Engineering student @ Sharif University of Technology. Interested in AI, especially Reinforcement Learning

Sharif University of Technology

Wiseman Lim WisemanLim

Wise Science Inc. Seoul

Nuno Edgar Nunes Fernandes nunofernandes-plight
I am aformer Physics Engineer. I have a healthy passion for Computers, Computing and all related subjects. Eager to learn and help with programming skills.

Photonics Precision Technologies, The Intelligence of Information & FasterCapital Lisbon, Portugal

Lucas André da Silva laslucasandre
Electrical Engineer graduated from PUC Campinas with over 15 years of experience in embedded software and firmware development using C/C++, Python, and Linux.

Vila Nova de Gaia - Portugal

pengqiang ypqhappy

WHUT GuangDong

Cesar Mayora mayoras
Average computer science student @ UGR.


Kun kom0055
Not today

杭州, 中国

Antonio David López Machado Antoniolm
Senior Software Engineer at RTI
