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Syota_Sasaki s-sasaki-earthsea-wizard
I am a freelance software engineer specializing in computer vision and currently focused on the developing virtual reality technology.


Ryan Laird rjmlaird

@greenorbitspace UK

Asmaa Abdul-Amin blkpvnthr
Just here learning 📚

JHU/APL Washington, DC

Hey there! Cartography and GIS software enthusiast. I'm always searching the best way to represent and communicate geographic topics.

Turin, IT

Naomi Krauzig naomikrauzig
Enthusiastic oceanographer, sports lover and wildlife photographer

University Parthenope of Naples Italy

Hong Xie gis-xh
Graduate student of Yangtze University | Member of CVEO Research Group, Wuhan University

Yangtze University Wuhan

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Ralph John Policarpio JohnEsleyer
Freelance Web Developer | Next.js | TypeScript | Python | Java | Go | C++

Koronadal City, South Cotabato, Philippines

Peng, Tsung-Chun Nody-Peng
GIS begineer. Hope one day, I can become a execllent Remote Sensing Scientist or WebGIS (?.
Minkyeong Kim Mxxkong

한국해양과학기술원 부산광역시 영도구 해양로 385

Nick NikosGavriilatos
Studying Environmental Sciences - Ionian University
Ryan Hamilton ryanhamilton-eccc

Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC)

Geoinformatics (surveying and mapping) students.

China University of Geoscience Wuhan,Hubei

Élio Pereira eliocpereira95
A Data Science enthusiast.


Sara pullz6
Data Scientist / Machine Learning Engineer Based in the London
Carlos Escala DevEscala
Topógrafo🧭 Edificador 🏚 Cartógrafo 🗺 Desarrollador S.I.G 🗺


Deep learning station XiongBi0604
Research: deep learning, computer vision, transfer learning, InSAR, image processing (RGB & SAR)


Nathanael Kouakou yapka
Bonjour je suis Nathanael KOUAKOU, Je suis étudiant en informatique et en Géographie.


kalituma kalituma

Busan, Republic of Korea

AI yalishanda42
Software engineering and AI stuff. Lecturer for @fmipython.

Centre, Observable Universe

zbhgis zbhgis
keep learning


Saicharan_Chokkayyagari SaI-CharaN-CharY
#GeospatialResearch #spatialTechforSustainability #ResiliencetoClimateChange

Freelance GeoSpatial Analsyt India

Consulting,Programmer,The architect,IT industry research, chip design industry future
Ka Wai Chan kristykawai
Data specialist with geospatial background

Adelaide, South Australia

Prithvish Prithvish04
"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration" - Nikola Tesla

University of Manchester United Kingdom

Gong Yuwei tianqiongenze
Students of Master of Applied Computing in Tayor's University

Taylor's University