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AIT EL HAJ Abdelouadoud aehabdelouadoud
Less is More _> If it can be done effectively on CLI there's no need for a GUI

The Universe

divi medelin

The Logrus Solutions

gunk1n gunk1n

Voronezh, Russia

Cvetanka Nechevska nechevskac
Frontend Engineer

@slicelife Skopje, Macedonia

Nick B. Pyrobrick

The Netherlands

Francesco francescogruner
I work in IT, automation, and artificial intelligence. Here you will find my favorite projects, including AI experiments.


Collin Dewey CollinDewey
Cyber Security and Linux enthusiast

Kentucky, USA

Jose Adan Ortiz joseadanof
Technology-ing about #cloud #devops #observability | Kubernetes Platform Adoption @Roche

@Roche Barcelona

IBCHGenomics IBCHgenomic
Bioinformatics, Genome Analysis, Deep Learning Poland

Arun carun

NEC Folsom, California

Kalyn kalyncoose
No rubber 🦆, I just go for a 🥾🏞️


Karl Fischer kmf
lover of people and machines

Pretoria, South Africa

liushaoqing tonnyone

保密 Beijing

eg canering

Tampa, FL

Wakaba Chan TurboHsu
I can't help making shit

NUIST China, Nanjing

Idris Akintobi IdrisAkintobi

@Decadevs @Wi-flx Lagos, Nigeria

Luis Felipe Sanchez lfelipe1501
Full-fledged Systems Engineer Faithful follower of ArchLinux and Lover of the terminal, bash scripts and free software. Cali, CO

Benjamin Lupton balupton
Accelerating collaborative wisdom.

@Bevry Perth, Australia

When you are suffering, know that I have betrayed you.

Tulsa, Oklahoma

Sergei Waigant sergeiwaigant

Waigant Solutions Ltd Paphos, Cyprus

Klaus Ferreira KlausEverWalkingDev
Software Developer | Angular | TypeScript | Git | Linux | Java | SQL | Creator and Community Manager at @DevCaminhante

@DevCaminhante Blumenau, SC, Brazil

Drew Meyers drewm-swe
Software Engineer at Muon Space, Ex-NASA JPL, MIT alum

Muon Space

Keep Learning

Osaka University


Alipay Hangzhou, China

Kirby Little krbylit

HTI Labs Omaha, Nebraska

Ananthu C V WeepingClown13
Debian Maintainer. Lives in terminal.