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Erik Bedami Ebedami
Erik Bedami.... it is me...... Miša je fajny ;-)

Opava, CZE

Vinay Kumar vinaymavi
Full Stack Developer (AWS, GCP, DevOps, React.JS, TDD, Node.JS)


Olabode-Odebunmi Oluwaseeni seeniOlabode
A Frontend Engineer that cares. When it comes to User Interfaces and Experiences, I drive towards putting my best foot forward, a designer's developer.

Lagos, Nigeria

flora ~ 🏳️‍⚧️ ❤ 🦀 tascord
procedural macro enjoyer

@RMHEDGE Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

KJam KaytchJam
Hello? Is this thing on?
Chaitanya Chinni chinnichaitanya
Self-taught programmer 👨‍💻 | Occasional gamer 🎮 | Loves discussing ideas 💡, philosophy 😇 and anything about technology 💻

@YNOS-Venture-Engine Chennai, India

Ernst Salzmann etangreal
ErnstSalzmann(at) Berlin

patrick patricktabar
I am a Design Systems, UI Engineering, UX and Data Visualization enthusiast, art lover, pen plotter and creative programming passionate.



Alpha Centauri

Knute Bidne kbidne
Product Designer

Chapin, SC

Amy amycatgirl
I make stuff. I also design stuff, sometimes.

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Jake Yeung 833Y


Louise Lin Yishin26
Focus on cross-platform software UI interaction design and keep learning different prototype tools, web front-end coding skills.

Taipei, Taiwan

taylor learns machines bluestemso
learning to code at 36. copilot is my copilot.
codezjx codezjx
AI, Kotlin, Java, NDK, Python
Lewin Kelly Heliodex
Svelte, TS, Luau, Go etc. The Unlicense is the greatest piece of text that humanity has ever been blessed with. 🟩 💚

@tp-link-extender Scotland

Freddy Munandar freddymu
Software Engineer, Chatbot Developer, SARCCOM Co-Founder

MOL,FREDUNIVERSE Tangerang Selatan

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Frontend Web Developper

Paris, France

Kartavya Patel patelka2211
MSCS @ Florida Atlantic University | Rust | TypeScript | Tauri | SvelteJS

@kpverse @NirmaUni Boca Raton, FL, US

Abhishek Singh abhiya492
I am a passionate full-stack developer with expertise in DevOps, React, Node.js, NextJs . I thrive on tackling new challenges and enjoy collaborations.
Surendrasingh Sucharia surendrasinghs
Product & Solution Lead, EkStep | Lead Evangelist, Sunbird ( | Building @ONEST-Network

EkStep Bangalore, IN

ian ianjamesburke
just a Cursor bro
Learn writing and make a living

Shenzhen, China

Nikollesan LuanderFarias
create stuff.

@atmonoliths localhost

Jonas Frost icanhasjonas
Developer, CEO, CTO

Bombsquad Inc, FRST Corp Los Angeles, Chicago, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Bangkok

Mimi Reyburn mimireyburn
AI Engineer @ NHS

London, UK

Martin Salo salomartin
Tech founder with a 15-year track record in AI, merging deep industry knowledge with fresh innovations in my upcoming venture.


Ritesh Chaudhari Ritesh-C07
Blogger || C Programmer || JAVA Developer
Reza Elahi rezelahi
Phd Candidate in Water Resource Engineering at SCU
Lucca Torres Flores Lucca-rgb
I am studying Analysis and Systems Development at Uninove and also taking courses at Alura.


free software enthusiast, typescript enjoyer, aspiring security wizard

maintainer @regresado 404

Founder of @Sparrowworks. I make games and apps in Godot (GDScript and C#). I also used to make stuff in Python and Lua.

Sparrowworks Poland

Daniel Arhipov dp-arhipov
Frontend developer, 4+ years of React ecosystem experience


Brennan Opitz opitz21254

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